OfficerVideoGame and PwnzorSausage for Governor and Lt Governor. Make Firestone Great Again

This seems like a meme



no? where does it say that

I do support but…

I kinda want someone fresh. like a fresh face and fresh admin etc



I could have sworn there is a slander election rule but I haven’t done elections in a long time so /shrug

Couple things.

  1. This speech is an altered version of one of Trump’s speeches.

  2. Slandering other candidates isn’t permitted.

  3. The Constitution was recently amended to prevent individuals from holding the position of Governor more than twice.

One of these, will most likely grant you a fresh disqualify. I’m sorry, my friend.


Quality 7/10 meme, thank you ovg

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Altering Trump Speeches is allowed as it doesn’t say you need to have your original work

Defamation and Slander aren’t illegal as per BOR.I but idk I wouldn’t really consider what he said slander, more or less an opinion. So your second point is debatable to a certain extent

your third point might be true, but ovg has loopholed the constitution multiple times so I believe technically he can run again, even though this is a meme campaign.

Go reread the BOR. But in elections the sponsor is free to DQ for slander, of which is in this run’s guidelines.

The Constitution simply says if you’ve been in office after taking over you get one more time as Governor, even for a single day. OVG has certainly met that limit.

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No support.

This speech may be a joke and a meme but it’s an edited speech of the current President of the United States, you’re slandering another candidate and you’ve already been in office too many times. I call for @FedoraMasterB98 to disqualify this candidate.


I think you need to reread the BOR, and define slander for me vs an opinion.

No it doesn’t lol, if OVG didn’t stay as governor for 2months in a term, he can run for governor again, and again.

Pretty sure he has been elected twice though

If this is an accurate timeline, then I think he can.

Aren’t you tired of being governor or lieutenant governor?

It won’t hurt for this state to be under the leadership of someone besides yourself.

No support.

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Hello ovg i haven’t seen u in a while


I cannot comment on the matter of elections.

We need someone new therefore I won’t be supporting.

aS SoMeBoDy wItH No bRaIn aNd aBsOlUtElY No iDeA On hOw gOvErNmEnT WoRkS Im gOiNg tO HaVe tO ThRoW OuT My iRrElEvAnT OpInIoN AnD NoT SuPpOrT. iM A PrOuD ShEmAlE SuPpOrTeR AnD I WaNt a lEsBiAn iN OfFiCe gOoOo sHeMoTe!!!



support cause he likes videos games and the other guy is a sausage and who doesn’t like a sausage