
Last updated February 15th in the year Two Thousand and Eighteen


We, the People of the State of Firestone and our posterity, to ensure the foundation of a wholly perfect and unified state, commit ourselves to this Constitution as a beacon of hope for the liberty, security, and future successes of the People.

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the highest governing documents in the State of Firestone. Any and all documents, regulation, and standards passed by any City, County, Legislature, Court, or other governmental entity must not disobey the Constitution or Bill of Rights nor try to go above the Constitution or Bill of Rights.
No one is above the law, regardless of status within society: those who break any law as set out in this Constitution or the Bill of Rights shall be prosecuted accordingly.

The Constitution and Bill of Rights may be amended by Congress, composed of the Senate and House of Representatives, with a super-majority (2/3) vote from both chambers.




All legislative powers shall be vested in a Legislative Branch: the State Legislature, otherwise known as Congress, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. The Senate shall be composed of eleven (11) members, known as Senators. The House of Representatives shall be composed of thirteen (13) members, known as Representatives. The Senate and House of Representatives shall be known as the two houses, or chambers, of the State of Firestone Congress. The House of Representatives shall be obligated to elect a Speaker among them, in a special election held by the Governor; the elected Representative shall be known as the Speaker of the House, and shall remain a member of the House of Representatives despite the title, subject to the same to that of Representatives.


Senators and Representatives shall serve four (4) month terms simultaneously, with mandated elections at the end of a term, though are obligated to remain in office until a new House of Representatives and/or Senate is elected by the citizens. There shall be no limit to how many terms a person can be apart of the Senate or House of Representatives. Senators and Representatives are to leave office should they resign, be expelled, or be successfully impeached by the House of Representatives and convicted by the Senate.


Only citizens of the State of Firestone may hold a position within the State of Firestone Government, be it any branch: Executive, Legislative, or Judicial. No person shall, if holding a position in the State of Firestone Government, hold any other government office in the State of Firestone, nor in any Ro-Nation, Ro-State, or other entity that seeks to harm the State of Firestone, or harbor enemies thereof.


A session of either chamber of Congress may only occur with 1/2 of that chamber online on ROBLOX and 2/3 of the online members be present. However, the presiding officer of a session will not under any circumstances be considered apart of quorum and the online requirements. It shall be that a simple-majority is more than half (1/2) of a chamber of Congress members votes, whereas a supermajority shall be more than two-thirds (2/3) of a chamber of Congress members votes; though in both cases, those that do not vote, vote “Abstain”, or are not present for voting, shall not count towards the threshold required for a particular proposal to pass. An “Aye” or “Yea” vote shall be regarded as voting in favor of a proposal or motion, in favor of its passage; whereas a “Nay” vote shall be regarded as voting against a proposal or motion, being in favor of it not passing.


Proposals (bills, amendments, resolutions, expulsions, etc) may only be presented if sponsored by a member of their respective chamber within the State of Firestone House of Representatives or Senate. The proposal shall take part within the chamber the said sponsoring member is apart in. Both the Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall be able to sponsor a proposal and to decide which chamber the proposal shall start in. The Governor shall not be authorized to propose an expulsion on a member within the Firestone House of Representatives nor the Senate. The Lieutenant Governor shall not be authorized to propose an expulsion on a member within the House of Representatives but may propose one on a member within the Senate. The Governor shall not be able to propose a resolution within the Firestone House of Representative nor the Senate unless deemed plausible by the Lieutenant Governor or Speaker of the House for their respective chamber.


Bills, etc. must pass both chambers of Congress by a simple-majority of each before being brought to the Governor for it to be signed or vetoed. House Resolutions must pertain only to the House of Representatives, and shall require the simple-majority passage of the House of Representatives before going into effect. Senate Resolutions must pertain only to the Senate, and shall require the simple-majority passage of the Senate before going into effect. Joint Resolutions must pertain only to Congress as a whole and must pass both chambers by a simple-majority before going into effect. Amendments to the Constitution and/or Bill of Rights can only pass with a supermajority by both chambers of Congress, and shall go into effect upon its passage of both chambers.


