Enough is enough, These fine Congressmen and I have decided to ultimately take action, listen to the people and reduce the generous amount of seats we currently have in Congress. We appreciate all the passion you’ve shown on this topic. As a former Presiding Officer, it’s stressful to know that you might not fill up all the seats in your respective chamber during an election period, and if you do at least a seat or two will be empty in two weeks or deal with incompetency for several months. This amendment is going to restore true democratic elections where people can vote and not just everybody wins. (and limit 2-4 special elections for congressional seats every tenure)
If you’re interested in dropping a Co-Sponsor, type “Support” or “Signed” below, express your thoughts and opinions etc.
Here is the amendment:
Right Honourable Governor Ash1835
Senator JohnDRyans
Senator Stamose
Representative Floatmanjason
I definitely agree with this, as stated in the post itself. Me and these congressmen are sick and tired of the amount of congressmen who do not care about their jobs. We currently have congressmen who haven’t even proposed a bill yet. This is absurd, and needs to be fixed now. Now is the time to fix the issues, especially before V3, though even if V3 was not coming out, we would still propose it. We are done.
Finally something like this is happening. I remember being SOTH I had several sessions I had to cancel or just continue waiting for another day because quorum couldn’t be possible. This needs to pass ASAP.
nvm u in theory hold the position of citizen because in the constitution it says co founders, founders, and devs cant interfere in the political or legal matters of the state unless they hold another position that legally grants the ability to do so.