Firearm Usage and Limitations Act

Firearm Usage and Limitations Act

To ensure all firearms and other weaponry are used for appropriate purposes.

SECTION 1A. Civilians may only use firearms or other specified weaponry for:
a. “self-defense”, as defined within Section 1B of this legislation;
b. “recreational use”, as defined within Section 1C of this legislation, and;
c. Other uses and purposes as authorized by the Government.

SECTION 1B. “self-defense” is the act of defending one’s own self and/or other individuals who may be nearby to the individual committing to the act of self-defense.
a. Misuse of “self-defense” is forbidden.
i. Unintentional cases of the misuse of “self-defense” shall result in a minimum
citation of $400 to a maximum citation of $2000.
ii. Intentional cases of the misuse of “self-defense” shall be considered fully
illegal and shall result in immediate arrest, being regarded as a felony.
iii. Law Enforcement Officers and later such the Firestone Courts are to
differentiate cases of intentional and unintentional misuse of “self-

SECTION 1C. “recreational use” is the act of using a weapon or firearm for lawful recreational purposes.
a. “lawful recreational purposes” include, but are not limited to:
i. Hunting, as further defined by the Government.
ii. The usage of a Firearm in a Shooting Range or other construction designed
with the purpose of the testing and usage of firearms or other specified
weaponry in a safe environment.
iii. Other purposes and uses as authorized by the Government.
b. Misuse of “recreational use” is forbidden.
i. Unintentional cases of the misuse of “recreational use” shall result in a
minimum citation of $200 to a maximum citation of $1000.
ii. Intentional cases of the misuse of “recreational use” shall be considered
fully illegal and shall result in immediate arrest, being regarded as a
iii. Law Enforcement Officers and later such the Firestone Courts are to
differentiate cases of intentional and unintentional misuse of
“recreational use”.

SECTION 2. The act of using any firearm or other specified weaponry for a use or purpose not set within Section 1A, 1B, and 1C of this legislation is illegal and shall be considered a felony.
a. Should the act be appropriate for such, a Judge is to revoke such license of an
individual that violates this.

SECTION 3. The act of providing a Civilian Firearm License to any individual that has not met the legal requirements, standards, and other such terms is illegal and shall be considered a high crime.

SECTION 4. The Firestone Firearms Commission is permitted to suspend any Civilian Firearm License for no more than seven (7) days at a time.
a. This may be overruled by a judge.
b. This suspension period may be extended to thirty (30) days if authorized by the
Chief Court Justice.

SECTION 5. This legislation shall go into effect immediately.

SECTION 6. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted to the State of Firestone Congress,

Chief Sponsor:
Lt. Governor Rolerain

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