NicoloSkrt for House of Representatives

Greetings my fellow constituents, After a lot of time and consideration I have decided to announce my candidacy for House of Representatives. In my speech I will be addressing my experience in this beautiful state and what I will do for You if given the privilege of being apart of the congress.

I guess I should probably address this early on, in the past I was perceived by my peers as being an “Notorious Criminal” for my acts i’ve committed throughout the state. I’ve always wanted to quit the lifestyle of continuous check-ins to our local correctional facility, but with the criminal record I had at the time consisting of various felonies, I could not seek employment. Ever since the data reset in early February I have dedicated myself to attempting to turn my evil ways around and making an effort in trying to make Firestone a better place for not only our brave Law Enforcement Officers, but our patriotic citizens as well. As a former criminal and current citizen of the state Ive came to knowledge of the problems the state has and would like to change that, for example the crime rate. In my opinion I believe the high crime rate is due to the lack of employment for people with criminal records, once they’ve been sentenced that record stays with them forever. They cannot seek employment anywhere as all the jobs are government ran and require no criminal record and sometimes post certification forcing them to continue their criminal lifestyle as they have nowhere to go. If elected to H.O.R I would like to become an advocate for the revival of our Private Sector and would try to help the needs of the Department of Commerce any way, shape or form I am capable of doing.

Plans/Agenda if elected H.O.R
Revive our Private Sector as previously mentioned
Fulfill the needs of not only the people who vote for me, but my fellow constituents throughout the State of Firestone
Propose legislation that will not only keep our citizens safe but our brave LEOs as well for example; Gun Control
Lead a transparent office, letting people know of my plans and always trying to learn and grow from the feedback of the citizens.

In Conclusion I believe the citizens of Firestone require someone in congress willing to voice their needs and desires, someone willing to fight for the betterment of the people no matter the circumstances that come with it and finally someone whom can show humility, admitting when they’ve done wrong and being able to accept and learn from the criticism of his peers and that person is Me.

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whats house

can you help me cop

Full support.

I truly believe everyone deserves a second chance; I’m looking forward to working with you in the future.

Good luck!

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Thank You!

Bump #1


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Thank you, I appreciate it!

As an Ex-Terrorist/Criminal, and a Current HoR, I support.

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I support, I believe that you’ll be a great House of Representative of the State of Firestone.

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Most definitely support this statement, I feel assured the future of Firestone will change with the effort of your help. Fantastic conclusion with great use of language, I believe every word and hopefully others will too soon. Goodluck!

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Signed, Shadow_Pentatonix.

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Firestone Citizen

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Support, this man has given huge responsibilities in other situations and has come fourth with great results!

Bump #2

No bumps allowed.

anyway, support

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Bump #3