The Lieutenant Governor shall be permitted to call a Senate session and is able to preside over the Senate; the President Pro Tempore may do the same with the permission of the Lieutenant Governor. The Speaker of the House shall be permitted to call a House of Representatives session and is able to preside over the House; the Speaker Pro Tempore may do the same with the permission of the Speaker of the House. The individual presiding over a respective chamber of Congress during a session shall be known as the Presiding Officer of said session. The Presiding Officer of a session has the power to temporarily designate a member of the chamber of Congress in session to preside, and shall serve until removed per the order by the original Presiding Officer.


The Presiding Officer of a session shall have the authority to decide who is recognized, who has the floor, who may speak, whether or not a motion is recognized, and so forth; though this may be regulated through appropriate resolutions to do so.


All Congressional motions can be found here:


The Lieutenant Governor is obligated to, with the advice of the Senate, appoint a Senator to be the President Pro Tempore; whereas the Speaker of the House is obligated to, with the advice of the House of Representatives, appoint a Representative to be the Speaker Pro Tempore. Both The Lieutenant Governor And Speaker of
The House have full authority to vacate the office of their respective Pro-Tempore.


The Congress shall have the power, by a supermajority vote of both chambers, to override a veto issued by the Governor; or, nullify an executive order, or nullify sections thereof.


An impeachment is the process where an official may be removed from office should he/she be impeached and convicted of having committed a crime. It shall be the cabinet and sub-cabinet members of the executive branch who may face impeachment and conviction should they be accused of committing a crime. Elected officials of the legislative branch may also face impeachment and a conviction should they commit a crime. As of judges may face impeachment and a conviction should they commit a crime. The House of Representatives shall have the ability to propose an impeachment on a Senator. The Senator shall be convicted within the Senate should he/she be impeached in the House of Representatives. Representatives may not propose impeachments upon other Representatives but may propose an expulsion. Impeachments must be sponsored by a member of the House of Representatives, where all impeachments will initiate. The House of Representatives is to deliberate over what crime(s) have been committed, and what they are to charge the official under impeachment with. The House of Representatives must vote on a final set of charges for crimes committed to place on the official under impeachment, by a supermajority vote, in order to continue with the impeachment process; should they not come to a supermajority agreement, the impeachment shall fail. Should the impeachment pass the House of Representatives by a supermajority, the official in question shall be considered impeached by the House of Representatives, though not yet convicted of the charges pressed, so then the impeachment shall move forward to the Senate for trial. The Senate is to then deliberate over whether or not the official under impeachment is truly guilty of the charges pressed, and on whether or not to convict or acquit the official under impeachment. The Senate cannot vote on each charge separately, and must vote on whether or not to convict the official being impeached on the charges passed by the House of Representatives as a whole. The Senate must vote on the conviction, by a supermajority vote, in order to convict the official under impeachment and remove said official from his/her respective office; should they not come to a supermajority agreement on the conviction, the official under impeachment shall be considered
acquitted, and the impeachment shall fail. Should the impeachment pass the Senate by a supermajority, the impeachment process shall end, and the official that was under impeachment shall be considered officially impeached by the House of Representatives and convicted by the Senate of the crime he/she was accused of, and must be removed from his/her respective office in a timely manner. Should the individual being impeached be a member of either chamber of Congress, he/she shall not be permitted to vote on his/her impeachment in the House of Representatives nor on his/her conviction in the Senate.


Both chambers of Congress may determine its own rules of it proceedings through appropriate resolutions. The House of Representatives and Senate may punish disorderly behavior and/or inactivity with the concurrence of a (2⁄3) supermajority vote of the present House, expel a member of their respective chamber for a plausible reason. Both chambers shall not be permitted to propose expulsions upon members within the opposite chamber. Members of the House of Representatives and Senate may only propose an expulsion on another member within their own respective chamber.


