State Senate Elections, January 2018

@TheBloxKiller123 Post a link to your thread

@pwnzorsausage Does this count as a support? The guy was banned from the fourms but still wishes to support me.

I have 7 supports NoobletNub for Senate

The Following have won a seat within the Firestone State Senate

  1. Sir_Mr: 27 Votes
  2. CaiIin: 17 Votes
  3. JustLikeDev: 16 Votes
  4. Numatics: 15 Votes
  5. Baron_Natertot8425: 14 Votes
  6. NotoriousAmerican: 13 Votes
  7. Ro_bertStrong: 9 Votes
  8. MrEmote: 9 Votes
  9. TheNotoriousSam: 7 Votes
  10. TheBloxKiller123: 7 Votes
  11. FederalLevel: 6 votes

The following have not won a seat in the Senate.

X. 13bowler: 5 votes
X. Brotix_RBLX: 4 votes
X. NoobletNub: 3 votes
X. Picklepineapple: 3 votes
X. Joxility: 3 votes

The Term Shall Begin on January 22nd

Elections ended.