SWAT and CRT know how to use their tools to their full potential without crossing the line. I would say CRT and SWAT “roleplays” the least because they don’t need to. SWAT or CRT isn’t going to say “-cuffs-” when you have a gun because you will shoot the hell outta them while they are typing “-cuffs-.” Sorry that CRT and SWAT are so good at their jobs that they prevent crime, it is their specialty to diffuse situations or sometimes before it even happens. Criminals already set the bar when it comes to roleplay, SWAT and CRT deals with FRPers or people who basically treat V2 as it is an actual game that is a TDM match. So SWAT and CRT will treat it as if it is too, because that is what V2 has become. So how do you expect us to roleplay and then we get killed because we want to roleplay? I’m not dying because of roleplaying or losing you in a pursuit because I want to “roleplay”
This answer is so great I have to save it for future reference really.
Screen capture - dcad35693bf164c69d3c08f0967b6e66 - Gyazo Screen capture - 169225fc06003536031d32cf055656b4 - Gyazo Screen capture - eb47059ad175d0963876d183858ec3fb - Gyazo Roblox 10/20/2019 5:50:26 PM - Clipped with Medal.tv Screen capture - ce74986d14d7a46dad2ecdbd352776ae - Gyazo Screen capture - 1b83c8514c75b1c0d7ed402dc3a090aa - Gyazo Screen capture - be7a10897d99d46bf54ec24e43d658f3 - Gyazo Roblox 2/7/2020 11:39:29 PM - Clipped with Medal.tv Screen capture - 6a31b499e36d87e655182c2bc07c2eb5 - Gyazo Screen capture - 9999e7cf795aa15a30581bf5e04d4712 - Gyazo
Yes, lets ask criminls to do a better job at roleplaying when this is only a percentage of the shit we have to deal with on a daily basis. hypocritical
Cuxle, file a ban request if you think i frp. my defense is 6 is my baton and i didn’t sort my tools. but it didn’t work as he was able to get shots off
CRT is one of the primary reasons your ass is safe from shooters. CRT in it of itself has sky rocketed prosecution rates in the FS Courts.
Know what you’re talking about before commenting on my team, kthnxbai.
First of all,
This shows that FSP clearly DID NOT pop your tire at all and the reason for that is the cyber truck has stronger tires than a normal civilian vehicle is.
The second proof shows you backing up in which the LEO can jump in front of your car and break your window which also is not FRP.
Fourth proof sees that windows are open in your vehicle in which the Officer can spray you from there.
Fifth proof describes that the Bank teller area has no windows at all so meaning that there is open space to tase you from that position.
Seventh shows no reason to believe that this FSP did anything wrong as he got stuck.
Finally, the eighth proof seeing that while he was in the seat, the car stood there for about a second or 2 in which the Deputy had plenty of timing to get the suspect out of the car.
In conclusion, there is no detailed reason or strong evidence to believe that any of these LEO’s are FRPing at all as a former moderator in other communities. Saying ‘FRP,’ giving out these incorrect reasons, blaming those who did not commit these actions isn’t gonna help out after all. Most likely that is a you problem. Maybe doing a little bit of common sense for you will work it out. If you still don’t like it, then leaving the state is your last choice.
That’s exactly what happened…I told you I was injured, my brother told him, and he WAS going to operate on me before your foolish decision.
And? Asking for money is NOT obstruction. When we first arrived, my brother DID ask for money, The ‘Deputy Chief’ simply said ‘No, I can’t give any money’, he was not annoyed NOR did he tell us to leave, after asking for money, My brother told him I was injuried and he told us to hang tight, how is that proper grounds to kick someone?
EVEN if my brother was obstructing, umm, hello? theirs a crime called ‘obstruction of FD’ that is for LEOS to enforce, not some ‘game moderator’. IT would be different if I were ramming the scene, exploiting and flinging people, glitching etc, but no. The fact that you believe what you did is justified, just shows how terrible the fs game mods are, smh.
Mate, what are you on about? LEOS seem to think we want you to say -cuffs or -pins, that’s so outdated nobody says that, and no one EXPECTS you all to do it (beside FNG because they have no cuffs, zip ties, etc) Nobody gives a crap about any of that. And you guys do ‘cross’ the line.
