House Special Elections of March 2018

Firestone State House of Representatives Elections
Position: House of Representatives
Positions Available: 3
Signature Deadline: 3/8/18
Election Sponsor: Speaker Virginian_State
Collect seven (7) signatures on a support forum. The support forum cannot have been made prior to 2/5/18.
⇒ Once the set number of signatures is achieved, it must be posted on this forum with a link to your post.
Election Rules:
⇒ Can only post one speech, and may not “bump” your thread more than once every two hours
⇒ Slander will result in disqualification
⇒ You can have another job during the election period, but must resign if you win a seat
⇒ Any twitter posts hinting as a campaign will NOT hinder or DQ any candidate.
⇒ Any other rules specified by any law are applied here, including election laws
⇒ Campaigning begins on 3/5/18
⇒ Campaigning continues from 3/5/18 to 3/8/18 3:30 PM PST
⇒ Voting opens 3/8/18 at 3:30 PM PST.
⇒ Voting closes 3/9/18 at 4:30 PM PST. Winners will be announced.
Speaker Virginian_State

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I have gained my 7 supports

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Due to only having one one the ballot, the schedule has been updated to:

3/8/18: Campaigning continues.

3/9/18: Campaigning continues.

3/10/18: Ballot closes; signature deadline at 3:00 PM PST. Voting opens at 3:30 PM PST.

3/11/18: Voting ends at 3:00 PM PST. Results revealed.

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I gained my 7 Supports!

Ballot will now close at 12:00 PM PST instead of 3:00 PM PST. Voting opens as 12:10 PM PST should the amount exceed over three candidates.