Recently, we’ve seen a wave of progressive criminal justice reform in the reduction of the max court sentence by 66%. But I have an entirely new way we could do court ordered punishments that, I feel, would benefit all sides.
So you’re convicted of x crime right. Instead of doing a system where you spend x hours that you must serve in game, why not do a system where you get sentenced to x days and get your name and ID added to a Trello (max could be say two weeks, 14 days). This list makes you auto-spawn on the inmate team. However, every 2 or so hours you serve in game, that’s a day off your sentence (we could see if scripting a time logging system would be possible for inmates sentenced via Trello, if not there are other ways). So you don’t have to serve the time in game, and for low sentences it would honestly be easier to wait, but it also doesn’t act as a straight up ban or unreasonable amount of time to serve in game. So even if you commit Treason or something, and get the full 14, you could serve 28 hours, or do a mix of wait a few days, do 2, one day off, two one day, one day off, two, and so on.
I feel this system would be the best of all worlds:
- It gives LEOs a break from the more obnoxious criminals
- While not making said criminals have to physically serve 24 hours (max) or less in game, turning them away from the game
- It also makes it so judges, who often spend hours total with the trial process, aren’t wasting their time
- Still gives DOC cool RP time
So, would this idea be one anyone else would like? And remember, we can change the variables such as max sentence, hours needed to be served for a day off, etc. I just want to see if the concept itself is well received.
- I support this
- I do not support this
This concept has my absolute support.
SPT Skye Jones
princess skye!!#9640
Would the Trello card be removed automatically after 14 days have passed (from when the card was added) or do you have to pass 2 hours 14 times in game?
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Interesting Concept. Would like to see how it plays out.
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@thekerbal I suppose the judges would be responsible (or maybe clerks idk it’s a card not that much responsibility). When the due date is up (each time a valid 2 hours is done, decrease due date by one day) it gets archived or moved to a “served sentences” list.
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So do you mean that you have a Trello card that expires in 14 days and you can EITHER wait the time out and not do anything or speed the process up by going to the county for 2 hours and remove one day for those 2 hours?
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Correct. The sentence days are set on the card, and by serving two hours in game a day is subtracted.
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I think this may encourage sentenced people to ‘mark off’ their sentenced due date and feel like the 2 hours are an ‘accomplishment’ of some sort (if you get a 2 week sentence and do 2 hours a day feels a lot less than 24 hours even though it’s 28 hours, as there isn’t a timer ticking off), but 2 weeks isn’t a lot and they could just wait it out without having any sort of actual punishment. Anyways, the times and systems could be changed a bit
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I want to see where this goes, but this is a good idea.
Full Support,
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I support this, but there needs to be a way for them to break out. @DannyboyJurist
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Of course. We can always debate the times.
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Hello, I am DevMartavis and I do not support of this message.
You’re saying that basically being banned from the game for 2 weeks isn’t a lot of time?
what if the trello board was abused? like what if someone went rogue on it?
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How many rouge judges have we had? What’s to stop an AJSC now from giving 30 people 24 hours?
True, but it’d be a fiddly system to actually apply and get them arrested for the time. I.e I live in the UK, If I do a crime (hell no, SCFD forever) I probally have a good couple of hours before my warrant for the arrest goes through
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