Firestone Crime And Other Purposes Act of 2019

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9th Congress

1st Session

H. R. 0001

To Re-Establish The Firestone Bureau of Investigation And Recognize Various Crimes


January 25, 2019

Mr. Ak_lixio and DevMartavis introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Judicial Review Committee


To To Re-Establish The Firestone Bureau of Investigation And Recognize Various Crimes

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Firestone in Congress Assembled,


  1. Short Title — This Act may be cited as the “Firestone Crime And Other Purposes Act of 2019”.
  2. References in Act — Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, wherever an amendment or repeal is expressed in terms of an amendment to or repeal of a section or other provision, the reference shall be considered to be made to that section.
  3. Effective Date — This Act shall be enacted as soon as its passage from both chambers of Congress.


It is in the sense of Congress that—

  1. Instances of corruption are untouched.
  2. A rise in major crimes has been seen throughout the State.
  3. There is a lack of a pre-existent investigative agency that leads to the prosecution of criminals.
  4. There is no pre-existing enacted legislation to punish members of criminal associations.


  1. The Firestone Bureau of Investigation shall be defined by Firestone Bureau of Investigation - Roblox and may be referenced as the FBI within this Act.

  2. The Firestone Bureau of Investigation was originally established; An Act to Establish the Firestone Bureau of Investigation and then abolished; A Bill to Dissolve The Firestone Bureau of Investigation

  3. Terror shall be defined as §1A of “A Bill to Punish Terror”

  4. Coups shall be defined as §2A of “Ceasing Coups Act”

  5. Conspiracy shall be defined as §2N of “A Bill to Recognize More Crimes”


  1. The Firestone Bureau of Investigation shall be re-established; and shall be tasked primarily with the investigation of corruption of government officials, scrutinization of major crimes within the State, including threats that would compromise intelligence, supporting law enforcement with beneficial information, all while safeguarding the State by communicating with other government entities in the matter of intelligence.

  2. The Firestone Bureau of Investigation shall be managed by a Director. The Director of the Firestone Bureau of Investigation must:

  3. Be nominated by the Governor and pass a confirmation by a simple-majority.

  4. Be subject to removal of the position at the will of the Governor or by means of impeachment from Congress.

  5. In time where there is no incumbent Director of the Firestone Bureau of Investigation, the Governor may designate an Acting Director. The Acting Director of the Firestone Bureau of Investigation shall:

  6. Assume all authority over the Firestone Bureau of Investigation

  7. Serve until a Director of the Firestone Bureau of Investigations is confirmed by the Senate.

  8. The Firestone Bureau of Investigation shall operate under the Executive Branch; as said, the Director of the Firestone Bureau of Investigation has the ability to set forth policy and regulation, as long as it is constitutional, for the department to follow, and report to the Executive Office of the Governor.


  1. The Firestone Bureau of Investigation shall have the authority to:

  2. Conduct reasonable surveillance, as permissible by law, if suspected or confirmed that the person under surveillance has committed a serious crime, or has posed a threat against the national security of the State.

  3. Open investigations to the fullest extent permissible by law, of the following:

1. An official or person of importance; if there is reasonable grounds to suspect or confirm that the person(s) have commited a crime that would be deemed corrupt, as bribery, involvement in illicit activities, or anything else that is illegally defined, with approval from the Director.
2. A threat; to the security of the State of Firestone; if there is reasonable grounds to confirm or suspect these said prominent events, scandals, or attacks of national security, with approval from the Director.
  1. Provide information to Law Enforcement Agencies in order to apprehend said criminals.
  2. Should it be necessary, under special circumstances, investigations may be conducted on foreign territory with discretion of the Governor and the Department of State.


  1. Every other position but the Director’s rank within the Firestone Bureau of Investigation are to be deemed “secondary”. The Director shall be deemed as “primary”.

