Firestone Roleplay is Flawed

There was a gif floating around of an exploiter showing an off duty dhs randomly killing someone with their name. There isnt any proof to support either arugment beside that but they waited and ambushed them at paws. I saw it floating around in one of my discord servers

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I also saw another gif of someone killing a DHS and as they sped away the dhs kept reading where they were even though the DHS re spawned at their facility. Something is up here.

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how does one use a shield and reload at the same time if they are two seperate tools

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Uh, because that’s what real life teams commonly use when breaching?

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say that out loud and see if it still makes sense

i meant the dude sped off a different direction and the dhs still kept reading where they were and where they hid their car about 25 seconds after the dhs got killed. My explanation skills = a worn out shoe

probs had ASU with them or maybe they just had 10 graphics, My PC can handle 10 graphics and trust me you can see REALLY far plus you can predict ones whereabouts pretty easily. no offense to criminals (all offense) but yall are predictible as hell

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the oddest part was that this was 401 nb and they went and hid in the hills of rw and the dhs came right to where they were, no asu seen

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i think both sides exploits at times, but what ever

you can see 401 from hills of rw

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they went 401 sb and hid in hills near rw res, theres no way someone at the dhs facility 25 seconds after could pin point exactly where they are.

you do realize using an ESP from a far distance is virtually impossible because everyone is clustered in one area and you wouldn’t be able to tell anyone apart

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There’s a thing called engine sounds you can hear from across the map


you can use the many exploit admin scripts to view them though

i highly doubt that they were able to trace exactly down to the stud where they were

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it doesnt work like that, FS has a good anti cheat system

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No it really does. Thats exactly how the exploiter tracked down the off duty dhs that killed the Om member

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Yes what you do is this.

  • Listen to where the engine sound is coming from
  • Look for the blatantly obvious srt sitting ontop of a hill in the middle of nowhere that you can see from miles away
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he was hiding in one of the hills that had collisions off

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You just look through it with your camera if you here an engine sound coming from inside a hill