JxstDev for Senate


https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/612477594213810177/640029612210126848/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/612477594213810177/640029834252255264/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/612477594213810177/640030282820354048/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/612477594213810177/640030934199959602/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/612477594213810177/640031165272817665/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/612477594213810177/640032119120330762/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/612477594213810177/640036729813729310/unknown.png

Wow, good curlity towards me.

based on those images I withdraw my support and encourage yall to do the same

Wow, you people donā€™t know what jokes, facts, and nicknames are.

Maybe you canā€™t face the truth?

I highly encourage you to not support this person. Iā€™ve been on multiple times while he was on as DOC. He clearly has no clue what he is doing and I donā€™t know how the hell he has passed POST. He has showed that he is immature. If somebody canā€™t even stay at a POST tier or a goverment session, then how can you trust him writing your laws?

Will you people stop.

You are ignorant, and scoundrel citizens right now.

You also canā€™t understand the difference from criticism and ignorance. I suggest you find a dictionary and look up both words.

I suggest you stop

Stop from what? Showing the public the truth?


Go ahead

It will just show the people of Firestone how rude you people are,

Clearly youā€™re incapable of holding such public office, or any public office for that matter, with all due respect your behavior and attitude is undesirable and we hold the right to relay our opinions on you. I highly encourage you to gain the necessary experience as I said previously, you will not do this position well.


How did you make it in the House? You donā€™t have any government expirence.

So yep. Conversation over.

I actually do have prior experience before becoming a Representative, granted it is minor, I was Chairman of the Prominence District Council. However, I most definitely hold the needed ethnics and expected behavior towards this position, I also believe my legal experience can excel my capabilities as a Representative. Iā€™m not continuing this any further, if you want to still continue this pointless altercation you can gladly go to my direct messages but it is not guaranteed that Iā€™ll respond to your messages.

Alright buddy, hope your Cerrer in house is good.

10th Support!