Firestone Traffic Revision Act [Part 4]

Chapter 7. Undefined Road Signage and Markings

§ 1.

  1. ‘Road markings’ shall be defined as any markings painted or put on the road.
  2. ‘Signage’ or ‘road signs’ shall be defined as any legally placed sign that is related to vehicles or bicycles.
  3. ‘Legally placed’ are mainly signs placed by the Firestone Development Team for the purposes of regulating road users.

§ 2.

  1. Road markings and signs shall be based on the USA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, any ambiguities should be cleared up in this manual.
  2. Signs include regulatory (gives instructions to traffic), warning (gives warnings to traffic), and guide (gives information to traffic) signs. Signs may give orders to traffic, which must be followed. Signs may prohibit certain actions, which must be followed. And so on.
  3. Road markings on the road surface should be fairly obvious and mark parking spaces and may include text or/and numbers for informational purposes. These road markings are legally binding and must be followed by traffic.

§ 3.

  1. Main examples of traffic signs not already listed before are:
    a. Square shaped signs with a red circle and slash, prohibiting an action.
    b. Square or rectangular shaped signs with different layouts and the word ‘ONLY’, mandating a certain action.
    c. White rectangular signs with (usually) red text, prohibiting or organizing parking.
    d. Other rectangular white signs which may provide instructions or reminders.
    e. Diamond yellow signs indicating a warning or hazard.
    f. Large rectangular green signs indicating travel routes on highways.
    g. And so on. Other signs are usually obvious and use words or pictograms to give a clear insight into what drivers should/should not do.

Chapter 8. Exceptions

§ 1.

  1. On-duty law enforcement and fire/ambulance services shall be exempt from this Act if they have their emergency lights activated (with due regard to other traffic) but must still follow traffic laws while their emergency lights are not activated. Responding on-duty law enforcement and fire/ambulance services may not cause any hindrance to train(s) at railroad crossings, nor are train(s) required to yield the right-of-way to responding emergency vehicles, but may do so if they so wish.
  2. Any vehicle which is being escorted by on-duty law enforcement and/or fire/ambulance services with activated emergency lights (who are in mutual agreement of the escort) shall be exempt from traffic laws while within the escort only if there is at least one emergency vehicle with activated emergency lights in the escort and the non-emergency vehicle is so close to the emergency vehicle that an endangerment or confusion to other drivers regarding the escorted right-of-way is ruled out.
  3. Any on-duty Firestone National Guard employee in vehicle shall be exempt from traffic laws only when performing official duties and when their hazard lights are activated. They must alert any other road users through the use of the horn of their presence. Should the Firestone National Guard employee aptly warn through the use of their hazard lights and horn, they shall be considered to have priority over all other vehicles and shall have the same right-of-way as an emergency vehicle with activated emergency lights.
  4. DOT and DPW workers shall be exempt from this Act if they are conducting street maintenance, road closures, or other activities related to their official duties. They must however conduct these activities in a safe manner and may not unnecessarily break traffic laws that aren’t directly for the purposes of maintenance or other road closures.
  5. On duty government employees (to be defined in chapter 2 § 2(4)) are exempt from this Act if they are on scene a situation that requires their presence. This includes controlling traffic for motor vehicle accidents, parking for a situation, or any other incident occurring while on duty. Government employees cannot unnecessarily break traffic laws that have no relation to their active duties.
  6. Vehicles/bicycles shall be exempt from this Act when they are avoiding a threat of injury or death (or are acting in self defense), but shall immediately return to these regulations as soon as safely possible.
  7. Vehicles/bicycles shall be exempt from this Act if they are in an authorized street race (granted by the Department of Transportation) as per appropriate legislation.
  8. Any other persons shall be exempt from this if the court or (initially) the on-duty law enforcement officer finds that due cause was taken to avoid the breaking of traffic laws or that they acted in exigent circumstances.
  9. Department of Transportation operated taxis shall be exempt from Illegal Stopping, Illegal Parking, and Illegal Waiting if they do so to pick up a passenger requesting their service and (in the case of Illegal Parking) enter their vehicle within 1 minute and continue driving.
  10. Should a vehicle make a minor infraction prohibited in this Act which is so minor it wouldn’t or didn’t cause any serious hindrance or endangerment to other road users or orderly traffic, it shall be up to law enforcement’s discretion whether to penalize or not. In this case, the officer in question shall have own discretion to issue a warning and henceforth may divert from the stated citation amounts (officers are not permitted to cite for more or less than the stated amounts, regardless of their right to issue a warning instead of a citation). Refusing to penalize shall not count as undercharging.
  11. The Supreme Court ruling 3 F.S.C. 45 (2019) shall not apply to any charges created by the Firestone Traffic Act. More specifically, first, second, and third offenses of certain violations shall not mandate the arresting or citing law enforcement officer to only conduct the specified citation amount or arrest time; rather, first, second, and third offenses shall count up irrespective of the fact that the suspect in question was not cited or arrested the proper amount for the specified offense.
  12. Vehicles/bicycles shall be exempt from this Act if they are violating it due to an illegally or improperly placed obstruction on the road/path/sidewalk, but must yield their right-of-way to other road users.

