SECTION 1: Title, Effect, and Nullifications
A) This bill shall be entitled “An Act to Prevent Citizenry from Hurting Themselves and Disrupting Traffic by the Use of the Traffic Lights and Light Poles”.
B) This bill shall go into effect immediately upon being signed into law.
C) The law “A Bill to Make Standing On Top of Traffic Lights or Light Poles Illegal” shall be nullified.
SECTION 2: Definitions
A) Hereinafter the words “Traffic light” shall be define a set of automatically operated colored lights, typically red, amber, and green, for controlling traffic at road junctions and crosswalks. The legislature considers this, within the box, to be an example of a traffic light: Screenshot by Lightshot
B) Hereinafter the words “Light pole” shall define a street light, lamppost, street lamp, light standard, or lamp standard is a raised source of light on the edge of a road or walkway, which is turned on or lit at a certain time every night. The legislature considers this, within the box, to be an example of a light pole: Screenshot by Lightshot
C) Hereinafter the words “A Bill to Make Standing On Top of Traffic Lights or Light Poles Illegal” shall refer to this act: A Bill to make standing on top of traffic lights or light poles illegal
Section 3: Illegalities
A) It shall be unlawful for a person be on top (by the person touching the top) of a light pole or a traffic light without an imminent need to do so due to an emergency situation or to correctly enforce the laws of the state (only if so permitted the enforce those laws). Such an act shall further be defined as “Unlawful Scaling of a Light Pole or Traffic Light”.
B) It shall be unlawful for a person to sit upon, or stand upon, any portion of a light pole, or traffic light, without an imminent need to do so due to an emergency situation or to correctly enforce the laws of the state (only if so permitted to enforce those laws). Such an act shall further be defined as “Unlawful Scaling of a Light Pole or Traffic Light”.
C) Actions in violation of subsections A and B of this section shall be considered to be a criminal act, misdemeanor, and chargeable in the court of law.
Section 4: Criminal Repercussions
A) A LEO shall be able to, upon the first violation of Section 3 of this act, cite the offender between $150 and $350 dollars or issue a verbal warning to the offender.
B) A LEO shall be able to, upon the second violation of Section 3 of this act and any subsequent offences, arrest the offender for a time between 300 and 500 seconds (however time may be added for other criminal acts committed in accordance with the sentencing guidelines set for those acts).
C) This section shall not be constructed to enjoin the Judiciary and prohibit them from sentencing the offender to some other publishment. Furthermore subsections A and B shall not apply to the Judiciary when lawfully sentencing a defendant who has been adjudicated and found guilty of the acts .
Section 5: Enforcement
A) Any person whom is lawfully permitted to arrest, cite, or to detain a person for the commission of a crime is permitted to enforce this legislation. This subsection shall refer only to LEOs.
Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,
Chief Sponsor(s):
Senator JasonBourneAxis
Senator Myxtro
Representative FightingTheFlames
Senator CannonOblivion
CRT Commander Jahan22
Senator T4NJ1M