I noticed that at paths guns he sells various weapons some being automatic and a glock going up against an automatic rifle is like bringing a knife to a gun fight we would be dead instantly and most departments in the usa have them
I’m pretty sure you do have rifles. And 99% of citizens that buy guns legally (at Path’s) won’t be shooting at you.
only SWAT and CRT have rifles
I think that the requirements to get CFCT cert makes it so that your reason to have all LEO those not trained for it to have Fully auto guns isn’t too good of an idea.
It’s a good idea however, there should be regulations for it, just like in real life.
There are few Police Departments that require Officers to go through special courses in order to be eligible to carry and use rifles on duty.
With that said, I believe either DPS or CFCT could host these courses every once in awhile, so you’d only be able to use rifles if you were certified.
Just an idea though.
I’m pretty sure the shotguns are coming back soon.
That’s why we got SWAT and CRT. And doesn’t FDOC have some heavy weapons? (atleast they used to).
All DHS gets a heavy weapon. But there is no need in giving a rifle to everyone if the shotguns are coming back.
Indeed, and if you think this way; both SWAT and CRT can respond to Prom, Redwood, Arbor and Hillview and Greendale. Then there’s no issue as all cities are covered.
All members in DHS get a G17, MP5, and a G36C.
All FDOC has (Last time I checked) was a pistol, taser, and an M4.
The M4 is automatic so I don’t see anything wrong with FDOC’s stuff.
It’s not covered when your ass is getting shot up and you’re waiting on someone else to bail you out
No support, you have CRT and SWAT for that.
So what do you do when you’re being rushed by 4 guys with ARs? Use the pea shooter and hope for the best while you wait for someone to come save you? If you even last that long.
Out of 61 of the largest police departments, 91% supply assault rifles to their officers. Mandating ARs to special weapons teams only is too far. It’s our lives on the line while we wait for them. Odds are we won’t make it.
I support but don’t support at the same time. If LEO’s are gonna get guns at least take some type of certification because just “shooting at the gun range” for a tier isn’t gonna get you certified for a rifle. But I do support it at the same time because lets be honest when was the last time SWAT or CRT actually responded to a hostage situation or a kidnapping. Iv’e seen CRT respond but not all the time. SWAT on the other hand has been lacking. Just my thoughts on the whole issue.
SWAT actually just had a hostage sit like 2 days ago.
Here’s the problem. I’m not saying SWAT is bad i’m just saying I felt as if its been lacking in v2 lately. I’m 100% sure there were hostage situation yesterday that one one responded to. For example there was one last night. The LT Governor was held hostage, but guess what no one came. There are also mass shootings 24/7 in v2, yet officer’s have to wait till they’ve been shot until SWAT or CRT arrives? By the time SWAT or CRT arrives the officer is already over with his patrol.