Firestone Department of Public Safety Changes

Then let him shut it down

last i checked this needs to be changed by congress as you’re not defined as any of this by congress. according to congress you’re an internal affairs dept

just putting the word out there dont hurt me

sometimes i wonder how DPS is a secondary, while FBI is a primary.

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Of course. But calling “you officers” is kinda offensive to me.

Yes, there are some “retarded” ones amongst us, but at the same time, if there is a hella good deputy who did everything right, then was caught accidentally, lets say, joking around with friends on discord, they would be investigated.

Again, I don’t know THAT MUCH about DPS, for me to sit up here and start talking about investigations, but from my take on it,

Departments know themselves. Sergeants, Lieutenants, etc. know their deputies. “Im gonna do an investigation, then get the Sheriff’s Approval”. The sheriff doesn’t know their deputies personally. But lets say, a Sergeant. They would know.

Whatever, I know you bring in different people to help investigate, but still.

My point being, prove to us, the LEOS you won’t sit there using this “safety” stuff as an excuse to suspend our asses for little things. Im all for punishments for policy breakers, but its the one guy who accidentally fucks up and looses his career.

Prove to us you can actually protect us.

  • Matt

i’d just like to remind everyone that the national guard is not, in fact, under dps.

and dhs

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spicy thread

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I can also confirm that DPS in no way shape or form is welcome inside the prison to “Review policies.”

name three methods to do shit in-game that’ll help you “LEOs”

'cause so far, we’ve had investigations, criminal record checks, multiple first aid courses to certify most deputies/troopers and get them better equipped, policies that both help you, the LEOs, and the public.

plus, to be honest;
its not just us being harsh and mean, this has been requested by a few High ranking members.

Just go with big incidents. All these departments say they’re going to get a team, vehicles, and all that, but it never happens. From my encounters, DPS has been on our asses too much (not attempting to start an argument there so don’t get triggered ffs). I think you should just let the departments handle their own issues as it used to be. DPS Shouldn’t get vehicles honestly. We one, already have enough lag / vehicles in the game as is, and two, there would be several incidents regarding DPS “Safety Officers” and current Law Enforcement Officers, due to the DPS “Safety Officers” being on an Officer watching them, stressing them out as they are trying to handle a situation and get criticized for most of the decisions they make. Normally, Officers go based on judgement of the situation. But DPS has a tendency to go to the books or get suspended / exiled. I feel as if it is a bad idea, but don’t get triggered because I’m just expressing my perspective on the situation, not trying to start an argument.

Also, I’ve encountered SEVERAL people referring to a group of people in an insulting way. I’ve seen an FBI Agent tag all Sergeants, saying that all Troopers are useless, which is completely exaggerated. Try to THINK before you speak, because when you call a group of individuals an offensive name / insult them, you should be referring to individual people, not the entire group.

Sorry that it’s long, thanks for reading the whole thing if you did. @MikeJKennedy

In all honesty, the whole “DPS being at every scene” thing is just ridiculous. The way it should work is if an employee under the DPS umbrella messes up, then someone will report them for not performing their job right - something that DPS doesn’t appear to be moving towards. If we move towards a system of reporting rule-breakers instead of watching over every employee, I think that quite a few officers will be able to sleep easier. But hey, that’s just my opinion.

DPS acts like us LEOs are worthless, untrustable pieces of human garbage (sounds like a description of Flashenal to me).
Anyways, apparently we need DPS in a mall cop car following us, because we will break their beloved regulations. Like somebody applying pressure to a wound that is killing someone! What kind of crime against humanity is that!!! Or even applying a band-aid to a small wound! PSB HIM!

And that brings me to the part about how DPS is sort of making us violate our oath by not letting us protect the citizens of Firestone by treating their minor injuries.

Anyways, hop out of investigating. You all suck at it. You conduct 1 sided investigations, and believe all that the witness or one side of the story says. Evidence is a thing that DPS does not believe in.

Conclusion: Do please stop with this investigation up in your neck bullshit and go back to investigating HIGH LEVEL crimes committed by Public Safety child-departments.


there is a report system we have, it’s called request an investigation, can be found at this game.

Hi, DoJ here. High level crimes, i.e. murder, are supposed to be investigated by us/FBI (our child department). If you see anything of this magnitude, please report it to us. DPS does not have the authority to file criminal charges, while we do. Thanks.

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I mean irl majority of cities don’t even have a DPS soooooo…

honestly, just get rid of the department, and found the office of emergency management which almost everywhere in the US has

this is one hell of a hot topic

I don’t know about the car and Radio but I do agree that Departments should get their IA back like DHS so we can be able to dicipline our own members for non major infractions.

considering you’ve had a PS termination before, i can see your point of view and anti-dps

DPS does not need vehicles.

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