The Uniformed Control of Firearms Act

The Uniformed Control of Firearms Act

Preamble: Our current firearms laws are strewn poorly together by a metaphorical sting of thread, and need to be brought together for concise, strict enforcement. Due to the sheer mass of information, this act shall have two distinct chapters, with Chapter One defining and laying out structure, and Chapter Two detailing criminal offences and procedure. To cite parts of this act: Chapter #(Section (§) #)

Section One: The following legislation shall be null and void: Firearm License Bill, Firearms and Weaponry Management Act (pt. 1), A bill for Firearm Amends, A bill for Firearm Amends, Firearms and Weaponry Management Act (pt. 2), A Bill to Institute Harsher Penalties for Illegal Firearms, A Bill to Update Firearm Management, A Bill to Amend Firearm Approval, A Bill to Prevent The Purge, Firearm Usage and Limitations Act, A Bill to Amend Civilian Firearm License Acceptance.

Chapter I

Section One: It will be established a Firestone Firearms Commission to manage and regulate the distribution of Civilian Firearms Licenses (CFLs).

Section Two: This commission shall consist of: The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, the Peace Officer Standards and Training Director, a judge of a state circuit, two Department of Justice employees (optional), a member of Congress (optional), and a developer (optional).

Section Two-A: Two DOJ employees may be appointed by the Attorney General, with advice and confirmation by the Governor. These posts are optional, and may only be needed in times of inactivity of staff or an unusual influx of applications.

Section Two-B: A member of Congress may be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor. This posts are optional, and may only be needed in times of inactivity of staff or an unusual influx of applications.

Section Two-C: A developer may be appointed by the Founder at his discretion, though this position is optional. This position will not however be permitted to review or regulate applications, but will serve solely an advisory role from the development team. This member shall also not get a vote in FFC decisions.

Section Two-D: The Chief Court Justice will appoint a judge of any state circuit to the FFC upon opening of the position. This judge will not review applications, but is to serve as an overwatch position to ensure impartiality and prevent bias/corruption. This person, unlike the developer, will be allowed to vote in FFC decisions.

Section Three: The Attorney General shall be responsible for streamlining communication and operation of the FFC. They will be tasked with gathering all members in an easily accessible forum (Discord, Roblox meetings games, etc.) to communicate and make decisions.

Section Four: The FFC may, by ½ vote in affirmation, suspend a CFL with reason plausible to be detailed on the individual’s license card. This suspension may not exceed one week (seven days) in time. The judge appointed may overrule this with reason plausible. Another judge, through a hearing requested by the suspended individual, may overrule this suspension.

Section Five: As punishment for conviction of any crime in a court of law, a judge may suspend a CFL for a period not exceeding two weeks (fourteen days). Appealing this must be done through the normal appeals process.

Section Six: The FFC may, by ⅔ vote in affirmation, revoke a CFL with reason plausible. This revocation shall also serve as a blacklist from further receiving a CFL in the future. This may be overturned by ½ vote of the commission at any time. A judge may overrule this upon the findings of a hearing requested by the individual.

Section Seven: As punishment for conviction of any felony in a court of law, a judge may revoke a CFL. The FFC cannot overrule this. This ruling shall be subject to the normal appeals process.

Section Eight: The criteria to receive a Civilian Firearms License shall be strict to prevent abuse.

Section Nine: Firstly, an individual must attend a Civilian Firearms Certification Training (CFCT) hosted by a certified individual determined by POST. This class shall, in detail, discuss and review this act, as well as any other active firearms legislation. They must be passed by the host, and be summarily background checked. An individual may not be passed by a CFCT class, or granted a CFL generally, if they have a felony arrest or conviction on record. All CFCT certifications shall be documented and kept by POST.

Section Nine-A: Any person dutifully employed by any law enforcement agency shall not need a CFCT to take the CFL test, however, the test for this individuals shall be different and more detailed than that of CFCT certified persons.

Section Ten: Upon passing the class and being granted a CFCT, the individual must take the CFL test, though a shorter version than non-CFCT certified.

Section Eleven: Upon passing the CFL test and being granted a license, said individual may purchase firearms from any Certified Weapons Distributer to be designated by the Department of Commerce or developers. They may summarily conceal said weapon on their person or property.

Section Twelve: Self defense shall be the act of employing force reasonable to the average person to stop or react to the harm of oneself when not in commision of a crime. Deadly force may only be employed in self defense to respond to a threat of serious bodily injury or death.

Section Thirteen: Defense of another shall be the act of employing force reasonable to the average person to stop or react to the harm of another individual not in the commision of a crime a crime. Deadly force may only be employed in self defense to respond to a threat of serious bodily injury or death.

Section Fourteen: Persons may use their lawful firearm, along with the things listed in 1(12) and 1(13), for recreation. Recreation may be firing practice at a range recognized by law or the Department of Commerce, hunting away from a populated area, or a firearms show approved by the Department of Commerce.

Section Fourteen-A: The DoCM may only approve of a firearms show if the location designated is away from population centers, will only allow individuals with a license to participate, and certifies that if any criminal acts are committed the show will disband. These approvals shall be one time uses. The DoCM may revoke its approval at any time.

Chapter II

Section One: Illegally Obtaining a Firearm shall be the act of obtaining a firearm without a license, or through an entity that is not a Certified Weapons Distributor. Any person perpetrating this act shall be guilty of a felony, and be condemned to no less than 300 seconds in jail, to no more than 550 seconds in jail; as well as a $1000 fine if possible. Should one be convicted in a court of law, their punishment shall be to the discretion of the sitting judge.

Section Two: Individuals who obtain a CFL accept the condition that upon law enforcement request, they must submit to a check for a CFL. Failing to Present Proof of License shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by no more than 150 seconds in jail, a fine of $300, or both. It shall also be grounds for revocation of the individuals CFL. Should one be convicted in a court of law, their punishment shall be to the discretion of the sitting judge.

Section Three: Criminal Misuse of a Firearm shall be the act of using a firearm to maliciously and intentfuly violate the law. However, employing an illegal weapon to commit a crime with or without malice and intent shall also apply under this section. Any person perpetrating this act shall be guilty of a felony, and be condemned to no less than 250 seconds in jail, and no more than 450 seconds in jail; as well as a fine of $500 if possible. Should one be convicted in a court of law, their punishment shall be to the discretion of the sitting judge.

Section Four: Negligent Use of a Firearm shall be the act of using a legal firearm without malice. Any person perpetrating this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and condemned to no more than 120 seconds in jail, a fine of $250, or both. Should one be convicted in a court of law, their punishment shall be to the discretion of the sitting judge.

Section Five: No individual may openly display a firearm unless to engage in lawful practice under this act. Open Carrying of a Firearm shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of $150 for the first offence, and an arrest for no more than 150 seconds for a second offence or more.

Section Five-a: On duty law enforcement shall be exempt from this section.

Section Six: The Department of Justice, Courts, Department of Commerce, and all law enforcement agencies shall enforce this act.

Section Seven: This act shall go into effect immediately upon passing both houses of Congress and being signed into law, or upon a veto override.

Chief Sponsor(s):

Batcat60, Representative

DannyboyLaw, Attorney General


Uncircuit, Deputy Attorney General

Straphos, Sheriff

MisterGermanAiden, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court

Silentkiller272, Intelligence Office Agent

DevMartavis, Senator

1superchris2, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court

Mattxtro, Advisory Board, Deputy Chief of the Intelligence Office

Chevyrocks, Secretary of Homeland Security


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