A Bill to Dissolve the County Government(fixed)

A Bill To Dissolve The County Government

Preamble: The County Government has for too long failed to meet its proper standards of which we all expect out of our county government leading it to be a legal clog in the system.


Section 1. The Stapleton County Government shall cease operations and those of employment within it under the ranks of Councilperson, County Executive, and County Chairperson shall be terminated from their positions immediately.

Section 2. The County Government shall be dissolved until set time. All power held by County Government should be removed and the following shall only be kept.

Section 2A. The Sheriff of the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office and the Fire Chief of the Stapleton County Fire Department shall be considered a public office, therefore both positions shall require an election for the aforementioned office. The incumbent office holders shall retain their position–elections for both offices, in a case of vacancy, shall be hosted by the Firestone Election Committee. Pursuant to Article I Section XII of the Firestone Constitution, the Firestone Congress shall retain to power to impeach such officials.

Section 2A.1. The Sheriff of the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office shall be elected through a vote following all election regulations defined in legislation. To run for Sheriff the candidate must have been in the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office for more than three months, met the rank of Sergeant or above, and hold an active POST Certification. The Firestone Election Committee may Annex requirements.

Section 2A.2. The Fire Chief of the Stapleton County Fire Department shall be elected through a vote following all election regulations defined in legislation. To run for Fire Chief the candidate must have been in the Stapleton County Fire Department for more than three months, met the rank of Senior Firefighters/Senior Paramedic or above, and hold an active FFA Certification. The Firestone Election Committee may Annex requirements.

Section 2B. County Government shall be Dissolved until Congress restructures the County Government. The restructuring process will be finalized by 20/07/2018. All former powers of the County will be given back immediately after the deadline and elections for County Executive will be held immediately

Section 2C. All legislation, bills, acts, County Charter etc. created by the County Government shall be null.

Section 3. Stapleton County Government shall be defined as the ranks; County Council, County Chairperson and County Executive. The Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office and the Stapleton County Fire Department shall be considered State Departments under the State of Firestone and shall not shut down during this period.

Section 3A. Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office shall be defined as; Stapleton County Sheriff's Office - Roblox

Section 3B. Stapleton County Fire Department shall be defined as; Stapleton County Fire Department - Roblox

Section 4. The State of Firestone Executive and Judicial Branch shall enforce this legislation.

Section 5. This Legislation shall go into effect immediately upon passage of both Chambers of Congress

Section 6. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Section 6A. “A Bill to Give the Stapleton County Government Purpose” found here; A Bill to Give the Stapleton County Government Purpose shall be null.

Section 6B. “A Bill to Recognize Local Councils and Governments” found here;
A Bill to Recognize Local Councils and Governments shall be null.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor:
Senator, American_Honor


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