Opinions on CGOC having the ability to classify?

Good evening, it has come to my attention that a bill surrounding a very controversial topic in the Firestone community has come before me. The bill has passed both the house, and the senate, and now it’s my decision whether to sign it into law or to veto it. I would like to collect thoughts and opinions on the matter prior to making my decision.

Should the Congressional Government Oversight Committee have the ability to classify?

  • Yes, they should have the ability to classify.
  • No, they should not have the ability to classify.

0 voters

Governor of the State of Firestone

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pls no

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pls no

and shut them down too kthx <3


FBI v2

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congress is supposed to represent to the people. them starting to classify everything defeats that purpose



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i already voted nay on the bill and i will do everything to fail this bill.


big fat no on that one.

its coming to the point where classification is given out like candy on halloween, kinda.
not everyone needs it.


Can anyone explain to me why the CGOC having classification powers is a bad idea?

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nonononononononononono, and no, thanks

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You will literally become FBI. No one likes FBI. And why do you need it, I dont see a point…

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People hate the fact that their is no oversight. Even IO has government who over see everything they do. No one knows what CGOC is doing that’s why.


good poll canine


How will we become FBI? By doing our jobs and protecting our investigations from disruptions?

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They shouldnt, We dont need secrets

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If anyone ever cared to read, we attempted to make it known that we are currently drafting a bill for insight into the CGOC.

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No, they should not receive classification powers. No agreement has been made on propeer oversight for the committee and classification is a whole different ball game. CGOC having classification powers is essentially allowing them to retain classified information without no oversight. Also, with low approval ratings, why should we even consider giving them classification powers.

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Not only is this meant to be swayed against us, but the Governor intentionally does not want us hidden from him. He wants us to be able to tell him what he wants on anything he wants. If we don’t get classification powers, we can’t do our jobs and we have yet to prove at ALL that we are incapable of doing our jobs.


Im sorry but with the recent shit thats happening CGOC shouldn’t have the ability to classify this shit, atleast not for a time period. Thats a real big nope.

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