An Act to Establish the Firestone Traffic Code

December, 28th 2024




Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Firestone in Congress assembled,


(a) This act shall be known, and may be cited as, “An Act to Establish the Firestone Traffic Code”


(a) The “Firestone Traffic Code” and/or “FTC” shall be defined as this
(b) The “Firestone State Legislature” or “State Legislature” shall be defined as this.
(c) The “Traffic Code Manager” and/or “Manager” shall be defined as an individual nominated by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate who is prescribed to operate in and manage the Firestone Traffic Code.
(d) The “Firestone Traffic Revision Act” and/or “FTRA” shall be defined as the combination of the following:

   (i) Part 1
   (ii) Part 2
   (iii) Part 3
   (iv) Part 4

(e) The “Inferior Governments Act” and/or “IGA” shall be defined as this
(f) All Municipal and/or County Governments listed in this Act are to be defined under the Inferior Governments Act
(g) The “Bill Establishing Illegal Vehicle Modifications” shall be defined as this.
(h) “An Amendment to the Traffic Revision Act to Restore An Overcharged Plaintiff’s Faith” shall be defined as this
(i) “An Amendment to Cease Frivolous Citations ®” shall be defined as this
(j) “A Bill to Add Maritime Infractions” shall be defined as this
(k) “Official Notice” or “notice” shall be defined as a message in the form of Google PDF, Discord Direct Message, or any other relevant platform notifying the Traffic Code Manager to add, remove, or amend a section and or chapter of the Traffic Code.


(a) The Firestone Traffic Revision Act shall be considered null and void in its entirety.
(b) The Bill Establishing Illegal Vehicle Modifications shall be considered null and void in its entirety.
(c) An Amendment to the Traffic Revision Act to Restore An Overcharged Plaintiff’s Faith shall be considered null and void in its entirety.
(d) An Amendment to Cease Frivolous Citations (R) shall be considered null and void in its entirety.
(e) A Bill to Add Maritime Infractions shall be considered null and void in its entirety.


(a) The FTC shall be managed by a qualified legal professional- as nominated by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. Such an individual’s appointment shall serve under the Legislative Branch. Such individuals shall be expected to maintain the Code, such maintenance prescribed solely by this legislation. Such individuals may not be removed, rather they may be impeached, as prescribed by the Constitution. Such a Manager may hold any other positions within the State of Firestone. The Governor of the State of Firestone and the Chief Justice of the State of Firestone shall be on the board also- they shall both be admins- the Manager shall be a normal user. Adding members for non-admins shall be disabled. The board shall be public at all times. Managers confirmed by Congress shall not be removed from the board unless they are removed by impeachment or resign from their positions. Should a situation arise where a Manager must be removed from the board for any reason, the Chief Justice and Governor may do so at their discretion for a maximum of 48 hours. Should the time period pass and Congress fails to remove a Manager, the Manager shall be added back to the board.
(b) Such individuals appointed to manage the FTC shall not be permitted to edit any part of the Code that pertains to crimes or other Congressionally affixed topics- unless dictated in this legislation. Such Managers shall be permitted to edit the “Directory” list as they please, to help peace officers and justice officials better understand the Code. If Congress wishes to override an action by the Manager, they must agree to override such action with a simple majority approval. This Code may move Trello boards, however, such move shall be approved by the Chief Justice and the Governor both consenting
(c) If any amendments or changes are to be made to the Traffic Code, it must be passed through a legislative act by the Firestone Legislature. After such legislation is passed, the Code Manager shall have 72 hours from the time an official notice was provided, to enact the changes ordered. Congress can create unique categories, titles, and labels for categories but this must be done through an official legislative act. Through legislative action, Congress holds authority over what is/is not dictated on the Code, with The Manager being required to enforce such wishes within 48 hours of a formal notice of the change. Additionally, The Manager is required to act upon any official rulings of the Firestone Supreme Court as it pertains to the Traffic Code within the stated 72-hour notice deadline.
(d) Failing to acknowledge and execute a legislative notice of change for the Traffic code within 72 hours after the notice is issued will be considered neglect of duty and subject to impeachment.
(e) If The Manager is accused and found guilty of treason, bribery, gross misconduct, ineptitude, neglect of duty, or misdemeanor as defined by law; Congress is obligated to pursue an impeachment inquiry and, if adequate evidence is discovered, introduce Impeachment Articles at their discretion.
(f) If The Manager has been accused of neglect of duty or other criteria stated in §4.D, the Governor’s office is authorized to temporarily suspend the Manager from office and freeze the administrative authorities of that position for thirty (30) days, or until an impeachment inquiry or Congressional investigation is concluded and The Manager is officially declared fit for continued duty. However, if The Manager is found to be unfit for office and placed under administrative suspension, and there are significant pending notice(s) of change for the traffic code, the Governor has the authority to nominate a temporary replacement at the approval of the Senate through an expedited session.
(g) The ‘Traffic Code Manager’ is to be described as a voluntary position.


(a) The Firestone Traffic Code is to be the only legally binding documentation of traffic violations within the State of Firestone.
(b) The FTC shall be organized into Chapters, Sections, and Subsections. A Chapter shall be a list on the Code. A Section shall be a card on the Code. Subsections shall be the definitions affixed to cards. Lists, cards, and definitions may exist on the Code whilst not being Chapters, Sections, or Subsections- when expressly dictated in this legislation. The sections are to be formatted as follows: “§ # - Infraction Name”. The “Directory” list shall not be considered a chapter. The ‘Definitions’ list shall serve to provide legal definitions for various terms throughout the FTC. The ‘Exemptions’ list shall serve to provide legal exemptions for offenses throughout the FTC. Each chapter is to have sections that list traffic violations.


(a) All inferior governments within the State of Firestone shall have the ability to amend and/or change their relevant jurisdictional chapter in the Firestone Traffic Code.

    (i) The County Government, as defined in the IGA, shall be able to create or amend fines of up to, but not exceeding, $500 FSD.
   (ii) Any and all Municipal Governments, as defined in the IGA, shall be able to create or amend fines of up to, but not exceeding, $200 FSD.


(a) This Act shall be enforced by all relevant parties.


(a) Should any part of this act be struck down and/or declared unenforceable, the rest of the act will remain in effect unless also struck down and/or declared unenforceable.

Chief Sponsor(s):

Representative legaalsp

Speaker of the House StealthSniper292

Speaker Pro Tempore CaribbeanTaxiDriver

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