Greetings Citizens of Firestone, You may or may not know me but I am here to run for senate again.
My Firestone career started in the Firestone State Patrol where I then resigned and became a senator back in 2017. I am currently a corporal in Firestone State patrol and now I am willing to run for congress again.
There are many plans that I have this term including some traffic laws and criminal laws. A few plans are as follows;
Illegalize brandishing a firearm
Illegalize driving over sidewalks
Illegalize crossing a double solid yellow (not just passing).
Amending the hit and run bill to prevent intentional fatalities and clearing up questionable charges.
These are among the few plans I have for this term but there are many more, unlike some candidates who don’t even say plans other then they will help pass bills. Any ideas that come into me will also be taken into consideration and proposed if reasonable. I plan to work alongside the other senators within the chamber to ensure the laws that are passed are reasonable for the people of Firestone. Not for the personal gain or to favor a particular political Party.
I will comment that the chambers of congress has experienced many incompetent and immature members on the floor and I plan to be one of the members who are of the opposite. I wear formal attire to all sessions and I don’t talk about tacos in the middle of a session as some people have done.
With that being said I thank you for taking the time to read about my campaign and I thank all of those who support in favor.