Head Developer
Hello everyone,
I have been Firestone’s Head Developer for over a year now, ever since @mrfergie resigned from it himself in April of 2018.
Although I haven’t always been on everyone’s good side, considering I was permanently banned from v2 at one time (and let’s not talk about Knightfall), I hope that I’ve ultimately had a positive impact on Firestone and everyone in it, since I first began developing for it.
Nonetheless, I am resigning from my position as Head Developer.
I no longer have the same motivation that I first had when I was just one of Firestone’s developers. I have from time and time again struggled with my motivation to work on not only Firestone, but projects of my own. After giving this thorough thought (over the course of many months), I have decided that it is time for me to resign.
My struggle with motivation has reflected on Firestone and has partially been the cause as to why the release of v3 is behind schedule. As such, I wouldn’t want to waste any more of Firestone’s time, and it would make more sense for there to be a Head Developer that would be more motivated to work on v3.
For better or for worse, I’m not entirely leaving Firestone, as I was offered to stay as a regular developer, to help with maintaining v2, or with small projects from time to time. I just can’t dedicate myself to the full time position as Head Developer.
It was fun working with the various departments and department heads with updating their cars and tools. The more notable ones I worked with was SCFD and SCSO
, so shout out to everyone there who was tolerant enough to put up with my lack of knowledge and police knowhow. And not to mention FSP, DOT, DHS, and of course FNG (Schwarzenegger didn’t work for months!).
Here’s a list of some of the most notable updates I did for v2:
- Rescript the data saving system to be more failsafe and reliable
- Rescript the jail system
- Rescript guns
- Update SCFD to have new ELS and suspension
- Added click to enter to vehicles and rescripted portions of them
- Reintroduced boats
Among the countless bugs (because v2 has a lot of them) that were fixed along the way.
Shoutouts (in no particular order):
If I forgot to list you here, sorry!
@FedoraMasterB98 and I discussed many great ideas in our (sometimes) nightly calls, brainstorming and thinking about what we wanted v3 to be like. I hope what we’ve talked about still carries forward into v3 to make it a great game.