PREAMBLE: As it currently stands this amendment to The Uniformed Control of Firearms Act allows for people to shoot those who at one time caused harm but no longer pose an active threat. This is a problem for a number of reasons. First being that it allows whomever with a CFL on scene of an assault or battery to use their CFL and shoot someone as they flee without weapon in hand. This is letting CFL’s commit legal murder. Secondly, this promotes CFL’s to act as a vigilante instead of going through the proper channels of contacting law enforcement to deal with murders and other dangerous individuals. This does NOT remove someone’s right to defend themselves as it is still protected under subsection A and B of the Firestone Criminal Code, Chapter 5, Section 7.
SECTION A: An Amendment to the Firearm Act shall be defined as An Amendment to the Firearm Act
SECTION B: The Uniformed Control of Firearms Act shall be defined as The Uniformed Control of Firearms Act
SECTION C: The Firestone Criminal Code shall be defined as Trello
SECTION D: Chapter 1, Section Fifteen of the Uniformed Control of Firearms Act (added in an Amendment to the Firearm Act), currently states, “Section Fifteen: Persons may use their legal (and or department provided) firearm, to act in self-defense or defense of another, or to use deadly force to prevent an escape of a fleeing suspect only if the individual has good-faith belief that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury. If a subject is fleeing from the scene or otherwise is no longer directly posing a threat, persons may still use lethal force on the pretense that the subject has the potential to, or reasonably may continue to pose such a threat to life as they were previously.”.
SECTION D.1: Chapter 1, Section fifteen of the Uniformed Control of Firearms Act shall be amended to state, “Section Fifteen: Law enforcement officers may utilize deadly force in the act of self defense or defense of another to prevent an escape of a fleeing suspect only if the officer is acting in good faith that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury. Persons not acting as law enforcement may not use their legal firearm to prevent the escape of a fleeing suspect.”
SECTION E: Chapter 5, Section 7, Subsection C of the Firestone Criminal Code currently states, “Persons may use their legal (and or department provided) firearm, to act in self-defense or defense of another, or to use deadly force to prevent an escape of a fleeing suspect only if the individual has good-faith belief that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury. If a subject is fleeing from the scene or otherwise is no longer directly posing a threat, persons may still use lethal force on the pretense that the subject has the potential to, or reasonably may continue to pose such a threat to life as they were previously.”
SECTION E.1: Chapter 5, Section 7, Subsection C of the Firestone Criminal Code shall be amended to state, “Law enforcement officers may utilize deadly force in the act of self defense or defense of another to prevent an escape of a fleeing suspect only if the officer is acting in good faith that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury. Persons not acting as law enforcement may not use their legal firearm to prevent the escape of a fleeing suspect.”
SECTION F: This legislation shall go into effect immediately after completing the constitutional procedures.
Chief Sponsor(s):
Senator and FFC Member dosk2
Attorney General and FFC Member UprisingAmerican
Senator and FFC Member Kat4Katrina
Senator ElloNT
Senator JohnDRyans
Former FSP Major Fastbird4