The Lieutenant Governor shall be considered as the President of the Senate and be recognized as the presiding officer for the Senate chamber. The Lieutenant Governor nor any presiding officer for the Senate chamber shall be able to vote for any legislation, amendment, resolution, or confirmation unless there is an event of a tie. The Lieutenant Governor shall not be considered as a member of the Senate as he/she is not an elected member in the Senate.


The Senate shall be willing to give time to hear, and understand, the nominations of the Governor, and choose whether to confirm or not, by a simple-majority, the nominee.


The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Speaker of the House shall be permitted to call a Joint-Congressional session, otherwise known as Joint Voting, presiding over both the Senate and House of Representatives, for a reason deemed plausible, with a matter that requires attention to the extent that it cannot wait until the next session of the respective chambers.


Should there be a vacancy, the Governor is permitted to appoint well qualified citizens to the Senate as well as the House of Representatives, with reason plausible and justifiable until an election can be held to fill the vacancy. These temporary placements can only hold the respective office until a citizen is elected to fill the vacancy, and are subject to the same impeachment and expulsion any other member of Congress would; no temporary placement in Congress may hold said office for more than seven (7) days, and no temporary placement may be re-appointed consecutively. This ability may be temporarily suspended by the Supreme Court in an emergent situation, through a supermajority (2/3) vote, with proper justification being made public information.


Vacancies in the Senate shall be filled by a special election held by the Lieutenant Governor, whereas vacancies in the House of Representatives shall be filled by a special election held by the Speaker of the House; though these special elections are not mandated unless the amount of members falls below eight (8) in the respective chamber.


All newly elected members of congress shall be required to take an oath of office before being allowed to execute the duties within their respective chamber. Incumbent members within the Firestone House of Representatives and Senate shall not be required to retake the oath of office if re-elected in the same term they are elected. The Lieutenant Governor and President Pro Tempore shall administer the oath to the Senators. The Governor shall also administer the oath to the Senators should the Lieutenant Governor and President Pro Tempore be absent. The Speaker of the House and Speaker Pro Tempore shall administer the oath to the Representatives. The Governor shall also administer the oath to the Representatives should the Speaker of the House and Speaker Pro Tempore be absent. The oath of office shall read: "I [NAME] do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of Firestone against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God. The final line of the oath of office, “So help me God.”, shall be considered fully optional and does not have to be administered.




The Head of State and the Head of Government for the State of Firestone shall be the Governor of Firestone. The Governor shall also serve as the Head of the Executive Branch of the State of Firestone. The Governor shall serve his/her term alongside a Lieutenant Governor. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall serve a term of four (4) months. An individual may only serve as Governor for a maximum of two four-month terms. If the Governor has already served two months (two months being regarded as 60 days) or more of a term to which some other person was elected, he or she may only serve one more additional four-month term.


The Governor shall be obligated to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, be it by the administrative supervision and management of all executive departments, agencies, and entities. The Governor shall have undeniable access to all information stored under the Executive Branch of Firestone, including all classified information under the Executive Branch: no department, agency, official, or other entity of the Executive Branch of Firestone may restrict, prevent, or block the Governor from viewing information, documents, etc. under the Executive Branch, classified or not.


The Governor may issue, revoke, and edit executive orders and memorandums, carrying the full force of law, with reason plausible, directed towards officers, departments, agencies, and other entities of the Executive Branch of Firestone. Congress shall retain the ability to nullify an executive order or memorandum, or nullify section(s) thereof, through a supermajority (2/3) vote of both present chambers with plausible reasoning; so shall the Supreme Court of Firestone, through a supermajority (2/3) vote, with plausible reasoning and justification made public information.


