Regarding Further Lowering the Max Prison Time

It’s funny how the poll has 65% in favor of 12 hours. One percent too little for a constitutional amendment.


If you think about it, 24 hours would be reasonable if there’s a lot of things to do.


I’m personally fine with any time, however I do prefer the maximum to be less than 30 hours, anything over that seems a little redundant and over-realistic.

But, I’m fine with any time if there’s great public support for it, I’d say the maximum prison time should be dictated by our citizens seeing as this affects them most, but of course it shouldn’t be less than 10 hours as that sort of ruins the whole purpose of having serious offenses and the concept of prosecution.



I sat in jail for almost 6 hours (can’t remember time) and I don’t know how people can be there for so long. I mean yea, use an auto clicker to keep your computer alive and in game and you have to leave and rejoin to save your time or it’ll reset it to the last save. But you can only keep yourself distracted for so long.


It also wastes your conputers resources for no reason!


I think the community needs to noticed one thing. Everyone says “I’m tired of criminals who FRPers and rammers lets give them long hours” but most of the rammers and FRPers are barely criminals. Yet, most of them are barely in the state group itself. They are noobs who joins and only thing they know is drive and ram into role-play. When you makes laws trying to stop rammers and FRPers you actually put criminals who actually don’t ram and FRP into prison as well.


Yes, you make a good point with the fact that high prison times encourage them to leave, but the thing is this will effect ACTUAL CRIMINALS, causing them to leave, which then leaves FS as just cop baiters.


Ah yes, the angry parents with the power and wifi bills


Really does nothing more but kill the game.

Sure, lets have our sweaty DoJ go after criminals that are the sole entertainment for the entire game - the people that allow police, specifically SWAT and CRT, operate to do the tasks they are trained for. Criminals are horrible people in the game but are an essential part of the community. As several people including moderators above have stated, these criminals get misjudged for FRPers, when a lot of them will roleplay properly. How many criminals that are real criminals, committing real crimes that are more impressive than a traffic infraction flip their cars in a pursuit? I’ve patrolled over 70 hours in v2 and I have seen very few of these.

The best part is those who FRP don’t even get arrested, so essentially you’re intentionally handing the people that give the game life twenty-four hour sentences of which they must sit in a game for twenty four hours for playing the game the way it’s meant to be. The sentences are way too long, in game 900 is a perfect sentence for in game affairs but 24 or even 12 for when they are prosecuted is still lengthy. 6 is just barely pushing a limit, as @Kat4Katrina said herself earlier.


This 100% ^


12 hours seems fine to me. For now that is.

Though I have some opinions on this.

There are only 2 ways to get rid of FRPers. Make the bloody game pay to play. OR hire more game mods. There’s no such thing as having “too many game mods”. V2 has been a joke in terms of FRP for quite a while now.

In terms of FDM, etc, stuff like that shouldn’t be 12 hours or so. It’s too long in my opinion, though slowly decreasing might help all this. I’d say we should experiment with it. Because although crims can be a pain in the ass, they play a role in FS because at the moment, all it is is cops and robbers.

The only true way this will be solved is when v3 comes out, because at the moment the only fun thing citizens who don’t want to apply for a LEGO job have to do is crime. But for now, we need to start hiring more game mods as well as making it pay to play. It will not kill out the community, there are too many people dedicated to this community. If they can afford uniforms, they can afford to pay to play.

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