Employment Positions Act of 2019 (R)

Employment Positions Act of 2019 (REVISED)


SECTION 1: A Bill to Finalize Employment Regulations shall be declared null in its entirety.

SECTION 1A: A Bill to Finalize Employment Regulations shall be recognized as the following legislation - A Bill to Finalize Employment Regulations

SECTION 2: Only citizens within the State of Firestone may hold positions within the Firestone Government. The Firestone Government being recognized as any position within or affiliated with the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches, unless explicitly dictated or permitted by further legislation. Citizens of the State may only hold at most one Primary Position and Two Secondary Positions. Citizens may hold unlimited Voluntary Positions. Positions within the government not recognized in this legislation shall be considered to be voluntary.

SECTION 3: A Primary Position shall be recognized as being employed in any of the following agencies/departments- unless explicitly dictated.

Firestone State Patrol

Firestone Department of Homeland Security

Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office

Stapleton County Fire Department

SECTION 4: A Secondary Position shall be recognized as being employed in any of the following agencies/departments- unless explicitly dictated.

Department of Health

Department of Transportation

Department of Public Works

Department of Commerce

Department of Corrections

The Stapleton County Government

Department of State

Department of Justice

Department of Public Safety

SECTION 5: A Voluntary Position shall be recognized as being employed in any of the following agencies/departments- unless explicitly dictated.

Firestone National Guard

Department of Aviation

Peace Officer Standards & Training

Firestone Fire Academy

SECTION 6: The following Positions shall also be recognized as Primary Positions: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the House, Senator, Representative of the House, Chief Court Justice, County Executive, all circuits of Judges and Justices.

SECTION 6A: Cabinet secretaries that direct departments recognized as Primary Positions, Secondary Positions and Voluntary Positions shall be considered to be holding a Primary/Secondary/Voluntary Position, respectively. Sub-Cabinet level secretaries shall follow the same restrictions. For example, the Cabinet secretary of an agency recognized as a Primary Position shall be considered to be holding a Primary Position. However, no citizen may hold the Cabinet or Sub-Cabinet level position to more than one agency.

SECTION 7: Ranks within the State of Firestone group shall not be legally binding- and the holding of positions shall be considered to only be lawful if such person lawfully and/or constitutionally holds their position. For example, a citizen ranked Senator in the State of Firestone group is not to be officially recognized as a Senator unless they were elected, per the Constitution.

SECTION 8: This legislation shall be enforced by the Firestone Government.

SECTION 9: This legislation shall go into effect immediately after passage from both chambers of Congress and signage of the Governor of Firestone.

SECTION 10: If any part of this legislation is struck down or otherwise null, the rest shall retain amiability, unless explicitly dictated.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor(s):

President Pro Tempore Hecxtro


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