The Governor shall be the Commander-in-Chief of the Firestone National Guard and shall have the authority and power to exercise full control over the deployment of the Firestone National Guard in the event of riots, civil unrest, terror attacks, in the event of a State of Emergency, or any other reason deemed justifiable by the Governor.


The Governor shall be required to appoint a new Lieutenant Governor should the previous Lieutenant Governor resign or be removed from office. The Lieutenant Governor shall become the Governor should the previous Governor be removed from office or resign. The previous Governor shall be temporarily barred from holding a government office until the end of the term should he or she be impeached from office. The previous Lieutenant Governor shall also be temporarily barred from holding a government office until the end of the term should he or she be impeached from office.


The Governor and Lieutenant Governor may, upon entering office, optionally, take the following oath or affirmation, administered by the Chief Court Justice: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the State of Firestone against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.”


The owner, Founder(s), and Developer(s) of the State of Firestone shall carry no legitimate authority or power to make general decisions nor interfere in the political or legal matters of the State of Firestone, unless they hold another position that legally grants them the authority to do so.


The Governor has three (3) days upon the passage of Congress of a bill, etc. to give his approval or disapproval on said legislation. Should the Governor approve of the legislation, the Governor shall sign the legislation, and it shall become law; whereas should the Governor disapprove of the legislation, the Governor must refuse to sign the legislation, and instead veto it, where it may only become law should both present chambers of Congress vote by a supermajority (2/3) to override the veto. Should the Governor not sign or veto a bill, etc. within three (3) days upon its passage of Congress, the said piece of legislation shall become law automatically. The Governor’s approval or disapproval of a Resolution or Amendment to the Constitution and/or Bill of Rights shall not affect its passage: they shall go into effect immediately upon their respective passage of Congress.


The Governor shall have the authority to appoint cabinet members, ministers, and judges with the consent of the simple majority of the present Senate. Certain positions may not require the consent of the Senate, said positions may be set by appropriate law and/or by this Constitution; such as the Chief of Staff, which shall not require the consent of the Senate. The Governor shall have the right to dismiss any cabinet member, minister, or any employee under the Executive Branch of Firestone for reasoning deemed plausible by the Governor.


The Governor shall, from time to time, though obligated to at least once every two months, address Congress and the Public, on the condition of the State of Firestone, and outline his/her legislative agenda.


The Governor has the duty to make recommendations to Congress: the power to discharge this duty lies solely with the Governor, and the discharge of this duty cannot be compelled.


The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or any other specific official of any branch shall be removed from office should an impeachment pass on a successful conviction of a crime.


The Governor shall be permitted to hire and fire staffers, who shall not be government officials, but as assistants, advisors, and aids to those, at the discretion of the Governor; the Governor is permitted to set the process and regulation of these staffers, and may have his/her Chief of Staff aid in managing the staffers.


The Governor shall have the power vested to issue a pardon to any individual for a plausible reason should upon the conclusion of any trial find the individual in question guilty of a crime. A pardon issued by the Governor may either: commute the sentence of any individual that has been convicted of a crime by, any and all, Courts of the State of Firestone, or; nullify and end the sentence of any individual that has been convicted of a crime by, any and all, Courts of the State of Firestone, alongside nullifying said conviction. The Governor, shall be obligated, to inform the public on any and all pardons issued. Should the Supreme Court of the State of Firestone find any pardon issued by the Governor to not be for a reason plausible, they shall retain the ability to nullify said pardon in question through a super-majority (2/3) vote in favor of such nullification. The power to issue a pardon shall rest solely with the Governor of Firestone: no other position shall carry this power.




The Judicial Branch shall contain the Supreme Court, Appeals Court, and the District Court. The Supreme Court shall consist of the Chief Court Justice and six (6) Associate Justices of the Supreme Court. The Appeals Court shall consist of at least two (2) Appeals Justices. The District Court shall consist of at least four (4) District Justices, otherwise simply regarded as Court Justices. Further courts may be created by Congress through appropriate legislation. The Chief Court Justice is merely the head of the Judicial Branch, however does not hold any extensive power over its members. The terms “Justice” and “Judge” refers to any member of the District Court, Appeals Court, or the Supreme Court. The term “Judiciary” refers to the Judicial Branch, which shall be composed of only and all of Judges.


