CGOC Classification Act


SECTION I: The Chairman of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee shall be able to classify anything that pertains to the Congressional Government Oversight Committee. The Congressional Government Oversight Committee shall be able to view anything classified by the Chairman/Chairwoman, however, anyone outside of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee shall not be permitted to view anything classified without consent of the Chairman/Chairwoman. If the Chairman/Chairwoman classifies anything, he/she shall be able to determine who gets to view what is classified outside of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee.

SECTION II: If the Congressional Government Oversight Committee wishes to declassify anything classified by the Chairman/Chairwoman, any member of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee can propose a proposal that declassifies what is classified, and if more than ½ of the committee is in favor of declassifying what is classified, it shall be declassified. The Chairman/Chairwoman shall not deny what was classified to be declassified if more than ½ of the committee is in favor of declassification.

SECTION III: Any individual who leaks or is in possession of classified information shall be prosecuted according to A Bill to Establish Classified Documents.

SECTION IV: A Bill to Establish Classified Documents shall be defined as: A Bill to Establish Classified Documents (1/2) & (2/2)

SECTION V: The Governor shall have no authority to classify anything in regards to the Congressional Government Oversight Committee, however, if given consent by the Chairman/Chairwoman of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee, the Governor shall be able to view anything the Chairman/Chairwoman allows the Governor to view.

SECTION VI: The State of Firestone government shall enforce this bill.

Respectfully submitted to the State of Firestone State Legislature,

Senator JamesDitomosso,
Author, Chief Sponsor


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