Shedding Light on Issues That Need to Be Handled within our Community

Because I have that which makes me trustworthy


There aren’t any policies in regards to jurisdiction, other than for the well known one of “If # amount of SCSO are on duty, FSP aren’t allowed to patrol Redwood”.

If jurisdiction was properly defined, such boundaries set and policies created that enforce it, maybe (a big maybe) it’ll be adhered to.

Law enforcement spreading across the map is an issue though. When a bank alarm is set off at Prominence bank, it typically takes around 3 minutes for the first on-scene unit to arrive because they’re all sitting in/near Redwood.

I’ve patrolled Prominence a few times myself and typically arrive to bank robberies within around 10 seconds of the alarm being set off.

Spreading out does cut response times but it gets boring for some because the majority of v2’s population hangs around Redwood.




from previous experience even as a LEO, some people can get irritating as fuck, and it looks like the people are on the sidewalk probably ramming/hitting things.

but yeah thats what FS has come to due to not rlly much other then guns n robbing


Its true, the only crime I EVER see committed in v2 is Bank Robberies, Shootings, Evasions, Reckless Drivers and Rammers.

Occasionally I manage to get a traffic stop or two but they’re usually noobs who genuinely don’t understand the game. Every once and a while I respond to a trespassing but its rare and usually my response isn’t necessary anyway.




not a criminal but yeah Leos can be toxic, and Leos have more tech and stuff. (And cops complain about SRT? they are :clown_face: )

crims do need more stuff to do, stuff that doesn’t get cops attention. stuff like smuggling, car jacking, house robberies, and more. this also would make more people want to become criminals increasing the amount of crime which is a good thing. Don’t deny it, without crime nobody would have anything to do. No criminals, no fun.


!!! this!!!



enhanced roblox roleplay sponsored by swat



From Crayxtro

Back when I was a LEO there wasn’t that much of good advantage for LEOs and Criminals/Citizens. All vehicles use to go 80SPS, we didn’t have ram bars to make the tires pop, bullet proof windows, snipers. When I was DHS I remember as FPS, Airplane would use to protect us from going into Redwood. We mainly focused on Feds, gov mansion, Arbor and Prom. We could only go into Redwood for gas. I remember when a shootout was happening right at CD, I was like damn. I wish I could have shot my weapon. Pursuits back in early v2 stages to early 2019 was hella annoying, they use to last over 2 hours sometimes 30 minutes. We had to use skill and tactics to disable the vehicle, like road blocks, spikes.

When I was shot in v2 as a LEO. I didn’t really care, mainly I would say nice aim, but other people can catch you and also I can respawn with a weapon and come back and shoot and find you and possible arrest you.

Being a criminal is fun and all, I remember having a lot of money in v2 but I spent it and gave some of it away to some gangs and FBI, were we wasted a lot of money of weapons and drills. I sometimes try to RP with some LEOs but it’s not a vibe for me. I know they will just play some dumb shit and come and arrest me. I sometimes try not to commit a crime like shooting someone or running someone over. It pisses me off when CFLs shoot their weapon even when they aren’t threatened, cmon now leave us alone. To the LEOs who run in front of a vehicle when the vehicle is trying to run away, can y’all STOP it’s annoying just for y’all to shoot the vehicle until it’s on fire/smoking or even to shoot the driver.

tl;dr to those people there’s something called GOOGLE TRANSLATE or even READ TO ME


nowadays no skill is required, although today I had a pursuit that lasted 6 minutes that was fun, it ended with a boat escape which was cool and even the LEOs agreed it was fun

i feel like there should be some sort of law that makes it illegal to purposefully RUN infront of someone to get yourself injured (something like the name “Insurance fraud”, would be helpful for DOT/DPW/SCFD too since a lot of people pretend to get run over infront of them)


I’m only really toxic when someone has pissed me off (This is mostly the case while i’m on Coast Guard) when I start just calling you a whole bunch of shit. But most of the time, as long as you listen to what I say not not do stupid shit I dont particularly give a fuck about what your doin or how you ended up in my cuffs and i’ll gladly have friendly banter with Crims that I know and are good friends with.


the same way I come up behind you saying “help” with a broken arm through the inside of fng gates xd


You honestly surprised me and Nex like “What the fuck, how’d you get there?”


shit was hilarious tho LOL
i fell and though yall heard me im like ################


CrImInAlS DoNt RoLePlAy


lol right, leos say that all the time…


they just rush in and dont roleplay at all


I mean me & borg were asked to organize some sort of RP scene which would require FNG to come in and save the hostages, it didn’t go bad but ended a bit too quickly imo
