Public Opinion Poll; Felon Workers in Public Employee Departments

That’s not what he said at all, but… there are ways to get records expunged, or am I wrong? So you aren’t “banned” from using game mechanics or joining departments, if you wanna go legal. Now, are those systems broken? We can talk about that and I might agree but this is a different discussion here

crime on duty is arguably rogue, especially if it involves the department tools


You need to wait two months to even attempt to expunge your records

I don’t know how the system works but according to what you say, yes, two months seem too much to me too.
But the thing is, are we doing this because it’s too hard for criminals to expunge their crimes if they wanna join a public department? Because if so, I think we should look at the expungements programs and not move to this direction.
So if we do approve this, criminals would have the opportunity to commit crimes while on citizen team, and act legal while on DPW/DOT team. This also has risks, because you give them the opportunity to switch teams while in a pursuit, or while hiding during/after a chase (which already happens with RTAA/LTAAs, but there are ways to prevent/punish most of them, something that’s not possible with team-swaps). And all for what benefits? I think the focus should be moved elsewhere in order to help criminals to become legal.

an easier way would be to have a system to actually permit legal/crim alts since thats the closest thing you can get to ‘multiple characters’


I mean let’s be real noone is stopping you from doing it, unless you mess up and other people find out…
In fact I’m sure there are criminal alts in gov departments already, like there are legal people with criminal alts, and none of them get found out if they’re smart enough.

I’m not saying people should do it, and that should not be the solution, but I’d rather look at how expungements work than implementing this.

i believe if this were to be implemented then it should be limited to not being allowed to progress through the ranks as a felon, to maintain integrity and not overfund criminal activity… and also to maintain criminal records having a meaning as a “negative” thing

quickly edited that after realising it sounded the wrong way idk how to explain, felt wrong ok bye


a ranklock seems like a good idea


what would a rogue dpw even do, block a road? ur acting like it’ll cause a bomb to go off killing thousands


They can use the switch team function if they wanna FRP, but they can also use department-issued vehicles to evade and commit crimes, and those vehicles have bulletproof glass on them.
Also, we’re talking about DPW and DOT, and the tow truck can be abused in many different ways, like other department-issued tools.
It’s not a “bomb going off killing thousands” but it wouldn’t be nice for sure

I support this. It’s way too easy for a civilian to become a “felon”, and thus barred from most departments. If you crash your CV into an LEO, chances are you’re gonna get a VA charge. That’s a felony. If you want to go legal after that, it takes 2 months before you can expunge it. And you better hope you don’t get another arrest before then. No new player wants to go through all that.

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I completely agree, but my statement still stands


I think people who have had their felonies expunged, or haven’t committed a felony in a certain amount of time (ex. 20+ days), then they could be allowed to apply depending on the severity of the felonies, and how many felonies they had committed. But I don’t think that it’s a good idea to allow someone who had just shot at cops 2 days ago into a state department.

you’re saying it’s frp, so they’d get banned & terminated for it

the vehicles go 90, and it’d be considered rogue.

no they do not, only law enforcement vehicles have bulletproof windows

imo if felons ARE allowed in DPW/DOT, they should be restricted from certain vehicles/operations, if it’s abused then they’ll get booted & probably banned

on another note, to see if the individual can be trusted in a department like dpw/dot, experience in (reliable) businesses can be checked (and docm blacklists overall)?


No, if you are legal be legal, if your criminal BE criminal, the 2 sides should not mix… also people could go rogue easier as they wouldn’t have to do an expungement process.

I don’t think this would be the case. Whilst yes, it may be slightly more likely, if the department manages it right, I don’t think it would change the occurrence of rogues much. The CRP already allows DOT/DPW to employ felons (among other similar groups of people) temporarily to complete the program, and there haven’t been any such issues.

OVERALL, whilst I don’t think that this is necessary, as DPW/DOT have enough staff as is, and if people want to reform there are a few routes already in place to accommodate this (expungements, CRP), I wouldn’t be against the change.

Right, that’s enough of me checking that DOJ hasn’t burnt down, back to LOA I go


my issue is that they could use their pay to commit felonies off duty

ya but the difference is that business money isn’t provided by the state, where as DPW is

because businesses are private and the state is, well the state