#PR0727-04 - Statement on Suspected "Free-ranking"

shut up noob :laughing:

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you are the one that lied about this!

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“If a department has officially declared a ‘reform’”

A reform was never declared.

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The order never enumerated whether such deceleration was to be direct or indirect (which it was in this case).

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as it states you must officially declare, which in speaking means you need to openly declare that reforms are undergoing.

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I don’t need to serve in the DoJ to know that you’re throwing a hissy fit.

You’re a grown man on a LEGO game ranting about & trying to throw hits at someone just because you don’t like them nor agree with them.

It’s not rocket science, nor is it something hidden from the world at large.

You will undoubtedly claim that this is true. I will still nonetheless claim it is ad hominem; that you are on a warpath without a cassus belli, if you will, other than your own ego.

@DannyboyJurist Keep an eye on this topic.

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If I gave a flying fuck about my ego, I’d be the Attorney General, and I would’ve never gone rogue.

I have proven that it is true, because I don’t want a department that I practically made to go down the drain due to some incompetent fool who is in it for the power.

And I’m here for the shits and giggles but why not be professional for once?

Get over yourself and don’t involve yourself into something you don’t understand. Good day.

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If I were in it for the “power” I would’ve initially pursued an interest in becoming the Attorney General.

I was offered the position (while unemployed) and I accepted. There was no power-grab.

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Yes, I know the story.

You were chosen over Andorks.

That doesn’t mean you weren’t in it for the power.

What power do I have?

Besides the following:
Prosecuting repeat offenders, administering justice, being counsel to the state and the Governor.

The Attorney General is one of the most powerful positions in the Cabinet.

You have one of the greatest powers of them all, and we’re wasting it on you.

I’m done here.

I don’t recall there ever being a position that has the “greatest powers.”

Remember the “beef” we used to have?

Ever since you expressed your interest in being the DAG, I gave you so much leniency.

The FNG did not even want me to hire you.

You were banned and a criminal, but you got that expunged and I hired you. Out of the kindness of my own heart and the simple thought that you were changed. But, you say I’m all in it for the power.

While we’re derailing the conversation, let me just add,

And as such I believe you have proven my point about your ego. You believe that this is your department; that it must be run your way, or no way.

Let me also note that if Brotix wanted power, he would have stayed on the path of Congress and would have run for governor. He did not.

I will once again note that not being part of the DoJ doesn’t mean that I don’t understand anything. You do not have to burn yourself in a fire to understand that fire is hot. I have my right to speak; that is something that you cannot prosecute me for. Nulla poena sine lege.

Et enfin,

We have checks and balances. There cannot, and never will, be a “most powerful position in the Cabinet.” Checks and balances exist to prevent such concentration of power.

I would have assumed that after throwing out your pride on your sleeves while begging for leniency from the FNG HICOMM, you would have been better. I assumed that you would have had the decency to stop insulting those who disagree with you and those who cause trouble.

Turns out you still lack the dignity and the honour to accept what others do.

And ever since I worked for you, I did most things for the department.

Then you backstabbed me.


1, I never stated that it should be ran my way. I raised the department, and I care about the department more for than my ego, because if I wanted to help my ego, I’d be the Attorney General by now.

Brotix is also currently running for Governor, so your point of that is irrelevant.

2, You are right, but you can’t judge a book by its cover, and the contents of such are completely invisible to you. I also have my right to speak, but your opinion is irrelevant.

3, Incorrect, there can never be a perfectly balanced government. It simply is not possible. Especially in the Cabinet, others are more powerful than others.

In regards to my letter to the FNG HICOMM, I don’t know who the fuck you are to judge me. Do not come here and act wise, that just shows me you want to seem superior. You don’t know shit about me.

I’m done with your bullshit, you are clearly in someway biased in this topic.

Goddamn European.

Called off my election.

Well congratulations. Want a medal?

This is absurd. @DannyboyJurist close this.