Chapter 9. Nullifications

§ 1.

  1. The following pieces of legislation shall be deemed null and void.
    1. A Bill to Establish Road Laws
    2. A Bill to Establish Bike Regulations (if not already automatically nullified)
    3. A Bill to Establish More Road Laws
    4. A Bill to Update the Established Road Laws
    5. A Bill to Recognize Road Lanes
    6. A Bill to Amend “A Bill to Establish Road Laws (Revised)”
    7. A Bill to Make Parking on the Median Illegal
    8. A Bill to Define Parking on a Crosswalk
    9. A Bill to Parking at an Unmarked Sidewalk
    10. A Bill to Define Illegally Parking on a Sidewalk
    11. A Bill to Recognize Parking Space Boundaries
    12. Bill to Recognize the Act of Driving Backwards
    13. A Bill to Recognize the Act of Driving Without Headlights
    14. A Bill to Make Dangerous Driving Harsher
    15. A Bill to Amend “A Bill to Recognize the Act of Driving Without Headlights”
    16. An Act to Prevent the Unlawful Covering Up of Signs Resulting in Accidents Whilst Driving
    17. A Bill to Recognize Stop Signs
    18. A Bill to Forbid Distracted Operation
    19. A Bill to Recognize Drift Burnouts
    20. A Bill to Define Failure to Move Over/Slow Down for Fire/EMS Personnel
    21. A Bill to Establish the Move Over Law
    22. A Bill to Mandate Hazard Lights
    23. A Bill to Establish Crosswalks and Jaywalking
    24. Public Works Crosswalk Act
    25. A Bill to Amend A Bill to Establish Crosswalks and Jaywalking
    26. A Bill to Make Failure to Yield to Pedestrians Illegal
    27. Motorized Hindering Act
    28. A Bill to Use Handicap Spaces
    29. A Bill to Amend A Bill to Use Handicap Spaces
    30. A Bill to Make Improper Turns and Lane Changes Illegal
    31. A Bill to Define Obstruction of Traffic
    32. Traffic Control Act
    33. A Bill to Make Standing On Top of Traffic Lights or Light Poles Illegal
    34. An Act to Prevent Citizenry from Hurting Themselves and Disrupting Traffic by the Use of the Traffic Lights and Light Poles
    35. A Bill to Fix Speeding Regulations
    36. A Bill to Amend a Bill to Fix Speeding Regulations
    37. A Bill to Make Failure to Yield Illegal
    38. A Bill to Regulate U-Turns
    39. A Bill to Establish Work Zones
    40. A Bill to Back Law Enforcement & The Fire Department
    41. An Act to Define LEO’s Towing Powers
    42. A Bill to Recognize DOT Towing Rights
    43. Street Sweeper Act
    44. A Bill to Redefine Running a Red Light
    45. A Bill to Make Residential Neighborhood Safer

§ 2.

  1. Section 6 of Motorcycles and Bicycles Law shall be null and void.
  2. Section 4, 10, and 11 of A Bill to Protect the Buses shall be null and void.

Chapter 10. Conclusionary Information

§ 1.

  1. This Act shall be enforced by any and all law enforcement agencies of Firestone that this Congress has authority to command.
  2. The Department of Justice may not prosecute any offense listed in this Act (unless the offense is a reference of an offense defined elsewhere). Persons cannot sue for charges listed herein in civil litigation, unless the court finds good reasoning to or it is in respect to chapter 4 § 5. The courts cannot sentence any person for these traffic offenses nor add 100 seconds for the presence of a danger zone. The courts are permitted to use any reference listed herein for legal purposes.
  3. Should a part of this Act be deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court or be nullified by legislation, the rest of the Act shall stay intact.
  4. The Firestone Traffic Act shall have effect in the entirety of the State of Firestone. Traffic laws shall also apply on any unpaved roadway. Traffic laws shall not apply on private property, as long as there is a clear, physical boundary between the property in question and the public. Traffic laws shall, irrespective of this subsection, not apply for Stapleton County version 3 (commonly referred to as Stapleton County V3 [EARLY ACCESS!]) or its places.
  5. This Act shall go into effect immediately upon passage.

Chief Sponsors:
thekerbal, Head of Public Defenders
ZachKearns, Representative


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