Healthcare Reformation Act (R)

Healthcare Reformation Act (R)


Chapter 1: Departmental Operations

Section 1. The Firestone Department of Health shall be established as a department under the Executive Branch. The Firestone Department of Health (DOH, FDOH) shall be defined as: Firestone Department of Health - Roblox

Section 2: The Firestone Department of Health shall be led by a Secretary. The Secretary shall be a Cabinet position. The Secretary shall appoint a Deputy Secretary, which shall be a Sub-Cabinet position.

Section 3: The Firestone Department of Health shall be responsible for regulating medical practice. They shall be responsible for all medical certifications and medical infrastructure. The Firestone Department of Health shall also be responsible for the operation of the Stapleton County Medical Center.

Section 4: The Secretary of Health shall have the ability to manage the Department of Health without input of the supervisory board. The Secretary shall be able to operate all aspects of the DOH except for the duties of the supervisory board.

Section 5: The Firestone Department of Health shall be authorized to have a security team in order to provide protection to all patients and staff as well as the location of the Stapleton County Medical Center.

Chapter 2: Supervisory board

Section 1: The Supervisory board shall be established to create, and enforce medical policy for providers to follow. All individuals, departments, and businesses that practice medicine must comply with the regulations set by the Supervisory Board.

Section 2: The Supervisory board shall be comprised of the following individuals:

  1. The Secretary of the Firestone Department of Health
  2. The Deputy Secretary of the Firestone Department of Health
  3. The Chief of Staff of the Firestone Department of Health
  4. One member of the Firestone Department of Health, appointed by the Secretary of the Firestone Department of Health
  5. The Director of the Firestone Fire Academy
  6. One Deputy Director of the Firestone Fire Academy
  7. One member of the Firestone Fire Academy, appointed by the Director of the Firestone Fire Academy
  8. The Stapleton County Fire Department Fire Chief
  9. The Stapleton County Fire Department Deputy Chief
  10. One member of the Stapleton County Fire Department, appointed by the Stapleton County Fire Department Fire Chief
  11. One member of the Firestone National Guard who is a member of the 9th Medical Platoon, appointed by the Firestone National Guard Major General

Section 3: The Secretary of Health, Fire Chief, Major General, and Director of the Firestone Fire Academy shall not be required to appoint an individual to the supervisory board. They may appoint an individual at such a time that the position they are authorized to fill is vacant.

Section 4: The Supervisory board shall be able to pass all items in this section via a simple majority (½ of voting members) vote:

  1. Creation of medical policy
  2. Nullification of medical policy
  3. Opening an investigation into a provider or business for violation of FDOH policy
  4. Unblacklisting a provider to obtain a medical license
  5. Written reprimand of medical provider
  6. Order re-training of a medical provider with or without indefinite license suspension

Section 5: The Supervisory board shall be able to pass all items in this section via a supermajority (2/3 of voting members) vote:

  1. Revocation of a medical certification
  2. Suspension of a medical certification for no more than 30 days
  3. Blacklist a provider from obtaining a medical certification

Section 6: No member of the supervisory board shall hold more than one seat on the board.

Section 7: Should a seat of the board not be able to be filled due to Section 6 of this act, or a vacancy in the office, Members of the board shall nominate certified providers to the Secretary of Health. The Secretary of Health shall preside over a vote to confirm nominated providers to the board. This must pass via a supermajority vote.

Section 8: Any member voted onto the Supervisory board pursuant to Section 7 shall be immediately removed from the board should the seat they hold become able to be filled.

Section 9: Should a member of the supervisory board appointed by the Secretary of Health, Fire Chief, Firestone Fire Academy Director, or Major General need to be removed from the board, it must pass a supermajority vote of the board. The board member subject to the removal vote may not vote on this action nor account for the number of voting members.

Section 10: All votes conducted by the supervisory board shall be made public by the Health Secretary, Health Deputy Secretary, or Health Chief of Staff within 24 hours following them being passed or failed by the board. This section shall not apply if the information in the vote is classified, represents a threat to state security and/or a threat to the safety of the board members voting at the determination of the Governor of the State of Firestone.

Section 11: Either the Secretary of Health, Deputy Secretary of Health, or the Department of Health Chief of Staff of the Firestone Department of Health must preside over all supervisory board actions.

Section 12: The Supervisory board shall have the ability to oversee the medical affairs of any business, academy, or department.

Section 13: The Supervisory board shall have the ability to conduct audits on departments medical affairs at the request of the governor.

Section 14: The Supervisory board shall be required to maintain a public record of all providers that are licensed to practice medicine.

Section 15: Providers may have more than one punishment issued by the supervisory board during and/or in a result of an investigation by the supervisory board.

Section 16: The Supervisory board may also have a Legal Advisor appointed by the Secretary of Health. The Legal Advisor shall not have any voting power on the board and may only advise the legality of the topic at hand.

Chapter 3: Department administrative powers

Section 1: The Secretary, Deputy Secretary and Chief of Staff of the Firestone Department of Health, Director and Deputy Director of the Firestone Fire Academy may revoke any providers medical certification should any of the following happen:

  1. The provider has gone rogue as defined by either Firestone moderators or departmental guidelines.
  2. The provider has been permanently banned from Firestone
  3. The provider has been convicted of or arrested for a Felony in the Firestone Criminal Code
  4. The provider has been convicted of or arrested for a medical-related crime

Section 2: The Secretary, Deputy Secretary, or Chief of Staff of the Firestone Department of Health may suspend any medical certification for a maximum of 1 week (7 days) for any major infraction as defined by FDOH policy.

