Why Firestone is on a Decline, majorly

To be frank, this is your opinion. These aren’t facts; I don’t think the title fits for this thread.

The thread itself sounds deceptive, with the intent of simply denouncing each government branch and bureaucracy within Firestone. When I read:

I basically lost any sort of interest I had left to continue indulging in this thread.

If you really think the government at large is very inefficient, instead of just denouncing them, why not peacefully critique and provide clear suggestions? This sounds more like an ad hominem attack than respectful opinion. No one likes disrespectful, negative, or for all purposes, ‘toxic’ threads. Let’s keep Firestone friendly and positive, something contrary to this thread.


I believe Elite is doing a wonderful job with the county.


On your last points, you have to remember we’re on Roblox.com lol people are always going to be immature here mate and you telling them what to do isn’t going to stop them, it actually causes the opposite.


semi-related mini-rant: city government, while a ‘sandbox’ for people new to government, is heavily ignored; this means that when people from city government go to county or state government, they aren’t prepared, and can fuck up on a larger scale.

as a city councillor, my job is pretty useless. we can’t pass bills related to or to support FD or SCMC as that’s state property, and any laws we pass for things like lingering, restricted areas, or traffic violations will be unknown, or ignored by nearly all citizens and LEOs.

give municipal governments more recognition :pensive:


Having a state government and a county government is pretty dumb when the group only offers 1 county, in my opinion makes the point of the county pretty much useless. They pretty much are there to really restrict SCSO and SCFD or push laws that the state failed to pass kekw.


the judicial branch is definitely slow, but i think that is due to the sheer volume of cases relative to a small amount of judges and attorneys. there are 33 BCAs in the SoF rn. about 10-12 of them dont practice atm and 6 are judges, which means we have about 6 active judges and 15 lawyers. there are hundreds of cases both pending and active at any given point in time (theres currently about 280). a lot of us generally respond slow because we are overburdened with cases and crafting legal arguments, decisions, etc for each case takes a lot of time to do – plus the added timezone issue, of course. several of our practitioners are in european timezones.

the only way to speed the system up, in my opinion, is to get more people. that is why we have been actively working toward making a functional law school (attempts thus far have failed due to the lack of a competent and willing superintendent to put in the huge amount of work a law school requires). that is also why ive been working with getting the Judicial Mentorship Program running. there was a point during my tenure as chief justice where we had 2 SCJs and 0 DCJs. we now have 4 DCJs, another 4 mentees, a few people interested in becoming mentees, and i hope to recommend an SC nomination very soon. we’re making progress at getting more people, but it is a slow slow process when competency standards are so high in the legal system and, frankly, the amount of people willing to put so much time into the most paperwork-intensive job in the state is not very large.

i absolutely understand peoples concerns with my branch (i have the same concerns!) but i hope they know that we aren’t just idling by and letting conditions worsen. we are actively trying to make things better :slight_smile:

tl;dr - we’re working on improving our end over at the judicial branch
sorry for bad paragraph breaks in this one im usually better with not wordwalling




No, just no.


yes, just yeas


Heres what I think why firestone is declining, plus note I haven’t passed the 6th grade.

  1. lack of motivation, at this point people are sick of the same old toxic, broken, outdated, completely boring v2. Also who has the motivation to put in effort for firestone when it’s always the same old v2

  2. life, No one really wants to put in that much effort to make a brilliant state. I honestly believe that the reason why firestone 2016-2018 is because people were young and had nothing to do with life

  3. firestone is big, DONT get me wrong here but I think firestone is 2 big to control or run perfectly. People from v1 say firestone being small is what made it so good everyone knew each other and everyone got along. It’s completely hard to control 500 people

  4. roblox itself is getting boring


county is definitely iffy. 2 government system doesn’t work well in Firestone, but whatever we can forget about it elite is doing pretty well with the county.

city however needs to go bye bye. I’ve said it before and ill say it 100 times again, its useless, like utterly useless. the state/county government is already iffy, and you want to shove 3 city Govs?? who’s stupid idea was this? as this post has said, nobody takes them serious. city laws who? Firestone can work well with state and county.


I really have nothing to disagree with other than the Lieutenant Governor not presiding, Shark has been presiding every single one so far and that’s a good thing.

Although I didn’t read the whole thing yet, just glanced at the Legislative Section.


My personal belief on why the group is declining:

  1. The government progression is way beyond the development progression

  2. Lack of current development support

  3. Toxicity in the community

  4. People being biased towards each other.


Then people would just make up laws and arrest anyone for anything. Also they would RP never getting fired or getting accepted into a dept again. Hell no, we are not ending up like mano.


not really, majority of small RP groups all decide as a community for a time for arrests, severity, etc.

or its just made by the owners


its ok skye

i have nothing to speak bad about you or the judiciary; i understand not a lot of people find it interesting, and it takes a select individual to basically argue with other people. you’re doing good < 3


Being a county, its a mid-tier level government, plus; if we were going to be realistic - you would have to assure you aren’t overstepping federal / state laws either. For that, I would actually go to the Supreme Court and get a cret. for deciding powers. Seeing as that where it would be beneficial the most. Once the SC decides their opinion, its basically law and a requirement to put in state. SC is your best bet, not deciding with Governors and State Legislature.


that’s the senate and house job, exactly what they do, lol

and if people want a law and stuff to be made and removed, DM a person in house or senate and they can do it, simple.


its not simple, it needs majority to be appealed. and doing that is a struggle with a bunch of people who only want their interest on the table.


Well if it does not pass, then it was not a good idea, simple.

Also if it did fail because of a dumb reason, fed law.