The Supreme Court may strike down and effectively nullify any bills, executive orders, laws, regulation, standards, etc. that go against the Constitution or Bill of Rights with a supermajority. A supermajority is considered 2/3 of the members of the Supreme Court’s votes. In order to strike bills, executive orders, laws, regulation, standards, etc. down, valid justification must be made public information. However, Amendments to the Constitution or Bill of Rights may not be struck down by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court may strike down and effectively nullify State of Emergencies that are unnecessary and uncalled for through a simple majority (1/2) vote. In order to strike State of Emergencies down, valid justification must be made public information. The vote of each member of the Supreme Court in all of these cases must be made public information.


Judges are responsible for administering just punishments. To receive these punishments the individual in question must have been proven guilty beforehand, in the court of law. Punishments of convicted individuals consist of the following, but are not limited to: in game imprisonment not to exceed 72 hours, demotion in group rank, removal from agencies/departments/positions, etc.


Warrants may be either for the purpose of Arrest or for Search and Seizure. An Arrest Warrant permits and requires all Law Enforcement to continually arrest the person(s) in question until the warrant ends. A Search and Seizure Warrant permits and requires Law Enforcement to search the person(s) in question and their property, as well as seize any possessions that may link the person(s) in question to a crime. Any Law Enforcement Official may request a warrant. Only Judges of State Courts, composed of the Supreme Court, Appeals Court, and the District Court may issue warrants. A Law Enforcement request is not necessary for a Judge to issue a warrant. For a warrant to be issued, evidence must be provided proving the commission of a
crime beyond doubt and the preferred duration of said warrant must be provided. No warrant may be for unjust purposes, and no warrant may be issued for an unnecessarily long period. An issued warrant may be nullified and voided by the Chief Court Justice should it be deemed plausible by the Chief Court Justice. All warrants must be made through a Google Drive PDF
( , a Firestone Forum(, or a legitimate Trello card signed by an actual or previous member of the Firestone judiciary on either of the following boards in the list “Warrants” or “Active Warrants”: or All warrants must be made public information, evidence used for the justification and/or issuance of a warrant must not be classified and must be publicly accessible. All Law Enforcement are expected, permitted, and required to enforce warrants unless otherwise specified by the Judge that issued the warrant or the Chief Court Justice.


All Citizens have the right to file for a court case, though any Judge can dismiss a case that does not provide valid evidence, is unjust, or is not a valid case for the Courts: no case with valid evidence for a crime committed can be dismissed.


The Judge of a court case is permitted to issue a subpoena for any party in that court case and any witnesses or otherwise key players of a case with plausible reasoning. Subpoenas mandate the attendance to court of the individual in question called. Those that fail to show after having a subpoena issued may be held in contempt of court. However, no individual may have their attendance mandated by a subpoena without direct notice of at least seven (7) days prior to the trial, nor may any individual have their attendance mandated by a subpoena should they be on a valid inactivity notice.


When a court case is scheduled, both parties in a case (the Defense and the Prosecution) have ten (10) minutes to show. Should one party fail to show in said time, the presiding Judge of said case may rule contempt of court charges to the party that failed to show and is to rule in favor of the party that did show, or may declare mistrial and redo the case later. Although, if a party provides valid reasoning to the presiding Judge of said court case on why said party cannot show, then the case shall be declared a mistrial and is to be redone later no matter what the Judge decided. “valid reasoning” shall be left at the discretion of the presiding Judge of the court case in question. Should no party of a court case show, the presiding Judge of said court case may either declare the attempt a mistrial or declare the case void and dismiss it.