Section 3: The Director and Deputy Director of the Firestone Fire Academy may suspend any medical certification issued by the Firestone Fire Academy for a maximum of 1 week (7 days) for any major infraction as defined by FDOH policy.

Section 4: The Secretary, Deputy Secretary, or Chief of Staff of the Firestone Department of Health shall be able to issue a written reprimand to a medical provider without a supervisory board vote.

Section 5: The Director and Deputy Director of the Firestone Fire Academy shall be able to issue a written reprimand to a medical provider licensed by the Firestone Fire Academy without a supervisory board vote.

Section 6: The Secretary, Deputy Secretary or Chief of Staff of the Firestone Department of Health, Director or Deputy Director of the Firestone Fire Academy may issue re-training of a certification without certification suspension. This action shall only be issued if actions of the provider were due to lack of training or the lack of understanding the curriculum as taught as determined by the issuing party.

Chapter 4: Disciplinary hearings

Section 1: All providers shall be allowed to appear in front of the supervisory board for a hearing prior to disciplinary action being issued. This section will be exempt if the supervisory board is unable to contact the provider in question and has made reasonable attempts to do so, or if the provider has left Firestone, or been banned from Firestone.

Section 2: The Supervisory board shall be authorized to set up an administrative court of inquiry to hear disciplinary matters arising from violations of the guidelines established by the board. All persons so authorized by this board may be compelled to attend disciplinary hearings, upon a reasonable belief that a guideline was violated. The board of inquiry shall hear the complaint, allow the individual filing the complaint (if there is one and if they wish to) to speak, the individual with the complaint against them to speak, examine all evidence, and then make a ruling. The board shall vote on the outcome of disciplinary hearings (as well as initiate them generally) by the procedures enacted by the Supervisory board. If a supermajority is not reached to find the authorized person liable for the violation, then said authorized person is to be found not liable.

Section 3: No person may be forced to reveal to the Firestone Medical Board any material or items that are classified.

Section 4: The Secretary of Health shall serve as the head of any administrative court of inquiry formed.

Section 5: If an administrative court of inquiry is established against the Secretary of Health, the governor shall serve as the head of the administrative court of inquiry.

Chapter 5: Good Samaritan Act

Section 1: Any person who is not authorized pursuant to this act to provide any form of “medical or healing art” and who is present at an emergency or accident scene and who:

a. Believes that the life, health, and safety of an injured person or a person who is under imminent threat of danger could be aided by first aid level medical services as defined by the Department of Health; and

b. Proceeds to lend emergency assistance or service in a manner calculated in good faith to lessen or remove the immediate threat to the life, health, or safety of such a person,

shall not be held liable, or arrested, in any action, claim, or proceeding, in this state for any act or omission resulting from the rendering services of the first aid level as defined by the Department of Health unless the act or omission was not in good faith and was the result of gross negligence or willful misconduct.

Chapter 6: Crimes

Section 1: §14 shall be added to Chapter 2 of the Firestone Criminal Code. This clause shall be known as “Medical Malpractice” and shall state:

“(a) The act of medical malpractice shall be recognized as an unlawful criminal offense within the State of Firestone.

(b) Medical malpractice shall be the act of a person harming another person as a result of grossly, or willfully, negligent conduct while performing a medical or healing art.”

Section 1A: This clause shall be regarded as a Class B Misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of 100 in-game dollars or an arrest of 200 seconds in jail.

Section 2: §10 shall be added to Chapter 1 of the Firestone Criminal Code. This clause shall be known as “Unlawful Practice of Medical or Healing Art’'. This clause shall state:

“(a) The act of Unlawful Practice of Medical or Healing Art shall be recognized as an unlawful criminal offense within the State of Firestone.

(b) The act of Unlawful Practice of Medical or Healing Art shall be the act of undertaking an action or procedure for which they lawfully require, and do not possess, the authorization of the Firestone Medical Board to undertake.

(b1) A person shall be exempt to this section if they meet any of the requirements defined by the Medical Supervisory board.”

Section 2A: This clause shall be regarded as a Class C Felony and shall be subject to a fine of 500 in-game dollars or an arrest of 600 seconds in jail.

Chapter 7: Nullifications

Section 1: The following acts shall be declared null and void:

  1. Trello
  2. An Amendment to Fix the Revised Health Act
  3. A Bill to Protect the Department of Health
  4. Good Samaritan Law Act

Chapter 8: Enactment

Section 1: This legislation shall be brought into law, given that it follows the procedures to do so, as outlined by the Constitution

Section 2: Should any part of this legislation be struck down and/or declared unenforceable, then that part shall be severed with the rest remaining in full force and effect unless all is struck down and/or declared unenforceable.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor:

Speaker of the House CoolPilotCaio1, Esq.

Secretary of Health cirt31


Governor FIoatmanjason

Fire Academy Director CaptainCrosslay

Fire Academy Deputy Director lemoniify


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