A Bill to Fix the Impersonation Law V2

A Bill to Fix the Impersonation Law (Version two)
SECTION 1: Impersonation shall be deemed illegal.
SECTION 1B: Impersonation shall be defined as; pretending to be a person, through looks or
actions, that one is not. It shall be considered a misdemeanor.
SECTION 2. Impersonating a government official shall be deemed illegal.
SECTION 2B. Impersonating a government official shall be defined as; impersonating, through
looks or actions, a person who is a state official. Government officials are, but not limited to,
Senators, Representatives, Judges (of all state circuits), the Governors, and Cabinet officials. It
shall be considered a felony.
SECTION 3. Impersonating a public service shall be deemed illegal.
SECTION 3B. Impersonating a public service shall be defined as; wearing the uniform of a
non-law enforcement department or attempting to act in the capacity thereof while not being in
that department or holding the proper rank to do so (i.e. Public Employee+). It shall be
considered a misdemeanor.
SECTION 4. Impersonating a law enforcement agency shall be deemed illegal.
SECTION 4B. Impersonating a law enforcement agency shall be defined as; wearing the
uniform of law enforcement agency or attempting to act in the capacity thereof while not being in
that agency or not holding the proper rank to do so (i.e. Deputy+ or Trooper+). These agencies
are, but not limited to, the Firestone State Patrol, Staple ton County Sheriff’s Office, the
Firestone National Guard, the Firestone Bureau of Investigation, the Firestone Department of
Corrections, and the Firestone Department of Homeland Security. It shall be considered a
Section 5: The following agencies shall be tasked with enforcing this bill; the Firestone State
Patrol (Firestone State Patrol - Roblox), the Staple ton County
Sheriff’s Office (Stapleton County Sheriff's Office - Roblox), the Department of
Homeland Security (Firestone Department of Homeland Security - Roblox), the Firestone
Department of Corrections (Firestone Department of Corrections - Roblox), the
Firestone Department of Justice (Firestone Department of Justice - Roblox),
and the Firestone Courts (Firestone Courts - Roblox).
SECTION 6: This bill will go into effect immediately upon being signed into law by the Governor.

SECTION 7: “A Bill to Make Impersonation Illegal” shall be considered null and void
Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,
Chief Sponsor(s):
DannyboyLaw, Senator
Flashenal, Trooper
Shadow_Pentatonix, Deputy
Pure_Games, Deputy
BenGreen_RBLX, Trooper
Brotix_RBLX, Former Justice
Jlaz14, Corporal
TitanNation, State Prosecutor
PwnzorSausage, FBI Director
1willpen, District Court Justice

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