A Bill to End the Abandonment of Vehicles

PREAMBLE: This bill is being proposed to deter the amount of vehicles constantly left abandoned within Stapleton County. There are statues within this bill that protect the citizens of Firestone from being falsely cited whilst they’re unable to retrieve their vehicle


SECTION 1: The “Firestone Traffic Revision Act” shall be defined as,

SECTION 1.1: Chapter 4, Section 5 of the Firestone Traffic Revision Act shall be hereby nullified in its entirety.

SECTION 1.1.1: “Chapter 4, Section 5 - Abandonment of a Vehicle” shall be established within the Firestone Traffic Revision Act.

SECTION 1.1.2: Sub-sections a, b, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, and b6 shall be added to the Firestone Traffic Revision Act Chapter 4, Section 5.

SECTION 1.2: “Chapter 4, Section 6 - Application of Towing” shall be established within the Firestone Traffic Revision Act.

SECTION 1.2.1: Sub-sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8a, 8b, 8c, 8c1, 8c2, 8d, 9, and 10 shall be added to the Firestone Traffic Revision Act Chapter 4, Section 6.

SECTION 2: Chapter 4, Section 5, subsection a shall state, “The act of abandoning a vehicle shall be recognized as an infraction within the State of Firestone.”

SECTION 2.1: Chapter 4, Section 5, subsection b shall state, “Abandoning a vehicle shall be the act of intentionally leaving a vehicle unattended on a roadway as the following for thirty(30) or more minutes, and shall not apply to the following situations;”

SECTION 2.1.1: Chapter 4, Section 5, subsection b1 shall state, “a vehicle is on private property with consent from the owner of the property;”

SECTION 2.1.2: Chapter 4, Section 5, subsection b2 shall state, “the vehicle is operated by a law enforcement agency, or the Stapleton County Fire Department;”

SECTION 2.1.3: Chapter 4, Section 5, subsection b3 shall state, “the vehicle is operated by a department recognized under the Firestone Executive Branch;”

SECTION 2.1.4: Chapter 4, Section 5, subsection b4 shall state, “the vehicle has partaken in a motor vehicle accident;”

SECTION 2.1.5: Chapter 4, Section 5, subsection b5 shall state, “the vehicle is out of gas or;”

SECTION 2.1.6: Chapter 4, Section 5, subsection b6 shall state, “the vehicle is on fire.”

SECTION 2.2: Chapter 4, Section 6, subsection 1 shall state, “The Department of Transportation is permitted to tow any vehicle that is parked in any way as prescribed § 2, and § 5 of this chapter, stopped vehicles cannot be towed, as the driver is still inside the vehicle. Any vehicle can be towed with consent from the owner for any reason.”

SECTION 2.2.1: Chapter 4, Section 6, subsection 2 shall state, “The Department of Transportation is permitted to tow any vehicle that belong(s)ed to a subject that has been arrested and is currently in prison.”

SECTION 2.2.2: Chapter 4, Section 6, subsection 3 shall state, “The Department of Transportation is permitted to tow any vehicle that is parked inside any restricted area (as defined by legislation and the Constitution, specifically C.V.IV/V/VI/VII. Any area which is considered to be ‘loitering’ shall be considered ‘parked inside any restricted area’) or in any private/government property (or parked in such a manner whereby it obstructs such private/government/restricted property), unless such vehicle is authorized to be parked there. Irrespective of this subsection, any vehicle which is (illegally) parked in any private property or in any manner whereby it obstructs such private property substantially and illegally may only be towed with explicit consent of the property owner.”

SECTION 2.2.3: Chapter 4, Section 6, subsection 4 shall state, “The Department of Transportation (when their employees are on-duty) or any other law enforcement agency (when the officers are on-duty) shall be permitted to move or tow away a bicycle that is illegally parked, as defined in § 4 of this chapter.”

SECTION 2.2.4: Chapter 4, Section 6, subsection 5 shall state, “The Department of Transportation shall be permitted to tow any vehicle per orders of an on-duty law enforcement officer if it is for the purposes of public safety or due to an ongoing situation (whereby the vehicle in question is interfering with such). The Department of Transportation employee shall not be liable in this case, rather shall the law enforcement officer be liable.”

SECTION 2.2.5: Chapter 4, Section 6, subsection 6 shall state, “The Department of Transportation shall be permitted to tow any vehicle that blocks any fire hydrant, even if the vehicle is parked in a designated parking spot, only when there is an active fire at or nearby the fire hydrant in question.”

SECTION 2.2.6: Chapter 4, Section 6, subsection 7 shall state, “Any person that interferes or hinders with a lawful tow initiated by an on-duty law enforcement officer or an on-duty Department of Transportation employee can be charged with Interfering with a Public Service Employee.”

SECTION 2.2.7: Chapter 4, Section 6, subsection 8 shall state, “Any citizen with due standing (being the owner of the vehicle or bicycle in question) can sue any law enforcement officer or Department of Transportation employee in civil court if the individual in question towed or moved their vehicle or bicycle for invalid reasoning or illegally for Conducting an Illegal Tow. Should a law enforcement officer be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in such a suit, the Firestone Courts must;”

SECTION 2.2.7a: Chapter 4, Section 6, subsection 8a shall state, “Order a full reimbursement for all towing fees. This shall be paid in full by the law enforcement officer in question.”

SECTION 2.2.7b: Chapter 4, Section 6, subsection 8b shall state, “Order that, if the vehicle is still impounded, it be released from such impoundation and be accessible for the owner of the vehicle or bicycle to drive.”

SECTION 2.2.7c: Chapter 4, Section 6, subsection 8c shall state, “Should a Department of Transportation employee be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in such a suit, the Firestone Courts must;”

SECTION 2.2.7d: Chapter 4, Section 6, subsection 8c1 shall state, “Order a full reimbursement for all towing fees. This shall be paid in full by either the Department of Transportation or the Secretary thereof. Should the employee in question have been properly and completely instructed on parking laws specific to that in the suit, the reimbursement must be paid by the employee in question instead. It shall be the Department of Transportation’s burden to prove that the employee in question was properly instructed.”

SECTION 2.2.7e: Chapter 4, Section 6, subsection 8c2 shall state, “Order that, if the vehicle is still impounded, it be released from such impoundation and be accessible for the owner of the vehicle or bicycle to drive.”

SECTION 2.2.8: Chapter 4, Section 6, subsection 8d shall state, “The Firestone Courts may, but shall not be obligated to, additionally order any other mandates not exceeding changes in employment such as demotion, suspension, termination, etc. The Firestone Courts may also order that the law enforcement agency or the Department of Transportation have proper training and instruction procedures put in place applicable to the suit.”

SECTION 2.2.9: Chapter 4, Section 6, subsection 9 shall state, “Citizens cannot sue law enforcement officers or Department of Transportation employees, nor can they be punished for such by the Firestone Courts, for supposed damages caused to their bicycle or vehicle.”

SECTION 2.2.10: Chapter 4, Section 6, subsection 10 shall state, “Irrespective of this section, on-duty law enforcement officers may obstruct or hinder any tow for reason deemed plausible for the law enforcement officer. No tow truck may tow a vehicle which an on-duty law enforcement officer prohibits the towing of.”

SECTION 3: Abandonment of a Vehicle shall be an infraction of $190.

SECTION 4: This bill shall be enforced by all law enforcement agencies.

SECTION 5: This bill shall go into effect after following the Constitutional procedure required.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor(s):
Representative Cenosity
Representative Code_Law

Representative robloxelsuper


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