More Realistic Weapons System For V3

Suggestions for weapons in this forum post.

Firstly, weapons should be made droppable. Both voluntaraly and on death. Congress would have to make gun dealing illegal.

More on that in the inventory system :Unrealisticness of inventory


Right now the weapons system in firestone is very horrible. Civillians have (automatic rifles) and usually in real life civillians would get semi auto rifles, magazine sizes need to be edited to make civillians have less magazine size, all departments should get a semi auto rifle and SWAT / CRT having a automatic rifle, etc.

Civillian Grade Weapons:

Pistol 1 || 8 rounds per magazine || 4 shot kill || Cost: 600 Legal 2000 illegal || Fire rate: .25 second

Pistol 2 || 6 rounds per magazine || 4 shot kill || Cost: 475 Legal 1700 illegal || Fire rate: .30 second

Shotgun || 5 rounds per magazine || 2 shot kill (1 shot in head) || Cost: 3000 Legal N/A Illegal || Fire rate:
2 seconds per shot

Semi Automatic Rifle || 10 rounds per magazine || 4 shot kill || Cost: 3000 Legal 2000 Illegal | Fire rate .10 seconds per shot

Rifle (Simmilar to v2 M4) || 10 rounds per magazine || 2 shot kill || Cost: 2000 Legal 2500 illegal || Fire rate: 2 seconds per shot

Police Grade Weapons:

Police Pistol: 16 rounds per magazine || 3 shot kill || Fire rate: .25 seconds

Police Shotgun: 10 rounds per magazine || 1 shot kill || Fire rate: 2 seconds

Police Semi Auto (Given to normal police officers) || 30 rounds per magazine || 5 shot kill || .25 seconds per shot

Police Auto (SWAT & CRT) || 50 rounds per magazine || 2 shot kill || Automatic fire rate

This is just a suggestion about how I think gun mechanics should be to make the game more realistic, comment below.


Also if this was implemented, civillians having more than 10 rounds in a magazine should be illegal


Updated pistol to 4 shot kill

AUTOMATIC CIVILLIAN RIFLE 4 SHOT KILL || 400 illegal 2000 legal (SWAT and CRT get 2 shot kill auto rifle)

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Oh, so I get to spend 600 on a paperweight, niceeeee. I can’t really think of any modern, popular handgun besides a Desert Eagle that has eight rounds mass capacity. And we don’t need .50 caliber handguns. And you say the guns are unrealistic but six shots from a pistol is what it takes to kill someone, ok bud. Also I will sue the state if a magazine limiter is imposed. Also, the rifle magazine limit is Commieforinia level and that is bad. i do agree the LEO shotguns need buffing though. And why are all your suggestions ridiculously expensive. 2k towing fee, now this crap.


How would you like the gun mechanics to be then?

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The same as they are now but with physics for shooting (aiming straight for a target 20 studs away doesn’t make 1/2 your bullets fired curve 40 degrees to the left), buff the poor LEO shotguns, have guns break windows, and that it.

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Well normal officers should get semi auto rifles, and civillians should not have automatic rifles, dont you agree?

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I can easily go to my local gun store and get certain auto rifles (or just 3d print because meme). And i suppose giving LEOs like an AR-10 or AR-15 would be fair

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Then LEO automatic rifles should be buffed, and normal officers should get Semi auto rifles (But not auto cause they are not skilled enough)


I worked hard to get my CFCT just to be ripped off by the prices… FUCK NO!!!


No rifles for normal LEOs, the AR-15 (I assume that’s what you are thinking about) is absolute trash. The firing rate is a meme. If we would give normal LEOs a rifle they would run around with the rifle 24/7

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Thats why in my suggestion normal officers would get a weaker, non automatic rifle while SWAT / CRT would get a powerful, automatic rifle. Please pay more attention. Also in my suggestion I would have had the AR-15 that SWAT gets and the other weapons (G3C) i think that CRT gets buffed since it would be a 2 shot kill.

Normal officers are not skilled enough to use auto rifles since they might kill civillians in the crossfire and such.

Also prices is just a suggestion, they can be edited by a dev to change it to more better prices for v3

Gun suggestions is also a suggestion and can be edited by a dev

@Murphystem @PewDiePie

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Shotgun is good

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Long guns are unneeded cuz they bad lol

And LEOs are too unskilled to have any long gun in my opinion

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Not really. For FSP we already do firearms training in a shooting range and if needed we can have certification to use the semi automatic rifle

FSP wouldn’t get a automatic rifle since theres no need for that.

Semi auto’s can also help in a situation where SWAT and CRT can not get dispatched in time, and there is a need for a quick response

example: Hostage situation and theres no SWAT / CRT in the server

Semi automatic rifles can save peoples lives when SWAT and CRT cant come.

Even with semi auto’s for normal officers, SWAT / CRT would still maintain control in a hostage situation (because their weapons are more better than normal officers. 2 shot kill instead of 4 AND automatic.)

(SCSO should also require firearms training for semi automatic rifle)

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No they can’t. I remember the FSP guy that killed Nico with his glock. Long guns need to stay with Tactical units

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what if your glock glitches and make you hold it for one hand then you would have no gun

There is rarley accidents, and if a accident happens that officer can get punished. Long guns can save lives, and they can save lives more often then unlawfully killing a life

LEO’s can get trained to have a semi automatic rifle, it is not as powerful as a automatic rifle.

Never happened to me cuz I always check my weapons before I patrol and reset if needed before I go 10-8

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Look we don’t need to discuss. People already did it for us.

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