A Bill to Establish Work Zones

A Bill to Establish Work Zones


SECTION 1: This bill recognizes a work zone and workers in the work zone, and punishments for committing offenses in work zones.

SECTION 2: A work zone is defined as a square area 55 studs from any workers, work vehicles, cones, flares, or objects being used by workers in a work zone.

SECTION 2A: If an offense is committed in a work zone and it is a fine, then the fine shall be doubled. If the offense warrants an arrest, an extra one-hundred (100) seconds shall be added.

SECTION 2B: An offense shall be defined as an act that breaks one or more laws resulting in a citation. An arrest shall be defined as the sentencing of a person for breaking one or more laws classified as a felony.

SECTION 2C: A worker shall be defined in this legislation as an employee of the Department of Transportation or Department of Public Works. The Department of Public Works shall be defined as: Firestone Department of Public Works - Roblox
The Department of Transportation shall be defined as: Firestone Department of Transportation - Roblox

SECTION 2D: All cones and/or flares placed to mark a work zone must be done by a worker from the above-stated departments, otherwise it shall not be considered a work zone.

SECTION 3: The Department of Public Works and Department of Transportation shall follow this legislation, and the StapIeton County Sheriff’s Office, the Firestone State Patrol, and the Firestone Department of Homeland Security shall enforce this legislation.

A. The StapIeton County Sheriff’s Office shall be defined as: Stapleton County Sheriff's Office - Roblox
The Firestone State Patrol shall be defined as: Firestone State Patrol - Roblox
The Firestone Department of Homeland Security shall be defined as:
Firestone Department of Homeland Security - Roblox

SECTION 4: This legislation shall go into effect immediately upon passage in both chambers of Congress.

SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor:

Senator Techiey


Department of Homeland Security FPS Officer Atlyarch

Department of Public Works Secretary Sp_encer
Department of Public Works Deputy Secretary Steelersben07
Department of Public Works Employee UnDeveloped_Code
Department of Public Works Employee tacticalwhale21

Department of Public Safety Associate Secretary Justind20

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