T_xom for Prominence District Council

T_xom for Prominence District Council

Hello, fellow residents of the District of Prominence. It is I, T_xom, gladiator against the deepstate, seeking election to be your District Councilmember. As a former member of the District Council and Mayor, I believe that I am qualified to represent you in our district’s Legislative Branch, and I hope that you will vote for me in this election.

  • Former Mayor of Prominence
  • Former District Councilman
  • Current Director of Prominence District Affairs
  • Former Prominence Chief Librarian
  • Nominee to be the next Prominence Chief Librarian
  • Recipient of the Mayor’s Resident Award (under SwedishVic)
  • Recipient of the Mayoral Service Award (under MonkeyLikesCaprisun)
  • Recipient of the District Leadership Award (under skelet_n)
  • Current Representative & Former Senator, representing the needs of Prominence at the state level

I have been actively working for the people of the District of Prominence for over 2 years, first as a published author in the Prominence Library, providing truth and entertainment for the few people who wanted it. Near the beginning of this year, I was elected to the District Council and I spent 4 months reforming our laws and the structure of our government to its most optimal shape (see more under “LEGISLATIVE ACCOMPLISHMENTS”). During my tenure on the council, I was nominated and confirmed as Chief Librarian of the Prominence Library, during which time I held a library fair and I staffed the library with competent, active, and hard-working people.

After my election as Mayor, I continued to improve our city through executive appointments, a business fair, charter amendments, and replacing defunct entities such as the Advisory Committee. While my term was cut short by impeachment after less than a month, my successor invited me to serve as District Affairs Director, where I have been involved with 12+ events in the past 3 months (more than any other city in the same timeframe). Those organized by me include the Prominence Bus Tour, the most recent Library Business Fair, and more – though I couldn’t have done it without the help of others in the District Affairs Office and in Firestone as a whole. I have been dedicated to Prominence and only Prominence, and I hope to continue this work as a Councillor.


Below are some notable contributions I’ve made to the Legislative Branch of Prominence:


Enshrining Offices into Law

Executive offices that are unlikely to be modified, such as that of the District Clerk, should be put into statute rather than mayoral decree. Additionally, the Clerk and other notable executive officers should require confirmation by the District Council prior to appointment. If elected, I will pass the Clerical Office Act, putting certain provisions of Mayoral Decree 15 into law, and I will work with the Mayor to put other executive entities into law if he wishes. The Clerk’s Office and its authority is established in the District Charter, and shouldn’t then be subject to the Mayor’s unilateral whims.

Incentivizing In-Game Events

In the most recent mayoral term, there have not been a lot of in-game events that directly involved the District Council. If elected, I will encourage my fellow councilors and the Mayor to hold council sessions in-game when possible, and to open them up to the public for increased transparency. Additionally, I will recommend to the Mayor that his bimonthly address be held in-game, be that at our municipal courthouse, at the Prominence Library, at the Capitol, or other recognizable institutions in our District.

Getting Rid of Old Bars

People like SwedishVic, who have erred in the past, are still being punished for it in the form of undemocratic bars that do not expire. While I support the Mayor and I will help him as much as I can when elected to the District Council, I disagree with his veto on the proposition to unbar SwedishVic, and others who have made net positive contributions to our District. SwedishVic literally wrote the charter that allows you to impose bars, and was one of our most active mayors! If elected, I will reconsider older bars against those still active in our community and willing to change, and I will conduct a public opinion poll on whether we should change the system of barring people. Additionally, I will reduce the threshold of removing certain bars from a supermajority to a simple majority.


If elected as your next District Councilman, I will work hard to improve our District and hear your voice. While I understand that I have done some goofy stuff in the past, my alleged lawbreaking does NOT extend to corruption or disservicing our District. Across the past 3 mayoral terms, I have worked hard to ensure the prosperity and equal opportunity of all residents, and I will continue to do so if elected.

Please support me by replying below.


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support(i’m being forced)

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support I guess!

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support for this silly man

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