Firestone Department of Public Safety Changes

Changes with the Firestone Department of Public Safety

January 11th, 2018,

The Firestone Department of Public Safety is changing once again. Our administrative staff has realized that the public’s safety should be our number one priority. With that said, here is what are our plans.
Give Departments their Internal Affairs back. With this, Department Internal Affairs would be responsible for small-medium things. For example, a Public Safety Directive being broken or someone not following department policy. Bigger things such as, laws being broken or standards not being followed will still be forwarded to the Department of Public Safety. Also the Firestone Department of Public Safety would like to add Public Safety Officers

Public Safety Officers will be there in any time of need. They will be certified medically and certified by the Peace Officer Standards and Training. For example, there is an officer down. Public Safety Officers would act as either crowd control OR if there is not any medical online they would assist in helping the officer down. If for say there is a MVA, a Public Safety Officer would go on scene and make sure the proper procedure is done to keep the patient safe. Another example of what a Public Safety Officer is responsible for is during a State of Emergency. They along with the Firestone National Guard would set up a “safe-zone” where people could go and feel as safe as possible. They will also be responsible for informing the public in anyway necessary to keep safe.

In the administrations eyes, Public Safety Officers would be there from anything to a Car Accident to a Prison Break making sure policies are followed. Additionally, they would work with the Firestone National Guard to create “safe-zones” and make sure the public is 100% aware of the situation at hand. Everything will be set up 100% and the Governor will oversee everything we do.

Unfortunately, there is one thing that we do not have, technology. The Firestone Department of Public Safety currently has nothing in Stapleton County V2. FedoraMasterB98 has said repeatedly that he will not give us anything. We only ask for a couple of things.

  • Access to the radio
  • Chevy Tahoe with amber lights

With the Public’s help we can show FedoraMasterB98 that it is up to the people and that dictators are not welcome here in our amazing State of Firestone. If you support this idea of Public Safety Officers and the Department of Public Safety leaving investigations please support down below!

~ Department of Public Safety Administration

I like the Idea of a supervisor car, and I guess having radio is good. I also think the supervisor car should only be used when NEEDED
Other than that I like the idea.


Dps needs no car. Only radio and maybe cameras

Much more jobs for DPS, definitely support.

there’s already FSP, SCSO, DHS, DOC, and MP.
you don’t need another one. don’t expect this to become a reality while fed is owner.

Let dps dispatch!

good idea in theory; but fed is boss- he created FS so he should know how to handle things

too many LEO groups, would be a pain in the ass for lag related stuff; like we’re already at a full server will current LEOs… am not sure

no . . . . .

another excuse to run red lights as seen before with dot with these “amber” lights zero need for a car


DPS Investigator
there goes my job, amirite?


Yes, DPS needs a car and stuff!


I think DPS should get a radio ONLY to monitor the radio, you guys shouldn’t be communicating it on much.

Next, I think a car is unnecessary, as you can do the same thing in a civilian car. With a DPS car, you got no sirens, can’t speed through intersections, etc.


finally someone with less autism

Not a bad idea but honestly you don’t need a car, and who are you protecting by monitoring radio traffic? What will you gain out of it? Some more pointless investigations?

Yes, I do think they should get a radio. A car would be pointless, if you wanted to see if a LEO was following policy, why not do drive alongs?


Officers don’t need people in uniform following them around and breathing down their neck every second telling them what to do and what not to do on every scene, not realistic, and DPS doesn’t need to become a LEO Supervisory department. 100% BS, but just like FBI, DPS will have access to only view the radio chat within their department building in the county. No car, no team needed.


Give us an actual radio comms center then

With you want investigations they are a supervisory department. They aren’t becoming LEO’s. They aren’t breathing down their necks. I dont know if you read or not fed, honestly. Stop being a dictator.