SECTION 1. This bill was created in an effort to establish more road laws and expand upon A Bill to Establish Road Laws (https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=190987641) and A Bill to Establish Bike Regulations (https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=197998154).
SECTION 2. All established law enforcement agencies and any other relevant entities will be responsible for enforcing this legislation when necessary.
SECTION 3. A ‘traffic ticket’ or ‘traffic citation’ or ‘fine’ is defined as a written verbal warning issued by a law enforcement officer to a person operating a motor vehicle or any other road user for violating designated road laws that will require the offender to pay from their own funds. No traffic ticket or traffic citation or fine may exceed an unreasonable amount in the entirety of the State of Firestone.
SECTION 4. A ‘motor vehicle’ is defined as a machine that is responsible for transporting people or cargo that is powered by an engine. A ‘road user’ is defined as any other person that utilizes and goes through the road in any way, including established state highways (a road user is a person that does not operate a motor vehicle or bicycle, and goes on foot). A ‘bicycle’ is defined as a human-propelled vehicle with a pedal and two wheels attached to a frame.
SECTION 5. All persons operating a motor vehicle/bicycle or any road user will be subject to the following penalties when violating road laws. Depending on the severity or any other factors on which the violator conducted the violation or multiple violations at a time, violators will be subject to prosecution and will be placed under arrest by law enforcement officers. Law enforcement officers are not to fine an offender unless they believe that the offender truly deserved it and that it was justified, and are obliged to give that offender a warning.
A. ‘Running a Red Light’ is defined as an operator of a motor vehicle completely going through and ignoring a red traffic light unless he/she is turning right or is forced to pass through by an emergency vehicle, maintenance issues, et cetera. Violators will be fined no less than fifty (50) dollars and no more than eighty (80) dollars.
a. Operators of bicycles are not obliged to stop at red lights, and may freely pass them.
B. ‘Failure to Yield’ is defined as an operator of a motor vehicle/bicycle failing to stop for emergency vehicles, pedestrians, and other motor vehicles, et cetera when necessary. Violators will be fined no less and no more than fifty (50) dollars.
C. ‘Failure to Drive on the Right Side of the Road’ is defined as an operator of a motor vehicle/bicycle failing to drive on the right side of the road unless forced to by an obstruction such as a road block, emergency, et cetera. Violators will be fined no less than fifty (50) dollars and no more than eighty (80) dollars.
D. ‘Careless Driving’ is defined as an operator of a motor vehicle/bicycle unintentionally disregarding traffic laws. Violators will be fined fifty (50) dollars.
E. ‘Reckless Driving’ is defined as an operator of a motor vehicle/bicycle intentionally disregarding traffic laws. Violator will be fined one-hundred twenty-five (125) dollars.
F. ‘Road Obstruction’ is defined as a road user or operator of a motor vehicle/bicycle blocking municipal roads. Violators will be fined not less than one-hundred (100) dollars and no more than one-hundred fifty (150) dollars.
a. During peaceful protects, traffic is to be re-directed unless a plausible reason or circumstance is provided and evident.
G. ‘Road Obstruction on the Highway’ is defined as a road user or operator of a motor vehicle/bicycle blocking state highways. Violators will be fined in the range of two-hundred fifty (250) and four-hundred (400) dollars.
H. ‘Failure to Use Signals’ is defined as an operator of a motor vehicle failing to use turn indicators when switching lanes or turning into a different road as well as hazards. Violators will be fined thirty (30) dollars.
SECTION 6. This bill will be in effect immediately. All laws in conflict will this bill are null and void.
Trooper DarkLord2346
Senator BennamStyle
Senator Firplius
Senator FireMickey