Establishment of the Firestone Citizens' Union

I plan on establishing the Firestone Citizens’ Union which would make it easier for citizens to engage with our state’s legislative body and other aspects of the community. It’s going to set the foundation for future unions and advocacy projects. Our legislative system and advocacy system is just as important as our law enforcement system. We need our state’s input in what we plan to change and what we plan to enforce. The establishment of a Citizens’ Union will make that happen. It’ll be composed of several team members that’ll help form the union hopefully with congressional support. A Union Chairperson, a Union Vice-Chairperson, 5 Union Executive Committee Members, a Legal Team, and members from all sectors of this State.

This plan will not take away the jobs of anyone, this is something that has been tried in other communities but it currently doesn’t exist in our community. This will make the jobs of legislators fairly easy as they’ll have the ability to directly connect with the union in order to compose legislation. This union will act in the 100% interest with the civilian body of Firestone. We’ll converse with the community and make sure that their needs are met. I hope you’ll support the future integration of advocacy in Firestone.

Support received from the Governor, President Pro Tempore, Secretary of Public Safety, Stapleton County Council Chairman, among other officials.

Any questions can be directed to by Direct Messages @ commissioner#8345, further information is to come.


Is the idea of this to represent all Firestone citizen’s wishes? Because if that was possible, I’m pretty sure no one in the world would need politics. I would be very interested in a more detailed agenda of what this union is trying to achieve, what your goals are, and how you plan on achieving them.
I’m sorry if what I’m saying sounds stupid or wrong, I think I’m possibly not fully comprehending the idea here because I haven’t seen anything similar to this in action before.
Honestly, this just sounds like a political party that doesn’t want power and doesn’t want to decide what they want.
I’m not hating on this idea, please just explain.


It’s not a political party, it’ll never be one. There is no actual agenda for this union because it’s forever evolving and changing the platform. Once we begin operations, we’ll begin backing legislative actions and interacting with the state’s civilian population to further understand what change is needed.

We have our legislative bodies but we need an advocacy body. A body composed of members from all sectors of the community (Transit, Law Enforcement, Commerce, etc.). No matter what job you hold or sector you work within, you’re a Firestone Citizen and you should have the ability to unionize and socialize with your fellow citizens. This project will help you do so.

Unions are there to assist the legislative system indirectly. While doing so, we’re acting in 100% interest of the people. It’s a platform for citizens to come stand on and get their voice put heard louder than ever before. The time of our elected officials is limited and they’re not always at reach, this program will help everyone by communicating and connecting them.

In simple words: We discuss pressing matters, we start communicating with the proper individuals, we take a vote, and if it’s agreed to we advocate for the changes to me made. We make sure that when it’s advocated for, the citizens benefit from all amendments and discussion.

If that answers your question, I’m glad. If not, please share your confusion.


Alright that makes some sense. The conflict in my head is that this union wants to represent every Firestone citizen, but people have different opinions with different points of views. Especially opinions on pressing matters often differ, and the union will have to make definitive decisions on its views or it is bound to contradict itself.


This sounds like a


I’d agree- To me, it sounds like a political party that wants to win by waiting to see what the public wants, thus automatically being in favour of the majority, however impossibly able to represent the minority.


We’ll vote based off of what the majority of Firestone Citizens want and the logic of advocating for the matter.

The Union Chairperson, Union Vice-Chairperson, and 5 Union Executive Committee Members will debate wether or not to advocate for the matter and if they agree with it, they advocate for it. If not, they work with the public to amend the idea and to bring it to Congress prepared to be amended and voted on by elected officals.


While that makes sense, you’d still agree that this union can not take minorities into account when advocating for something because it only goes after the majority, correct?


Political parties are straight forward. The union won’t be and it’ll make sure that all sides are heard and integreated in the end product. The most we’ll do is endorse those who share the opinion of the union and it’s members.


Majority or minority, their views will be integrated in the end product. We’ll work to achieve that even if it sounds a bit unpopular.

The idea that majority wins is accurate and innacurate in a sense. Majority opinion will be mainly focused on and minority opinion will be integrated in the majority opinion. We can’t please everyone but we’ll try to ensure that everyone’s idea is heard and debated on

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I’m confused - how exactly will you do all this

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I think you got a great and revolutionary idea here. A body of citizens that convenes regularly to discuss important matters and represent the citizens. They then also make sure that proper rules and regulations are set up to (hopefully) benefit the citizens.
Hey maybe you could even have some kind of vote amongst all citizens every now and then to establish who the majority thinks should be in this union to represent them.

I can’t believe that we don’t have entities like this in 21st century democracies to ensure our opinions are heard and represented.

For those of you who don’t get it he just reinvented the legislature but as a sort of lobbying group (but it would be exactly the same as the legislature if you gave them to power to actually legislate).


I believe so long as it doesn’t deviate from what it has set out to do, it will be a great thing for the residents and citizens of the State of Firestone.

I’m willing to throw my support behind this idea

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Hey! I’m glad you asked this question.

We’d begin by contacting influential politicans and members of our state. Then we’d work to designing the image we want our union to present to those wanting to join us. After all that is completed, we’d work to obtaining further licenses that allow us property management, advertisement acess, etc.

Once we’re set up, we’ll begin to open the communications server to all of our members wanting to join.



Union are for the people. The people deserve and are entitled to a community voice. They’re also entitled community unions and organizations.

I believe that this is a step in the right direction in regard to having a universal platform for citizens to express their ideas and views, and to also scrutinize already-existing public policies, laws, and enduring issues of the state.

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@Ash1835 socialism was mentioned!

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Is there a Discord Server for this?

The discord server along with other aspects of the Union will be posted here within 2-3 days.