Firestone Department of Public Safety Changes

Letting you know this now, none of the reasons people are fired are false as investigation is always put into a case before being fired.

Exactly. You guys are getting too big of heads for your necks… or something like that.

I’m going to say this once and only once.

Fed disapproved, it ain’t happening, move on.

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lmao truth

Well said. We will start enforcing it soon, with or without tech. We just wanted to know some responses first.


obviously the car thing is unnecessary

but us having access to view the radio communications is great

now, fedora has already gave an OK. and said he’s working on it, so :+1:

I wont stick up for dictators

Well I’m sorry but he owns the group and there’s really nothing you can do about that.

As the owner of the group, he tells developers what to do.

Developers are different from government.

Those who support this support DPS becoming the supervisors of all emergency services, isn’t that what a Sergeant is for?


oh, so he only spent his time and money making this group, he only got you to where you are, and he only spends his life and work ethics to ensure you have a job on this virtual game.

he made your group, and made this group. Without him, you would be in shit docklands.

:ok_hand: I can still try :+1:


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Yeah, but DPS fires you on the spot for saying something in a damn discord.

PREACH. I am an SCSO Lieutenant, and I handle things. Fuck I have a P1 Punishment Code we follow.

DPS, you have a bad rep for tearing us down. Why don’t you SHOW US you can protect the public.

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i mean, the policies were posted and we always notify the department whenever they are published, read here for all the policies:

Just so we know, it’s our job so quit the bitching.

Anyways, not here to yell at each other.

My real view on this, is it COULD have some good outcomes from it. Again, I said COULD for a reason.

DPS already has the punishment reputation. They need to show us they have the guts to get their hands dirty and protect the public instead of investigating officers to suspend/terminate them.

I get it, it is protecting the public by getting immature officers off the streets, but what about the ones that made that ONCE mistake?

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Dps needs no car. If they were following us all the time I wouldn’t even want to be here.

Yep thats what we are here for! Follow guidelines or get removed, not hard. Pretty simple

I mean maybe if you officers aren’t retarded the we won’t have to fire you, just a thought.

Our investigators aren’t going to be shit.