I think cops will FRP less if criminals FRP less
What part of it is not true?
Like I’ve stated multiple times before, Firestone relies too much on the principles of a small niche roleplay group with maybe 10-20 people in a game at a time with strict rules and high levels of moderation. It just doesn’t work with how expansive Firestone’s community is.
If you want an example of a good game centered around a simulation of society, take a look at Mayflower (New Haven County). The game is handled and coded for a large community; preset jail times, easy ways to apprehend criminals, animations when people are pulling out weapons, etc… Mayflower is just designed better; there is no such thing as FRP because there is no roleplay in of itself, yet people still enjoy Mayflower.
All I’m saying is, Firestone needs to take a Mayflower like approach; gear for a larger community and eliminate the roleplay aspect (barring medical and rescue situations) for a better operating game in order to ensure maximum enjoyment from both the law enforcement and civilian side.
nope. LEOs and CFLs will FRP no matter the situation. Last time we tried to have a hostage situation, a we removed a CFLs gun from him. We tie him to a chair, HE SEES A OFFICER, RUNS OUT AND MY FRIEND CROWBARS HIM. HE SHOOTS ME AND MY FRIEND (I was just a bystander) and recieved no consequences other then a game kick
That’s awfully cynical of you. There’s plenty of people out there who do like to roleplay situations, but some bad apples ruin it for all. However, there does need to be some cooperation on the LEO/CFL side; LEOs could have advanced roleplay trainings, and the CFL course should include a section about roleplay and when you can actually use your weapon in specific circumstances (i.e not shooting when your gun is taken via RP)
using admin to kill people is supposed to be frp
but they put me in a peach anyways!
no point in complaining about roleplay if v3 is around the corner. the co-founders understand the issues
I mean, I agee with the criminal FRP portion. But, I feel you left out some important information…
V2 LEO’S are getting worse. especially tactical units. Instead of roleplaying, they use their tools to do whatever it takes to take down their suspect. For example, Yesterday, at SCMC, I killed 4 cops, went into SCMC, and decided to hide their for a bit. I then noticed later, SWAT breached. I saw one operative so I opened fire. His health was red, I was SO CLOSE to killing him, but he tased me.wWhere is the roleplay? Sure, the taser worked, but in what world does a SWAT team breach a building with an armed individual with a damn taser, and he was the breach LEADER so uh, yeah…That could have went SO wrong.
Another example is, about 3 days ago, I kidnapped two invidiuals and put them in the back of my pickup truck. DHS FPS started following me, I told him to get back, or I’d kill the hostages. He got out of his car, opened fire on my vehicle, and killed 1 hostage by mistake, she was in the crossfire. What kind of roleplay is this? It’s abusing ur tools once again.
CRT has even used a flash bang on a HRS because they believed I would ‘drive off’ due to my priors. when I had sight again, I was in cuffs. Sure, it worked, but again, where is the roleplay? Officers need to be properly trained on how to properly utilize their tools in a roleplay sense. its annoying, hella annoying.
v3 isnt quite “around the corner” we don’t even have a car dealer, and the railway was just completed.
All of it. LEOs are less prone to FRPing than regular civillians.
Stupid and unsupported statement, same as these. (At least Kyle has some arguments about that)
I already wrote about criminal bias in my cop rant post and here it is in action. Also, I have a feeling none of you three understood my message in this post, I’m sure all of you three voted yes on the poll in the beginning.
Nani? I understood your post 100%, but no leo talks about how many tactical units FRP. Back at you, I don’t think you understood my post whatsoever.
And of course, I voted yes. Your poll is ‘flawed’. You should have a 3rd option ‘Sometimes’, I usually roleplay. But sometimes, I just wanna have fun. So I reckless drive and run people over, even though, that could and has happened in the real world, leos look at that as ‘frp’. Like, when we criminals aren’t buying guns, what do you expect us to do?
As I said, everyone FRPs, it’s just how Firestone works.
Nope, it’s totally correct. You can’t RP “sometimes”, you can only RP or not RP. I know that you mean that you sometimes do stuff like interacting with SCFD probably, but that is rather an exception. As well, if people are roleplaying “sometimes” in a “ROLEPLAY STATE”, then as I said, it’s not a roleplay state anymore.
As I said, this is a Firestone mentality of blaming others for FRP, everyone, who claims to be roleplaying, blames literally everyone else for FRPing, when they don’t roleplay themself, they just pretend to.
That’s another issue of Firestone being boring for everyone when you don’t have guns and shit, that’s also one of the reasons why Firestone can’t be a roleplay state - there is literally nothing to do apart from killing people 24/7.
Not even true. LEOs frequently cuff rush, tase from long distances, and all sorts of other FRP. Civilians are just as guilty.
You seem to like coming to conclusions without any sort of evidence.
You clearly haven’t seen the quality of civilian roleplay, you’re probably just a bust stop sitter. Gross!
LEO FRP is dictated by the fact that if we would to stick to the rules perfectly we would not be able to do our job at all, because none of the criminals give a single fuck about any of these rules which are, as I said, horrible as well, so why should we? As well, compared to civillian and especially criminal RP, LEO RP has higher standards due to the fact that we may risk our employment in some situations if we do not do some things, while criminals and civillians are not limited by anything at all. Most of the criminals only see the FRP side of LEOs, just like most LEOs from SCSO or FSP who just ignore almost all criminals because they are “FRPers and copbaiters”, while some people, like me, just stick to the basic rules and go off that: if criminals are not limited by anything other than basic rules, then I won’t limit myself either, because I want to do my job good and get fun from the game, just like criminals do. For some reason criminals don’t understand, that we are not NPC cops from GTA, we are here playing the game as well.
That is not true. I said that because you are blaming others for FRP, which, as I said, is one of the things why Firestone RP is flawed:
another forum for complaining. this community really knows how to complain. I’m not even surprised at this point. v3 coming up and improvement will be made. shut the hell up.
not to mention, this is roblox and not everything goes your way.
V3 doesn’t solve all the problems, and that’s what I am pointing out. Why would you stay silent when there are clearly problems, that most of the community tries to deny and ignore?
Here’s the problem with that, and not to throw hate at the founder, but people have been asking for that for the longest time yet the founder doesn’t want to really do anything about it so…