An Amendment to Allow for more Civilian Firearms Certification Trainings

An Amendment to Allow for more Civilian Firearms Certification Trainings

Preamble: The current requirements for one to become a CFCT Instructor are too strenuous, resulting in a significant decline in CFCTs being held. In order to respond to the public’s demands, who should have the right to legally protect themselves from the various dangers criminals pose in our County, this amendment shall allow for more people to become CFCT Instructors without significantly reducing the quality of the CFCTs held by the Firearms Commission.


SECTION 1:The Uniformed Control of Firearms Act” shall be amended.

SECTION 2: Chapter III, Section 2 of The Uniformed Control of Firearms Act currently states: “To become a CFCT class instructor, an individual must meet the following requirements: they must have been on the FFC at one point in time, must have a CFCT certification, must have a CFL, and maintain no criminal record beyond citations. Once these conditions are met, the individual may be certified by the Attorney General.”

SECTION 3: Chapter III, Section 2 of The Uniformed Control of Firearms Act shall now state: “To become a CFCT class instructor, an individual must meet the following requirements: they must have a CFCT certification, must have a CFL, and maintain no criminal record beyond citations. Once these conditions are met, the individual may be certified at the discretion of the Attorney General.”

SECTION 4: This amendment shall go into effect immediately upon completion of the required constitutional process.

SECTION 5: Should any part of this amendment be declared unconstitutional or otherwise struck down, the rest shall no longer be in effect.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone.

The Hon. CoolPilotCaio1, Esq.
Speaker of the House, Chief Sponsor

The Hon. Wolf_RBX, Esq.
Attorney General, Author, Co-Sponsor

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