Double jeopardy is forbidden. No individual may be sued twice for the same crime they committed; though should new evidence and reasoning come to light, said individual may be sued again utilizing the new evidence and reasoning. This excludes cases that are challenged and appealed. Court case verdicts may be challenged. The verdict of a District Court Case may be challenged and brought to the Appeals Court, making the case an Appeals Court Case. The verdict of a Appeals Court Case may be challenged and brought to the Supreme Court, making the case a Supreme Court Case. No court case may be challenged further than the Supreme Court.


District Justices are only permitted and expected to preside over District Court Cases. Appeals Justices are only permitted and expected to preside over Appeals Court Cases. Associate Justices of the Supreme Court and the Chief Court Justice are permitted and expected to preside over Supreme Court Cases, though may also preside over Appeals Court Cases and District Court Cases.


Any individual may be sued. Government Officials may be sued for charges independent or prior to what they may have done in office. Members of Congress are obligated to act on impeachment should there be valid evidence and reasoning that a crime has been committed by a Government Official that comes to light. Government Officials may be impeached (or if a member of Congress, expelled) for failing to properly discharge the duties of their office. No Judge can willfully obstruct and meddle with another Judge’s process of court and/or procedure.


The Chief Court Justice may make recommendations to the Governor as to who should be in the Judicial Branch, though the Governor is not required to oblige; only the Governor shall designate a nominee and only the Senate shall have the ability to confirm or not (by a simple-majority) the nominee for a position in the Judicial Branch. Upon confirmation, Judges shall retain their position until resignation or impeachment.


All parties and witnesses within a court case must be sworn in as to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. The defendant of a court case shall have the right to choose whether or not their trial shall be done by Bench or by Jury. In the event of a Jury trial, the members of the Jury must be sworn in promising they do not know anyone involved in the court case; those that lie may be held in contempt of court and removed from the Jury, with a new juror being designated to take their place. The Jury must have a minimum of four (4) jurors to a maximum of twelve (12) jurors, at the discretion of the presiding Judge. The presiding Judge of the court case in question may designate a Head Juror, who shall be responsible for reading off the jury’s verdict. All verdicts done by the jury must be a unanimous agreement of all jurors and must be without a reasonable doubt: if the jury cannot decide on a unanimous agreement for verdict, after all chances, the case shall be declared a mistrial and must be redone. The jury does not decide on a sentence for the defendant should the defendant be found guilty: only the presiding Judge shall decide on an appropriate sentence. Should the jury come to a unanimous verdict finding the defendant guilty, but the Judge has reasonable doubt otherwise, the Judge may declare mistrial. In the event of the bench trial, the presiding Judge shall be responsible for coming to a verdict without reasonable doubt as well as deciding on an appropriate sentence should the defendant be found guilty.


There must be at least one piece of physical evidence present within a court case, impeachment, or expulsion. Physical evidence shall include, though not limited to: screenshots, video proof, etc. Court cases that do not have physical evidence may be dismissed.


Judges of all State Courts, Be they District, Appellate, Supreme, or other courts of law defined by the legislature, shall have the authority to issue Court Orders. A Court Order is a document (publicly released PDF or Firestone Forum) issued by a seating judge requiring certain actions to be portrayed by the individual, group, agency, department, etc. under penalty of contempt. However, a Court Order must pertain to a specific case or preceding, said case or preceding must be listed in the order, as well as the Judge’s name, affected individual or groups, and an expiry date if the ordered action is temporary. For cases civil or criminal, Court Orders may be issued, upon a conviction for relevant charges, suspension from a state or county agency, service, or department, termination of the same, and imprisonment. Orders for appearance have their own separate section under this article. All court ordered punishments must be neither cruel nor unusual as to be determined by an Appellate Court, or court with appellate jurisdiction. An aggrieved person who is the subject of a Court Order May appeal the order, if it be by a court with criminal or civil jurisdiction alone, to a higher court with appellate jurisdiction. That court may decide to void the order, removing all its effects and declaring its originating case (assuming the reason for the appeal isn’t because of the fact the order didn’t pertain to a case or preceding), or uphold it. If the case involving the order is challenged in any court with appellate jurisdiction, based on the case alone, and is voided, then any court order revolving around it shall also be voided. If an appellate court upholds the order, it may be challenged finally to the Supreme Court; where it may again be upheld, or voided. The ruling of the Supreme Court is final and may not be construed, ignored, or invalidated by lower courts.




