AlexTheAviatorRBLX for House Special Elections

My fellow citizens of the State of Firestone,

Hello, citizens of the State of Firestone my name is AlexTheAviatorRBLX and this is my candidacy speech for the Firestone House of Representatives.

I am smart, respectful, and I am empathetic. On election day, think about who you are voting for. Will you vote for a candidate who is average, or will you vote for a candidate who is a leader? Most people ask you to vote for them, I don’t want you to vote for me, I want to EARN your vote. A leader treats everyone with respect. Now the question falls in your hands. If I get elected I will execute my duties to the best of my ability.


Former Councilman of the District of Prominence. March 2020 - May 2020.
Former Deputy of the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office. x3
Former District Chairman of the District Prominence, March 2020 - May 2020.
Former County Councilman (Under County Executive, Elite_Creations) June 2020 to current.
Former Chief of Staff of the District of Prominence ( Under iiVortex)
Former House of Representative x3

My plans:

I will listen to the community and what their needs are.
I will participate more in public. I will join public events and get myself in the picture.
I will write more legislature that will help citizen’s of firestone.

Following pieces of legislation I have proposed:

(more information on my trello: Trello )

In Conclusion, I have some experiences within governments in Firestone, and I believe the House of Representatives should have a bright and clean perspective. On election day who will you vote for? A leader, or an average candidate. Now it falls in your hands. Who will you vote for? With this all being said I hope you let me run during this upcoming House of Representatives elections. I hope I can earn your vote.

Have a blessed day.

On election day you have the power to prove it.


Candidate of the House of Represenatives

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate and contact my discord : aleksandar111#9803


support support support





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SUPPORT!!! He’s really cool and good!

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I’m realizing being sick made me forget this election ended. Sorry bro

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@moderators close

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Support 100%

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