  2. All employees must:

  3. Be vetted, and be found free of criminal offenses.

  4. Be highly trained to properly and efficiently execute their duties.

  5. Sign a contract that they with uphold their duties, and ensure they will not leak classified information.

  6. Members of Congress may not hold a position within the Firestone Bureau of Investigations.

1. Should the contract be broken, they shall be prosecuted accordingly.


  1. The Governor shall be able to:

  2. Call for any investigation, surveillance, or other operation to be conducted by the Firestone Bureau of Investigation, if deemed by the said individuals.

  3. Call for a “redo” on any operation conducted by the Firestone Bureau of Investigation, if they deem it was not conducted properly.

  4. The Director of the Firestone Bureau of Investigation shall create any further policies and regulations, that he deems necessary for the Bureau to be at order.


  1. Joint investigations between the Firestone Bureau of Investigations and the Intelligence Office may occur if both the Director and Chief of the Firestone Bureau of Investigations and the Intelligence Office come to an agreement.
  2. Joint Investigations may be declassified with an agreement between the Director and the Chief of the respected investigative agencies listed in Section 11 (a).
  3. Joint Investigations may be visible to the Attorney General and the Governor of Firestone by request.

SECTION 9. AMENDMENT TO “A Bill to Properly Establish the Congressional Government Oversight Committee”

  1. A Bill to Properly Establish the Congressional Government Oversight Committee shall be defined as: A Bill to Properly Establish the Congressional Government Oversight Committee
  2. Section 1 of “A Bill to Properly Establish the Congressional Government Oversight Committee” shall be amended. Section 1 currently states that “The Congressional Government Oversight Committee shall be created to properly investigate all branches of government and the heads of departments, to ensure of no criminal activity, corruption, wrongdoing, etc, using the powers vested in this bill.”
  3. Section 1 of “A Bill to Properly Establish the Congressional Government Oversight Committee” shall now state “The Congressional Government Oversight Committee shall be created to keep an eye on the Firestone Bureau of Investigations and receive weekly reports and/or updates on the Firestone Bureau of Investigations. The Congressional Government Oversight Committee shall no longer have the power to investigate outside of the Legislative Branch. The Congressional Government Oversight Committee shall have the power to only investigate inside of the Legislative Branch.”


  1. A gang shall be defined as: “An organized group of people with premeditation and malice to commit crimes.” Anyone who is found to be associating, by committing crimes with the group, with people of premeditation and malice to commit crimes shall be tried in the Court of Law for having an Affiliation With a Gang.
  2. If found guilty in the Court of Law for having an affiliation to a gang, they are to be sentenced at the discretion of the judge and must be removed from any and all positions they are currently in.
  3. Affiliation With a Gang shall be a felony offense.
  4. A Gang watchlist should be maintained by the Department of Homeland Security: Intelligence Office to inform the public of these dangerous conspirators.


  1. A terrorist organization shall be defined as “An organized group of people with premeditation and malice to commit Terror, and have either staged or conspired a coup against the Firestone Government.” Anyone who is found to be associating, by performing the acts of terror with the group, with the aforementioned definition of a terrorist organization shall be tried in the Court of Law for having an Affiliation With a Terrorist Organization.
  2. If found guilty in the Court of Law for having an affiliation to a terrorist organization, they are to be sentenced at the discretion of the judge and must be removed from any and all positions they are currently in.
  3. Affiliation With a Terrorist Organization shall be a felony offense.
  4. A Terrorist Organization watch list should be maintained by the Department of Homeland Security: Intelligence Office to inform the public of these dangerous conspirators.


  1. Sections 4, 5, 6, and 7 shall be overseen by the Office of the Governor and the Department of Justice, while being enforced by the Firestone Bureau of Investigation.
  2. Sections 8 shall be overseen and enforced by the Firestone Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security: Intelligence Office
  3. Section 9 shall be overseen by the Office of the Governor and enforced by the Chairman of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House.
  4. Sections 10 and 11 shall be overseen by the Office of the Governor and enforced by Law Enforcement Agencies and the Courts.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,


Representative Ak_lixio ( R )
Representative DevMartavis ( R )



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