Properly roleplaying will NOT get you killed. When we say ‘we want tactical units to RP’ we mean just that. Don’t do actions that would be impossible to do IRL. It’s not that complicated. For example, and backed up with proof in gifs above in this post, leos get on TOP of vehicles driving at 80 SPS, keep battoning us until we fling out, they rush hostage situations with smoke/flash grenades and danger not only the hostages but other officers. I had a hostage situation at SCMC 2 months ago and CRT killed 2 of my hostages. They shoot evading cars, which is HIGHLY autistic. I shot a trooper, killing him, evaded, then he placed a ‘BOLO’ out for my vehicle. as soon as CRT saw a vehicle matching the bolo, they opened fire on my car like madmen. What if it were an innocent citizen with my car description? what if I had some innocent passengers/hostages, what if an innocent citizen was hit in the corssfire?
This is what we mean by tactical units FRP, they abuse their given tools to do whatever they can to catch people. Let me NOT EVEN get started on the riot shields. CRT, especially, pulls them out MID-gun fight. it’s just as stupid as pulling out a taser mid-gun fight. does it work? sometimes, yes, is it realistic, no.
And you might say, ‘YoU CrImINaLS CAN pull guns out your butt in half a secOND’ not our problem the developers have it that way. what CRT CAN do is actually roleplay with the riot shield and taser. don’t pull it out mid-gun fight, it’s FRP. Now, if they are near a truck, or already have their shields/tasers out, go for it, otherwise, it’s just dumb.
And you guys are the ‘professionals’, you should be roleplaying properly and maybe it will change some of the criminals who ‘frp’. Why would you add to the leaking bucket? why not attempt to patch it up. I don’t get it at all. I’ll tell you what, crime will die out. But hey, maybe that is what tactical units want. as cuxle said, we are BROKE. do you know how expensive an AK-47U is? do you know the risk we take buying a gun, starting a hostage sit, and we KNOW 90% of the time it will fail, we still do it? Robbing banks are literally impossible,we can’t spawn kill noobs anymore, on top of all of this, we have abusive leos and game mods, so is it even worth it? I think NOT.
i think he is referring to the times when i was on swat, exotic, ryan, etc + he was our boss so we didnt dare fuck up
did u get prosecuted for leaking classified information??
thats irrelevant
I’m not hating on CRT or SWAT but no one is perfect.
armed suspect=danger to public and known=lethal
all the tool pulling out of our backpack is unrealistic for both cops and crims
This makes no sense with the taser which is legit on the duty belt and again, it should go both ways if you are gonna start saying “rp taking out the guns and all that” which is by the way said by the founders that you don’t have to rp this fun stuff and etc because of the whole backpack thing previously stated. Both criminals are cops should have to rp this then if you are expecting officers to rp every single equipment out, you gotta rp taking those multiple guns in the car, that is just how I feel with the whole tool thing
Good, spawn killing shouldn’t be allowed period
If civilians don’t adhere to role-play regulations, then law enforcement would have to counteract by cuff-rushing and tasering, simple as that.
How do we fix this?
teach new-comers how to role-play and if they succeed in that, they can be gifted citizenship and be able to experience the perks of being a citizen
Show some initiative.
You only quoted a small section of my sentence. Manipulation much? I was referring to my scenario where I had a ‘BOLO’. Only a car description. No LEO should open fire on a vehicle matching a description of a BOLO.
Yeah? we already know that. Criminals can only pull out firearms and crowbars to hurt officers. of course, it’s unrealistic on both sides, but point is, certain items should be roleplayed with, like the overpowered riot shield which is 100% bulletproof.
Did you even read or attempt to understand my post? I was saying, it’s unrealistic to use a taser in a gunfight.
When did I ever say that? Never even mentioned guns, more attempts to try and manipulate.
Again, I feel you are just ignorant, or you didn’t attempt to understand my post. I never said anything about expecting leos to roleplay every single tool, what the hell? I only mentioned the CRT/SWAT riot shield, and the taser during a gunfight. How leos currently use guns are totally fine and realistic, same with criminals.
Okay and why should they RP getting a riot shield out of their car when you lot just rip ak’s out of your assholes and start shooting everywhere
why the fuck do you even have to take the shield out? yet most of y’all say “you’re just mad because your bad” proceeds to pull out BULLETPROOF SHIELD to fight criminals. I dont understand how this is a fail advantage. its not like its a hostage situation, and you have the shield out for protection while raiding the building, you’re pulling out the shield when you’re in the middle of public to reload so you dont die. how do you pull out a 3x6 stud shield out of your ass then?
and why the fuck doesnt the shield break? I see criminals drop 5 mags from an ak 74u into it an nothing happens
you know what ruins the role play in this game, exploiters you may think oh its just some fucking retard coming having no life to fly around and fling people. nope! youre wrong dhs use it to give themself a advantage and use aimbot