72 Hour Jail Time

and once the representatives start representing themselves, we’re fucked.

When was the last time you saw someone get sentenced for anything above 24 hours?

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it’s prison time not jail time



Ok, we’re moreso talking about the general thought. NO ONE should be sentenced to DAYS ON END in a prison game (unless it’s a fucking simulator, then life in prison).

This is what is driving criminals (like myself) out. Honestly, to be jailing people for hours and days on end is stupid for a game. People like NolanW0j02005 got 29 HOURS in prison for playing the game and giving LEOs something fun to do. Pinkflamigos got 72 HOURS. DAYS ON END. DAYS. This has got to stop.

Mass ping incoming, Reps this is your chance to make things better for the other side of this game. Here’s what some of the community thinks about it. Go wild. REPRESENT US.

@ZachKearns @roboxzaxar @RayZap @Firetreat21 @SUPAHSHARP @Joshernaut @Viatactics @iFedoraLostic

(and yes I do notice that some people may get lower sentences, ranges from 2 to 72 hours here. I see moreso on the middle end in the cases list.)

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What happens when the RPing crims start getting cuff rushed? That’s where it is coming to for some of us. Put yourself in OUR shoes. We do fun things to give you guys something to do.

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With all due respect, that was posted in April. It is now November. No one has really even put much thought back into it after it got locked. We’re still getting jailed for hours.

Unfortunately, you as well as the twenty or fewer people that have commented on this forum do not represent the entirety of the State of Firestone (as in the few people here don’t represent the majority opinion of Firestone). We were not elected to represent such a small number of people. When you host a petition or a poll and it reaches the threshold, we will consider taking appropriate action on the matter. I agree with you on this, but you’re acting very hostile. The House of Representatives is currently in opposition of this topic; however, it’s not unanimous. One good way to win over our thoughts and votes in Congress is to go out of your way to properly grab our attention and host a poll or petition of some sort.

What I’m saying is, I agree with what’s being said here. I would like the maximum amount of time to be lowered. Nonetheless, I cannot act by myself without a consensus of Congress. With that being said, I ask for you to exercise your right to petition the government, specifically the legislature.

Representative, NotoriousAmerican

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I fully agree with this, I was simply letting the Reps know that some citizens have opinions on this, and they should read and discuss what is best for all citizens. Thank you for telling me to make a poll, I will create one shortly. It was not my intention to act hostile, but I feel it is getting out of with multiple hours of sentences being given to criminals. A good luck to you, sir.


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This is such an amazing response, similar to the other ones you have. I believe I was the first to propose an amendment at the request of the Chief Justice to lower the maximum sentencing time to twenty-four hours. It was shot down by other members of the judiciary, such as Jefrafa. As a result of that, I retired the amendment seeing that it would definitely not pass in Congress. Another amendment was proposed not too long ago regarding dropping it to twenty-four hours again, and it failed in Congress, having the same arguments listed here.

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I didn’t claim it has been put into use.

It is just a proposed solution to the problem you’re experiencing.

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baton rush and cuff


Please provide context.

what do you mean

“What happens when the RPing crims start getting cuff rushed? That’s where it is coming to for some of us. Put yourself in OUR shoes. We do fun things to give you guys something to do.”

I dont understand why you responded with “baton, rush and cuff”. where does that answer tie in??

i mean if you are gonna run people over or do crime. im going to baton rush you and then cuff you. what dont you understand

As I said, I firmly support a 24 hour max. Hell, if the in-game jail time could be upped to 30 minutes I’d go to twelve hours, maybe lower over a gradual period of time seeing how things went. But I have two main concerns with going lower than that right off the bat:

  1. There are crimes that literally no one benefits from ,and can ruin the game for tens or hundreds of our loyal, hard-working players at once. Take violations of the Ceasing Coups Act. When a department head, governor, etc. gets unlawfully usurped from their position, not only is their experience ruined, anyone who was with them or under them gets fucked over too. That isn’t part of “just the game” and “the fun.” I have seen coups and coup plots done, no one fucking likes it-not even the most prevalent criminals. When you spend months getting to a position then get screwed over by some 12-year old who lacks parental attention, it kinda ruins the experience. Take the FSPGate shit show with former Super. Fob. When he was corruptly and unlawfully removed from office all of FSP took a hit. Back then they were some 120 strong. That’s 120 players who have spent weeks and months of effort getting dicked over. Anyone who does this deserves their nice 24 or more hour “get fucked from the game” sit. Frankly, I think they should be perm banned. But while LEOs legit just obeying the law and acting as they’re required to, without any control of the situation, is apparently worth the threat of a ban-ruining the game for hundreds isn’t currently. And at the end of the day, it isn’t my group nor my game, so it really isn’t my place to say. But until such a time as that policy is enacted, 24 hours (or currently 72) will have to do in my opinion. One, two, three, whatever hours is bullshit for that.

  2. We have no data or experience showing us that lowering the max to some unprecedentedly low level will help. The lowest our max has ever gone is 24 hours. And really not too much changed. Some people will claim there were more max sentences and crime, but not really the crime part. Crime in this state has been at a pretty static level since v2 came out. No legal or communal change we’ve experienced has really deterred or created more crime. The only exception is the gangs that pop up every four months, cause some shit, get cucked, then go away (gangs, btw, are enjoyable by literally no one else but the people in them and I don’t really care how hard gang members get punished in compliance with law). There were, however, increases in max sentences during that time. I attribute that to the lack of codification and therefore the lack of codified punishments. When all of a sudden what used to be the average punishment for most of your upper-level murder cases is now the physical max you can give, it takes time to adjust.

This is 100% on the law enforcement. The like 6 people who can prosecute physically can’t watch two or more 50 persons servers all day everyday. It’s on the police to do what they are specifically instructed to do in POST and departmental training and record and report extensive crime.

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