Firestone Senate Election July 2024

Firestone Senate Election July 2024

Positions Available: 4
Required Signatures: 15
Election Sponsor: Governor scriblelz

Seats up for election: Seat 3 (Set to expire on October 3rd), Seat 4, Seat 5, Seat 7

Being a Senator uses up either your Primary position or two of your Secondary positions, please ensure if you’re running you have a position free to run or you’re ready to resign upon being elected.

Election Guidelines

  • Candidates will be responsible for attaching a link to their post AFTER receiving the required amount of supports (15). It shall be the candidates responsibility to check that they have received the required amount prior to posting.
  • Candidates may not commit any crime against democracy, as defined in Chapter 12 of the Firestone Criminal Code.
  • Candidates may not maliciously harass anyone for support.
  • Election sponsors must disqualify candidates for failure to abide by any constitutionally mandated requirements. These requirements need not be explicitly stated by the election sponsor in the election rules.
  • Should a candidate have an unexpunged, unpardoned, or otherwise unremoved felony arrest or conviction, the election sponsor must disqualify the candidate.
  • Candidates may not violate any other section in this act or violate any other election requirements or rules set by law.
  • All other election rules and laws per The Elections Act apply.

Election Schedule

  • Campaigning shall be open from 12:50 PM EST, 07/24/2024 until 07/28/2024 at 12:50 PM EST.
  • Voting shall be open from 1:00 PM EST, 07/28/2024 and close at 1:00 PM EST 07/29/2024.
  • Winners shall be announced at 1:00 PM EST, 07/29/2024 and take office at 1:00 PM EST, 07/31/2024
  • The 4th place winner shall receive Seat 3.

Should no more than 4 candidates be eligible for office, voting will be nullified and they shall take office at 1:00 PM EST on 07/31/2024. The candidate with the least supports will receive Seat 3.

Any questions can be directed to scriblelz on discord, best of luck to all candidates.


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I, Sir Lixtro the One have acquired the amount of support for this wonderful election.

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I, kyhuls, have also acquired the support needed for this election. Kyhuls for Senate

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I, Outstanding Former Senator and Warmonger PropMcRib have too acquired the necessary signatures in order to run in this outstanding display of democracy!

I have reached the required amount of supporters for my campaign.

Please read my campaign to find more information about my plans.

I, Sigma alpha wolf, rizz god, and pack leader of the House have achieved the necessary aura points and signatures to run.

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Wrong forum

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