Joshernaut & NotoriousAmerican for Governor and Lt Governor

bruh another dept is unnecessary and annoying who cares lol no one wants to be a park ranger


not sure how i feel, will do an in-depth review of this speech later.

protecting parks since 1981 !!

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It’s happening no matter what as fed and the devs have already started development for them as a whole (including uniforms and such). Also, don’t assume that nobody wants to be a park ranger when the last time you were around to a big affect was v1 and early v2 so the community opinion can and will sway. Hell, the recent poll shows support for it.

I just want to point out my personal comprehension of this speech maybe I’m wrong but this is what I read.

So far your plans for the state are keep an eye on executive branch because they seem to be doing good. You want to do 2 cabinet meetings, okay fair enough you have plans to reconstruct the cabinet okay sure. But then you basically say some MAY need assistance but we will use our Governor powers to keep an eye on them and provide oversight. This seems like something anyone can do for almost every department except maybe DHS and FNG.

Next paragraph it basically says you want to help congress get better ratings and better public view. Explanation would be nice on how.

Judicial Branch side of things is nothing new to how it is now just working with the mentorship program with no explanation.

Next paragraph is helping with county and state relations also with no explanation other than “speaking.”

Next paragraph is a new Foreign Policy which seems okay sure but maybe how it will be different from all the past policies that proves it’s any different to before.

Maybe I’m a terrible reader but to me this is basically the equivalent of a congress candidate saying that they will “represent the people.” A responsibility that is expected and shouldn’t have to be mentioned. Granted yall do mention a few points, you really have no explanation for any of them. I would go more into detail about what action you really plan on taking because I don’t see much. I know this speech is at the beginning of the election and you may go into more detail in debates but I know a lot of people aren’t always able to watch those or join the campaign discords so it may be a good idea to explain in these speeches.

No hard feelings I will probably point out things to every candidate, and you may very well end up being the best candidate but this is how I viewed it.

apparently the governor has no plans for the department of state

That doesn’t really predict nor resemble how NotoriousAmerican will lead the Senate and handle governorship with Joshernaut. This seems to be a pure baseless jab at this campaign to make yourself look more desirable and capable for your rerun campaign (assuming you choose to).

Bringing up something from 2017 is a really large stretch, you’re painting him as an antagonist to the state because he was impeached for something roughly 3 years ago. He has most definitely changed and is much more familiar with constitutional limitations.

The other arguments, I could care less for, they’re irrelevant and quite frankly I agree, this department is more or less useless and just causes another DoBW to occur, which is also equally as unnecessary.


i would perfer notorious as gov and josh as lt gov

An impeachment never goes away so yes, it does matter a great lot especially for here. The fact he held the highest judicial office in the past and was impeached for both inactivity and the meddling of affairs is scary and honestly, people here don’t change that much (with a few exceptions)

Yes let’s ignore the fact he legit didnt support it less than a week ago and boom he dms richie he is planning otherwise and wants him as sec to appeal to him. That legit is showing that he is just doing what gets him more votes by changing his view on a dime to appeal to another group

shark why didn’t you do anything about DoS?
you let it die

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Few things wrong, Notorious is probably the least toxic person you’ll ever meet. He makes jokes, and messes around but those jokes are not to offend anyone, if you’re calling him toxic for expressing his opinion then idk what to say…

second, is he not allowed to change his opinion about a department? are we seriously going to sit here and use out of context screenshots to slant what was said

there’s more but im too lazy, but i agree with @SerZhukov, that comment was made just to boost you and ash’s campaign. espically considering the fact you’re brining up something that happened nearly 3 years ago

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I mean he can be toxic at times but ok

Been trying to host a mayflower summit for the past few weeks, they have yet to establish a set date.

Can’t really do much when the other state isnt communicating as well

who cares about mayflower tho cuz just focus on your state and how to gain more members

and while we’re on the topic of toxicity, Ash told me to fuck off, SEVERAL times back when i was speaker of the house, amoung other things…

but notorious is the toxic one?



~ CertifiedLaw

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Mr. Governor,

As always, I respect your opinions. You are correct, I have been impeached. However, the past is the past. This was over two years ago, and as @SerZhukov said, this doesn’t predict how I will perform in my official capacity as Lieutenant Governor if elected.

As for your inaccurate response, the reason why my opinion changed is that I talked to a developer and some other individuals, thus changing my view on the topic regarding the department. Please stop twisting my words. I believe that the rest of the individuals that are defending me have proved my point further.

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it’s easily fixable, it’s probably easier for a press team and a state interactions team to communicate with other states rather than the governor doing it

In regards to the Department of Parks and Recreations once more, we have said in Congress multiple times before it is not a priority to set up, it is far too early. When this was originally pushed, it was months ago and imagine if it was completely set up now. Great, you have a department that’s going to sit there for a while waiting to do things with things that may have to change upon its actual arrival. Closer to the realistic drop point of V3 is when we should be bringing up P&R, not right now. V3 has proven to be farther away than we thought. Remember when we thought V3 was going to be in your term? That’s almost up, and it’s still in heavy development.