Give us LEOs a little more advantage like a bill or law to protect us from certain things

No, you didn’t offend me. I value that feedback. As a former Trooper in Firestone State Patrol for 8 months, I completely understand where you’re coming from. I’ve never had a problem with the baton and spike strips. The taser was broken in my early days as a Trooper.
I completely understand the frustration where criminals use the nighttime to their advantage. I take it with a grain of salt, set a BOLO, and proceed on with my patrol.
Now, it does make for a pretty fun patrol. Without the crazy acts of some of the criminals, the job of a Law Enforcement Officer would be useless.
All in all, the job of a Law Enforcement Officer is surely harder than being a criminal, especially with your every move being watched. It does make it for less valuable time, but it’s what you and I have signed up for. We knew what we were getting ourselves into when we joined.
Feel free to reply if you wish to converse over this or you can always DM me.


I have never seen a truly doctored article be used to fuck over LEOs. I’ve seen people cut gaps out to benefit them, lol, but that flopped pretty hard and dude got memed on. I’ve never seen like advanced editing techniques. Furthermore, as far as I know clearly edited/doctored footage isn’t admissible in court (@Skye_Jones pls verify).

Next, what do you want us to do here? I’m not giving y’all some form of qualified immunity because that’s gonna be hilariously abused. If the GRP does allow or is vague on edited footage I can fix that, I guess. But it’s not like I can make a law saying “all video of LEO b bad must be x period long!”


Lock CUXLE away and throw away the key


I can assure you every member of the court takes the highest amount of care when considering the facts and evidence before ruling on a case.


ill lock myself in a room with u xoxoxoxo


I was making a point, I could care less that you trash talk me but think about it, imagine redwhiteandpew was an instructor and the same thing happened. Also, think about how not many people like him.


That is facts, even think about when two LEOs join the staff team in POST or TD. Suppose they both got in trouble for separate reasons having one having a rampage of disrespecting people (everyone uses me so why not make that me) who would get terminated or fired on the spot and another who later gets charged BY THE COURTS, 2ND degree murder gets to resign peacefully a week after the sentence was given. Yes, we have our advantages, but not as advanced as criminals since 90% of them were part of LEAs.


You’re right, but if a change was made, it would be small like what I do is ask for proof if someone reports it to me as it would protect the LEO and if he/she doesn’t do so and jumps to the scenario, it could cost them their job. It could be as small as that which is why the title is “a little more advantage”, but it is your call.


Another thing, criminals can also kill us when we least expect it when we do a scene like for me supervisor requests and all that so another thing to look out on.


btw half of your tools are not “useless” because like batons are useful, tasers are useful, and so are spike strips. baton is self explanatory, taser you say they’re useless because you have bad aim, and for spike strips, maybe you place them on the wrong spot


Whoever you are, you probably have never even used the tools yourself.

The tasers themselves work around 70% of the time, but it’s pretty ineffective if the person is just running in vehicles, crowds, water, etc.

The baton works like 40% of the time because the hit box completely sucks, which causes people to baton someone in their car, fail, and have the driver take off.

Spike strips are off and on, working 70% of the time as well. They need to be well planned, but can be easily avoided. They also cannot be placed over curbs and if you place them down less than 10 studs before a car they won’t even register and pop tires.


He’s refering in terms of crime;
We lose our careers for accidentally running someone over.


can confirm this is not true. Although I have NEVER run over anyone, I know MANY officers who have and they patrol the next day idk what you’re talking about. Most civs really dont care if they get hit and a lot of the time it’s a civ who doesn’t even know what DPS is. Fake news!


dawg this is the fucking same in EVERY GODDAMN STATE. go to mano county and become a deputy then, im sure they’ll welcome you with open arms.

You also once again, have ignored my comment.


they work 70% of the time, but you can spam as many cartridges as you’d, no time limit or taser cartridge limit therefore its OP.


Maybe qualified immunity for officers would be the answer to this.


Over my dead body


It should be FRP considering that it wastes the suspect’s time. I know that you are not a LEO, but consider some criminal who was well known for successfully getting LEOs terminated was in cuffs for a crime and while a supervisor is requested and on scene, someone shoots the supervisor and he doesn’t have time to react and would be killed, and the criminal who was well known for getting rid of LEOs send in a report to DPS for “false detainment” because the supervisor was shot and killed and consider it could be across the state or if he was detained at Redwood, he could’ve been waiting for 5 minutes until one is on scene. @Cuxle


It shouldn’t be FRP for killing an supervisor of LEO while on a supervisor request due to the fact that takes realism out of the game, literally you are trying to request a Mano County fucking game rule. I know for a fact that that is a thing because they have it as a rule that “You are not allowed to ambush a scene” and I find that very unrealistic due to the fact in real life, rarely officers get shot up while there on a scene (from my knowledge) but should it be considered FRP? No. There shouldn’t be a game rule some kind of like that. If you want that game rule then go to Mano County, I’m pretty sure that they have that rule there since you want it so badly.


but that isn’t how it works… there are no “detainment times” or anything in that nature… and FSP don’t need to get a supervisor involved unlike SCSO

also it wouldn’t make sense to add a mano county rule into the game, it would just kill off the remaining criminals left in the state lol