A Bill to Amend the "Firestone Traffic Revision Act"

A Bill to Amend the “Firestone Traffic Revision Act”


SECTION 1: An added piece of text shall be added onto the “Firestone Traffic Revision Act” Chapter 4, § 1:6 Chapter 4, § 1:8, and Chapter 4, § 2:1.b

SECTION 1B: “Firestone Traffic Revision Act” shall be defined as:

SECTION 2: Chapter 4, § 1:6 shall now state: Vehicles shall be considered to be using ‘multiple parking spaces’ if any part of the vehicle (excluding any exterior mirrors) extends beyond the inner boundary of the parking space or if the vehicle extends into the road where it would cause an obstruction to traffic in question. Vehicles shall be considered to be parking, stopping, or waiting in an area not designated for parking, stopping, or waiting if any part of the vehicle in question is in an area not designated for parking, stopping, or waiting.

SECTION 3: Chapter 4, § 1:8 shall now state: Any government-operated vehicle which is too large to fit within the inner boundaries of a parking space or extends too far back to the point where it would obstruct traffic shall be exempt from 6. of this section

SECTION 4: Chapter 4, § 2:1.b shall now state: Vehicles cannot park in such a manner whereby it uses multiple parking spaces. Government-operated vehicles are excluded from being cited with illegal parking if they are in accordance with Chapter 4, § 1:8.

SECTION 5: This legislation shall go into effect immediately upon passing both chambers and signed into law by the Governor.

Respectfully submitted to the congress of the State of Firestone,


Senator Stamose


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