This kinda explains why you were online on the forums for a while…
really talented guy; i appreciate everything you have done, i hope you have a bright future
o7 my dood, you served FS well, but now life calls you forth upon its bounds.
fun times introducing the door handle click bug and then seeing you get murdered by your custom black tesla the first time around, and watching you screw around on the radio.
come join the club, we have jackets.
oof rip
hey bro, thanks for all the shit u did with SCFD, sorry the members harassed u about updating us, but you truly did help the department progress
Oh jesus man!
furry u will be remembered, @FedoraMasterB98 how about a statue/memorial for him. sorry for tag
Take care brotha. <3
You will always be a furry fish to me
well there goes v3’s fucking ui then huh
message from jason
Hey, I’m JasonBourneAxis, as to represent the banned members of our community. I’ll fucking miss you, even though we didn’t do much, you did a lot for this community, even with that fuck up (gave a real challenge to leos but it was kinda unfair) I had to find ash just to tell this message for me, but everyone of the community will miss you, we still remember mrfergie still to this day, we’ll remember you also. Also, cool club you made, like it. Anyways, I’ll miss you as head developer.
JasonBourneAxis and banned members of the forum, discord, and game community.
(p.s thanks ash for posting this) you’re fucking welcome
You’ll be missed. o7
big o7 It’s not deep goodbye if you don’t play this song
Good luck with your future projects!
rip #1 shooter in fs