Thoughts on V2 being pay to play?

the fs money issue is the reason why i stopped crime
i can’t just keep spending 5k on 100k cash


well u dont have to
if u were a strategic criminal instead of just doing the typical solo hostage situations that end in your death 90% of the time u could make money in bank robberies


Who said you need guns to do crimes tho? Do a rp crime once in a while like domestic violence or neighborhood fight.


I remember that one domestic violence call I responded to in Arborfield might’ve been the BEST RP ever. No guns, no bank, no knife, no nothin. all the new crims are utter shit because all they ever do is either hostage, breach DOC or FNG, or a pursuit.


but phil, those get so boring so fast because usually people dont have interest, take too long to arrive, or it just becomes repetitive.

Can’t really do bank robberies when we get sniped at constantly, blocked using cones, and overall just tryhard methods so that we’re not able to put the money into our storage/exchange for actual money.


I just wish we go back to v1 style ngl. I wasn’t here for v1 because I asked a criminal where Rasheed was and he took me to a atm and I withdrew money and later when we got their I was killed by him so I rqed. But v1 criminals always flex in my dms saying v1 was more of a game where everything was fair and enjoyable but v2 isn’t a game to enjoy but a game to be taken serious


i played in v1
he’s right
being a criminal in V1 sounded extremely fun
i spoke to bowy about it
his mafia was one of the best in V1 and will always remain that way
i remember getting in a shootout in V1 before
it was fun


Bowy told me his mafia was one of the best because it was the first mafia in firestone and back then people were young which made it less toxic and civil and when v2 came he grew out of it and everyone else did as well. Also another criminal said v1 had everything balanced perfectly. 1 criminal gun for a cheap price that’s good. 1 car same speed. gun dealing which motivated bribery and blackmailing cops to sell guns. And most importantly a small community where everyone got along


reason it worked out was because firestone was small back then


It’s definitely not gonna get smaller but I honestly understand v2 criminals and why they only shoot cops and not rp. It takes about 5 hours to get the UZI and once you get it no one wants to lose it without going down with a fight or some fun. So you do the only thing you know which is shoot cops and evade


Seems like a quick way to make some money.


i thought v3 being paid access would be some bs but after seeing the affects with v2 its not THAT bad


Actually no, with 25 robux paid access I think they only make like 2-5 robux. They make more money when the game is free. When ROBLOX released premium it came with a cool feature for developers. Every-time a player with premium joins and plays a game that game gets premium score which means
robux. I made a shitty game and it got famous, 8 random premium players played for 45 mins and I made like 500 robux that day (I made total of 5,000 robux this month because of this feature by roblox) This is called premium payout and it only works for games that are free to access. Also firestone is a game that requires LEOs, Fire fighters, and Public employees to do logs which means they have to patrol for 30 mins at least and I’m sure that a lot of people in firestone has premium. If fed really wanted money he could’ve just kept it free. When people say Mayflowers dev don’t make money they’re wrong because mayflower makes more money than Firestone. This link explains it better than I do if you say fed just wants money for making v2 paid access you’re quite wrong


V2 Alpha flex :muscle:t2:


Very very true. V2 isn’t as enjoyable as it once was due to the ridiculous amount of frp, exploiters, trash crims/toxic crims. Even for some LEO’s, myself included, find patrolling more to be like an actual job than a fun game you can play with your friends. That’s also literally the one reason I genuinely dislike going on to V2, it’s just mentally exhausting going from prom bank, dealing with that hostage situation to greendale bank for another hostage situation then to rogreens for another hostage situation and then when you stop somewhere some twonk rams into you with an SRT then runs off, so on so forth. I don’t even know if paid access will bring back very good rp like V2 once had since a lot of the old criminal community has since left Firestone. Only hope now is V3.

Also props to you and whoever else you do quality rp with like those domestic disturbances etc. Bit of a breath of fresh air for the leo’s who get to respond.


There is every reason for making V2 p2p, however I feel like people who are department staff should be given free access.

This can be accomplished very easily, by using a ‘portal’ or ‘hub’ similar to that of V3; this would also technically allow for more specific things, like permitting players who had spent a certain hours in V2 prior to paid access.

The only possible downside of this, is that people who had previously purchased alpha or beta would no-longer have access unless they had/have the beta/alpha badge(s).


no. your just asking for the servers to be overstaffed.

this is EXTREMELY biased, making the game just filled of LEOs, as if the servers don’t have enough LEOs in them majority of the time.


how would department staff be able to do their job without V2 access? don’t departments require staff to submit ‘shift logs’ of v2


Department gave excuse for players without money


how won’t they get overstaffed in V2.

450+ LEOs and departments are going to be allowed but criminals have to pay? that makes 0 sense and would make V2 just 1 of those LEO “Roleplay games” that are shit like mano.

and im PRETTY sure like phil said, you can go on LOA, or excused absense, request funds from friends, etc