The Governor shall have the power to declare a State of Emergency during a time of civil unrest, riots, terror attacks, or for any other valid reason justified by the Governor; and so can the Governor remove a State of Emergency, at will.


Should a State of Emergency be declared, it shall be at the full discretion of the Governor whether or not non-essential services are suspended, the definition of non-essential services being left to the discretion of the Governor; so shall the Governor have the ability to exercise full discretion over how law enforcement, the National Guard, and other governmental agencies and entities are to counter the given emergency.


The Governor shall be the Commander-in-Chief of the Firestone National Guard, and shall have the respective authority and power over it; and shall be able to exercise full control over the deployment of the Firestone National Guard in the event of riots, civil unrest, terror attacks, a State of Emergency, or any other reason deemed justifiable by the Governor; and can deploy the Firestone National Guard in territory outside of the State of Firestone, without a Declaration of War in effect permitting such, for no more than 24 hours, if emergent.


The Firestone State Patrol, Sheriff Departments, and other law enforcement agencies and entities shall have the respective authority over law enforcement in their jurisdiction; this may be further set or regulated by Congress, or by the Governor, through the appropriate means to do so.


Citizens have the inviolable right to bear arms. No branch or entity of the State can curtail this right, but are obligated to take measures and set regulation to reduce the risk of armed crime and the mishandling of weaponry. The State must also provide adequate means for the purchase of firearms.


The Governor shall have the ability, by with and the advice of Congress, to make Declarations of War, provided that a supermajority (2/3) of both chambers of Congress concur. Declarations of War are used to state the intention of the State of Firestone to engage in an armed conflict with other nations, groups, and/or other entities. Declarations of War permit the Governor to deploy and place the Firestone National Guard and other appropriate entities in the territory the State of Firestone intends to engage in an armed conflict with. The Governor can nullify and void any in-effect Declaration of War at any time.


The Governor shall have the ability, to make Treaties with foreign nations, entities and other groups. The Firestone State Senate, shall have the power to nullify a treaty for a plausible reason, and a supermajority (2⁄3) of the present Senate concur with nullification.




All land unowned by a private entity belongs solely to the State of Firestone government, and the ability to distribute land belongs solely with the State of Firestone government; this process may be regulated by Congress through appropriate legislation to do so.


The State of Firestone government cannot demand a fee for the sale of land. Although, the State of Firestone government is free to set an appropriate process and regulations that must be followed for the distribution of land to a private entity; certain standards may be set by Congress or the Governor through appropriate means pertaining to this.


Law enforcement agencies and other governmental entities cannot raid or search property owned by a private entity without the established need to do so.


Government property consists of all land not owned by a private entity, including the State of Firestone Capitol building and any other properties set by the State of Firestone government. Citizens are free to access government property unless otherwise restricted by law. Citizens may only enter the State of Firestone Capitol building, and they may only do so with authorization from Homeland Security. The Homeland Security must ensure that citizens entering restricted government property are not a threat to security.


During a State of Emergency, law enforcement agencies, the National Guard, and other appropriate governmental entities are allowed to restrict access to property and roads as necessary with reason plausible.


Private property in the State of Firestone shall be considered any entity or property that is not owned by the government nor used or reserved for public use. Owners shall have the right to determine if they want their entity to be recognized as public property or not, although all businesses in the State of Firestone shall be considered as private property.




Prolonged inactivity shall not be tolerated, especially if the individual in question holds a governmental office. Prolonged inactivity without an inactivity notice, if committed by a government official, may result in an impeachment, expulsion, or otherwise removal if possible.


“Inactivity” refers to: not taking any action on ROBLOX for seven (7) days or more, not attending events or doing work related to the respective agency/department/branch, and/or not fulfilling the respective duties expected for the position in question; all herein forbidden without a proper inactivity notice being in place.


An individual may put forth an inactivity notice, advising of how they may be inactive for reasons plausible, which may only last for a maximum of fourteen (14) days; though an individual may only put forth an inactivity notice no more than once every thirty (30) days.


Government officials are obligated to keep inactivity of all circumstances at a low in order to discharge their duties effectively; excessive inactivity that clearly obstructs government processes, whether or not an inactivity notice is in place, is forbidden.


In the event that the Governor of the State of Firestone goes on inactivity leave, the Lieutenant Governor shall be Acting Governor. The Acting Governor shall be permitted to handle administrative tasks of the executive branch and directing of State Departments in the Governor’s absence. This does not permit the Acting Governor to sign legislation, nominate, write any Executive Orders, or dismiss any cabinet member, however may be permitted to suspend them, nor is the Acting Governor allowed to order the dismissal of any State Employee, but may with reason order the suspension of a State Employee.




All unrecognized parties within the State of Firestone shall have the ability to be recognized by the Firestone State Legislature should they intend on being declared official. Recognition of a party within the State of Firestone shall require a simple-majority vote from the Firestone House of Representatives and Senate in order to be declared official.


All parties within the State of Firestone shall be obligated to have at least a minimum of (10) ten members within their respective party in order to be recognized by the Firestone State Legislature. The owner and members of a party must be entitled as a citizen within the State of Firestone should the party being represented be recognized by the Firestone State Legislature. Recognized parties within the State of Firestone shall not be at risk of losing their recognition should they fall below the minimum amount of members required. Parties within the State of Firestone shall require a simple-majority vote from the House of Representatives and Senate should they be up for unrecognition.


“All members in a
party within the State of Firestone shall have the ability to freely promote their party on the
Firestone wall posts and within Stapleton County should the party they represent be recognized.
Promoting a party that is not declared official on the Firestone wall posts shall result in the
deletion of the post. All members of a recognized party shall be obligated to only post once a
page or risk deletion of their post should they represent their party on the Firestone wall posts.
Unrecognized parties within the State of Firestone shall have the ability to freely promote their
ideologies within Stapleton County.


All parties recognized by the Firestone State Legislature shall have the ability to promote as many campaigns as they desire should elections take place. A party within the State of Firestone shall be defined as an organization with their own set of ideologies.




The passage of this article shall describe the role of the sub-cabinet within the State of Firestone.


The sub-cabinet shall be at a state level and will not include departments part of Stapleton County to be part of the sub-cabinet. The sub-cabinet shall consist of deputy heads part of a department. Each department may have no more than two deputy heads part of the sub-cabinet within their respective department. A department head shall have the power to appoint a deputy head within their respective department. A department head shall have the authority to dismiss their deputy head(s) within their respective department should it be deemed plausible by the department head. A department head shall be mandated to at least appoint one deputy head for their respective department.


The Director of the Firestone Bureau of Investigations and the Director of the Firestone Peace Officer Standards and Training shall not be considered as deputy heads despite having the title of sub-cabinet. The Governor shall have the authority of appointing a Director for the Firestone Bureau of Investigations and acquire a simple-majority consent from the present Senate. The Governor shall also have the authority to appoint a Director of the Firestone Peace Officer Standards and Training and will need to acquire a simple-majority consent from the present Senate.


All members of the Firestone sub-cabinet shall serve as employees under the executive branch. The Governor shall have the power to dismiss a sub-cabinet member should it be deemed plausible by the Governor.


Very old version